Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00002 #include "CondFormats/SiStripObjects/interface/SiStripPerformanceSummary.h"
00004 //---- default constructor / destructor
00005 SiStripPerformanceSummary::SiStripPerformanceSummary(): runNr_(0), timeValue_(0){}
00006 SiStripPerformanceSummary::~SiStripPerformanceSummary(){ edm::LogInfo("Destructor")<<" SiStripPerformanceSummary destructor called."; }
00008 //---- copy constructor
00009 SiStripPerformanceSummary::SiStripPerformanceSummary(const SiStripPerformanceSummary& rhs){
00010   runNr_ = rhs.getRunNr();
00011   timeValue_ = rhs.getTimeValue();
00012   vDetSummary_ = rhs.getWholeSummary();
00013 }
00015 //---- set all summary values for one detid
00016 std::pair<bool, std::vector<SiStripPerformanceSummary::DetSummary>::iterator> SiStripPerformanceSummary::setDet(const uint32_t input_detid, const std::vector<float>& input_values){
00017   std::vector<DetSummary>::iterator ivDet = vDetSummary_.end();
00018   // return false and end() if input vector not appropriate
00019   if(input_values.size() != kDetSummarySize) {
00020    edm::LogError("FillError")<<"wrong input size "<<input_values.size()<<". Can only add "<<kDetSummarySize<<" values. Not adding to SiStripPerformanceSummary";
00021     return std::make_pair(false, ivDet);
00022   }
00023   // return false and the old iterator if detid already exists
00024   ivDet = std::lower_bound(vDetSummary_.begin(),vDetSummary_.end(),input_detid,SiStripPerformanceSummary::StrictWeakOrdering());
00025   if (ivDet!=vDetSummary_.end() && ivDet->detId==input_detid){
00026     return std::make_pair(false, ivDet); // Already exists, not adding
00027   }
00028   // create detector summary for the input_detid, return true and the new iterator
00029   DetSummary detSummary;
00030   detSummary.detId=input_detid;
00031   detSummary.performanceValues = input_values;
00032   // put at the position-1 returned by the StrictWeakOrdering
00033   return std::make_pair(true, vDetSummary_.insert(ivDet, detSummary));
00034 }
00036 //---- initialize summary values of one detid to default nonsense
00037 std::pair<bool, std::vector<SiStripPerformanceSummary::DetSummary>::iterator> SiStripPerformanceSummary::initDet(const uint32_t input_detid){ // initialize with defaults
00038   std::vector<float> input_values; for(int i = 0; i<kDetSummarySize; ++i) input_values.push_back(kNonsenseValue);
00039   return  setDet(input_detid, input_values);
00040 }
00042 //---- set two summary values of one detid
00043 bool SiStripPerformanceSummary::setTwoValues(uint32_t input_detid, float val1, float val2, int index1, int index2){
00044   if(index1>kDetSummarySize || index2>kDetSummarySize){
00045    edm::LogError("SetError")<<" Could not set values for such indeces index1="<<index1<<" index2="<<index2<<" Maximum index is "<<kDetSummarySize;
00046    return false;
00047   }
00048   std::pair<bool, std::vector<DetSummary>::iterator> init_result = initDet(input_detid);
00049   if (init_result.first == true || init_result.second != vDetSummary_.end() ){ // new entry was created or existed before
00050     init_result.second->performanceValues[index1] = val1;
00051     init_result.second->performanceValues[index2] = val2;
00052     return true;
00053   }else{
00054     edm::LogError("SetError")<<" Could not set values, new entry could not be created for detid="<<input_detid;
00055     return false;
00056   }
00057   return true;
00058 }
00060 //---- set one summary value of one detid
00061 bool SiStripPerformanceSummary::setOneValue(uint32_t input_detid, float val1, int index1){
00062   if(index1>kDetSummarySize){
00063    edm::LogError("SetError")<<" Could not set values for such index index1="<<index1<<" Maximum index is "<<kDetSummarySize;
00064    return false;
00065   }
