Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using isolated muon tracks
00002 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00004 import HLTrigger.HLTfilters.hltHighLevel_cfi
00005 ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedHLT = HLTrigger.HLTfilters.hltHighLevel_cfi.hltHighLevel.clone(
00006     andOr = True, ## choose logical OR between Triggerbits
00007     # NOTE: this has to hold for all triggertables, so in order for this to not crash all bits of all triggertables 
00008     #         have to be in all triggertables but switched off via prescale.
00009     #for L = 10e30:  HLT_Mu3 , HLT_Mu5
00010     #for L = 10e31:  unknown
00011     #for L = 10e32:  HLT_IsoMu11 , HLT_Mu15_L1Mu7
00012     HLTPaths = ['HLT_Mu3', 'HLT_Mu5', 'HLT_IsoMu11', 'HLT_Mu15'],
00013     throw = False # tolerate triggers stated above, but not available
00014     )
00016 import Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi
00017 aLCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated = Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi.alignmentTrackSelector.clone(
00018     filter = True, ##do not store empty events
00019     applyBasicCuts = True,
00020     ptMin = 2.0, ##GeV 
00021     etaMin = -3.5,
00022     etaMax = 3.5,
00023     nHitMin = 0
00024     )
00025 # These unfortunately cannot be put into the clone(..): 
00026 aLCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated.GlobalSelector.applyIsolationtest = True
00027 aLCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated.GlobalSelector.minJetDeltaR = 0.1
00028 aLCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated.GlobalSelector.applyGlobalMuonFilter = True
00029 aLCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated.TwoBodyDecaySelector.applyMassrangeFilter = False
00030 aLCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated.TwoBodyDecaySelector.applyChargeFilter = False
00031 aLCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated.TwoBodyDecaySelector.applyAcoplanarityFilter = False
00033 seqALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedHLT+aLCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated)

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:24:01 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4