00001 #include "CondFormats/SiStripObjects/interface/FedChannelConnection.h"
00002 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripFedKey.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00004 #include <iomanip>
00005 #include <string>
00007 using namespace sistrip;
00011 FedChannelConnection::FedChannelConnection( const uint16_t& fec_crate,
00012 const uint16_t& fec_slot,
00013 const uint16_t& fec_ring,
00014 const uint16_t& ccu_addr,
00015 const uint16_t& ccu_chan,
00016 const uint16_t& apv0,
00017 const uint16_t& apv1,
00018 const uint32_t& dcu_id,
00019 const uint32_t& det_id,
00020 const uint16_t& pairs ,
00021 const uint16_t& fed_id,
00022 const uint16_t& fed_ch,
00023 const uint16_t& length,
00024 const bool& dcu,
00025 const bool& pll,
00026 const bool& mux,
00027 const bool& lld ) :
00028 fecCrate_(fec_crate),
00029 fecSlot_(fec_slot),
00030 fecRing_(fec_ring),
00031 ccuAddr_(ccu_addr),
00032 ccuChan_(ccu_chan),
00033 apv0_(apv0),
00034 apv1_(apv1),
00035 dcuId_(dcu_id),
00036 detId_(det_id),
00037 nApvPairs_(pairs),
00038 fedCrate_(sistrip::invalid_),
00039 fedSlot_(sistrip::invalid_),
00040 fedId_(fed_id),
00041 fedCh_(fed_ch),
00042 length_(length),
00043 dcu0x00_(dcu),
00044 mux0x43_(mux),
00045 pll0x44_(pll),
00046 lld0x60_(lld)
00047 {;}
00051 FedChannelConnection::FedChannelConnection() :
00052 fecCrate_(sistrip::invalid_),
00053 fecSlot_(sistrip::invalid_),
00054 fecRing_(sistrip::invalid_),
00055 ccuAddr_(sistrip::invalid_),
00056 ccuChan_(sistrip::invalid_),
00057 apv0_(sistrip::invalid_),
00058 apv1_(sistrip::invalid_),
00059 dcuId_(sistrip::invalid32_),
00060 detId_(sistrip::invalid32_),
00061 nApvPairs_(sistrip::invalid_),
00062 fedCrate_(sistrip::invalid_),
00063 fedSlot_(sistrip::invalid_),
00064 fedId_(sistrip::invalid_),
00065 fedCh_(sistrip::invalid_),
00066 length_(sistrip::invalid_),
00067 dcu0x00_(false),
00068 mux0x43_(false),
00069 pll0x44_(false),
00070 lld0x60_(false)
00071 {;}
00075 const uint16_t& FedChannelConnection::i2cAddr( const uint16_t& apv ) const {
00076 if ( apv == 0 ) { return apv0_; }
00077 else if ( apv == 1 ) { return apv1_; }
00078 else {
00079 if ( edm::isDebugEnabled() ) {
00080 edm::LogWarning(mlCabling_)
00081 << "[FedChannelConnection::" << __func__ << "]"
00082 << " Unexpected APV I2C address!" << apv;
00083 }
00084 static const uint16_t i2c_addr = 0;
00085 return i2c_addr;
00086 }
00087 }
00091 uint16_t FedChannelConnection::lldChannel() const {
00092 if ( apv0_ == 32 || apv1_ == 33 ) { return 1; }
00093 else if ( apv0_ == 34 || apv1_ == 35 ) { return 2; }
00094 else if ( apv0_ == 36 || apv1_ == 37 ) { return 3; }
00095 else if ( apv0_ != sistrip::invalid_ ||
00096 apv1_ != sistrip::invalid_ ) {
00097 if ( edm::isDebugEnabled() ) {
00098 edm::LogWarning(mlCabling_)
00099 << "[FedChannelConnection::" << __func__ << "]"
00100 << " Unexpected APV I2C addresses!"