00066   std::pair<bool, std::vector<DetSummary>::iterator> init_result = initDet(input_detid);
00067   if (init_result.first == true || init_result.second != vDetSummary_.end() ){ // new entry was created or existed before
00068     init_result.second->performanceValues[index1] = val1;
00069     return true;
00070   }else{
00071     edm::LogError("SetError")<<" Could not set values, new entry could not be created for detid="<<input_detid;
00072     return false;
00073   }
00074   return true;
00075 }
00077 //---- get one summary value of one detid
00078 float SiStripPerformanceSummary::getOneValue(uint32_t input_detid, int index1){
00079   if(index1>kDetSummarySize){
00080     edm::LogError("GetError")<<" Could not get values for such index index1="<<index1<<" Maximum index is "<<kDetSummarySize;
00081     return kNonsenseValue;
00082   }
00083   std::vector<float> voutput; voutput.clear();
00084   getSummary(input_detid, voutput);
00085   if(voutput.size()==kDetSummarySize){
00086      return voutput[index1];
00087   }else{
00088     return kNonsenseValue;
00089   }
00090 }
00092 //---- add to input vector DetIds that have performance summary
00093 void SiStripPerformanceSummary::getDetIds(std::vector<uint32_t>& vdetids) const {
00094   std::vector<DetSummary>::const_iterator begin = vDetSummary_.begin();
00095   std::vector<DetSummary>::const_iterator end   = vDetSummary_.end();
00096   for (std::vector<DetSummary>::const_iterator perf=begin; perf != end; ++perf) {
00097     vdetids.push_back(perf->detId);
00098   }
00099 }
00101 //---- print number of summaries
00102 void SiStripPerformanceSummary::print() const{
00103   edm::LogInfo("print")<<"Nr. of elements in SiStripPerformanceSummary object is "<<  vDetSummary_.size()<<" RunNr="<<runNr_<<" timeValue="<<timeValue_<<std::endl;
00104 }
00106 //---- print all summary corresponding to one Detid
00107 void SiStripPerformanceSummary::print(const uint32_t input_detid) const{
00108   DetSummary dummy; dummy.detId = input_detid;
00109   std::vector<DetSummary>::const_iterator ivDet = std::find_if(vDetSummary_.begin(),vDetSummary_.end(), MatchDetSummaryDetId(input_detid));
00110   if( ivDet==vDetSummary_.end() ){
00111     edm::LogError("print")<<"Cannot find any DetSummary for DetId="<<input_detid;
00112   }else{
00113     edm::LogInfo("print")<<"Input detid="<<input_detid<<"  DetSummary for DetId="<<ivDet->detId;
00114     print(ivDet->performanceValues);
00115   }
00116 }
00118 //---- return summary corresponding to one Detid
00119 void SiStripPerformanceSummary::getSummary(const uint32_t input_detid, std::vector<float>& voutput) const{
00120   DetSummary dummy; dummy.detId = input_detid;
00121   std::vector<DetSummary>::const_iterator ivDet = std::find_if(vDetSummary_.begin(),vDetSummary_.end(), MatchDetSummaryDetId(input_detid));
00122   if( ivDet==vDetSummary_.end() ){
00123     edm::LogError("get")<<"Cannot find any DetSummary for DetId="<<input_detid;
00124   }else{
00125     voutput = ivDet->performanceValues;
00126   }
00127 }
00129 //---- print all summaries
00130 void SiStripPerformanceSummary::printall() const{
00131   print();
00132   std::vector<DetSummary>::const_iterator begin = vDetSummary_.begin();
00133   std::vector<DetSummary>::const_iterator end   = vDetSummary_.end();
00134   for (std::vector<DetSummary>::const_iterator perf=begin; perf != end; ++perf) {
00135     std::cout<<" detid = "<<perf->detId;
00136     print(perf->performanceValues);
00137   }
00138 }
00140 //---- print a vector of floats
00141 void SiStripPerformanceSummary::print(const std::vector<float>& pvec) const{
00142  for(std::vector<float>::const_iterator ip = pvec.begin(); ip != pvec.end(); ++ip) std::cout<<" "<<*ip;
00143  std::cout<<std::endl;
00144 }

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