00101 << " Apv0: " << apv0_
00102 << " Apv1: " << apv1_;
00103 }
00104 }
00105 return 0;
00106 }
00110 uint16_t FedChannelConnection::apvPairNumber() const {
00111 if ( nApvPairs_ == 2 ) {
00112 if ( apv0_ == 32 || apv1_ == 33 ) { return 0; }
00113 else if ( apv0_ == 36 || apv1_ == 37 ) { return 1; }
00114 else {
00115 if ( edm::isDebugEnabled() ) {
00116 edm::LogWarning(mlCabling_)
00117 << "[FedChannelConnection::" << __func__ << "]"
00118 << " APV I2C addresses ("
00119 << apv0_ << "/" << apv1_
00120 << ") are incompatible with"
00121 << " number of APV pairs ("
00122 << nApvPairs_ << ") found for this module!";
00123 }
00124 }
00125 } else if ( nApvPairs_ == 3 ) {
00126 if ( apv0_ == 32 || apv1_ == 33 ) { return 0; }
00127 else if ( apv0_ == 34 || apv1_ == 35 ) { return 1; }
00128 else if ( apv0_ == 36 || apv1_ == 37 ) { return 2; }
00129 else {
00130 if ( edm::isDebugEnabled() ) {
00131 edm::LogWarning(mlCabling_)
00132 << "[FedChannelConnection::" << __func__ << "]"
00133 << " APV I2C addresses ("
00134 << apv0_ << "/" << apv1_
00135 << ") are incompatible with"
00136 << " number of APV pairs ("
00137 << nApvPairs_ << ") found for this module!";
00138 }
00139 }
00140 } else {
00141 if ( edm::isDebugEnabled() ) {
00142 edm::LogWarning(mlCabling_)
00143 << "[FedChannelConnection::" << __func__ << "]"
00144 << " Unexpected number of APV pairs: " << nApvPairs_;
00145 }
00146 }
00147 return 0;
00148 }
00152 void FedChannelConnection::print( std::stringstream& ss ) const {
00153 ss << " [FedChannelConnection::" << __func__ << "]" << std::endl
00154 << " FedCrate/FedSlot/FedId/FeUnit/FeChan/FedCh : "
00155 << fedCrate() << "/"
00156 << fedSlot() << "/"
00157 << fedId() << "/"
00158 << SiStripFedKey::feUnit( fedCh() ) << "/"
00159 << SiStripFedKey::feChan( fedCh() ) << "/"
00160 << fedCh() << std::endl
00161 << " FecCrate/FecSlot/FecRing/CcuAddr/CcuChan : "
00162 << fecCrate() << "/"
00163 << fecSlot() << "/"
00164 << fecRing() << "/"
00165 << ccuAddr() << "/"
00166 << ccuChan() << std::endl
00167 << " DcuId/DetId : "
00168 << std::hex
00169 << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << dcuId() << "/"
00170 << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << detId() << std::endl
00171 << std::dec
00172 << " LldChan/APV0/APV1 : "
00173 << lldChannel() << "/"
00174 << i2cAddr(0) << "/"
00175 << i2cAddr(1) << std::endl
00176 << " pairNumber/nPairs/nStrips : "
00177 << apvPairNumber() << "/"
00178 << nApvPairs() << "/"
00179 << 256*nApvPairs() << std::endl
00180 << " DCU/MUX/PLL/LLD found : "
00181 << std::boolalpha
00182 << dcu() << "/"
00183 << mux() << "/"
00184 << pll() << "/"
00185 << lld()
00186 << std::noboolalpha;
00187 }
00191 void FedChannelConnection::terse( std::stringstream& ss ) const {
00192 ss << " FED:cr/sl/id/fe/ch/chan="
00193 << fedCrate() << "/"
00194 << fedSlot() << "/"
00195 << fedId() << "/"
00196 << SiStripFedKey::feUnit( fedCh() ) << "/"
00197 << SiStripFedKey::feChan( fedCh() ) << "/"
00198 << fedCh() << ","
00199 << " FEC:cr/sl/ring/ccu/mod="
00200 << fecCrate() << "/"
00201 << fecSlot() << "/"
00202 << fecRing() << "/"
00203 << ccuAddr() << "/"
00204 << ccuChan() << ","
00205 << " apvs="
00206 << i2cAddr(0) << "/"
00207 << i2cAddr(1) << ","
00208 << " pair=" << apvPairNumber()+1
00209 << " (from " << nApvPairs() << "),"
00210 << " dcu/detid="
00211 << std::hex
00212 << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << dcuId() << "/"
00213 << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << detId()
00214 << std::dec;
00215 }
00219 std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, const FedChannelConnection& conn ) {
00220 std::stringstream ss;
00221 conn.print(ss);
00222 os << ss.str();
00223 return os;
00224 }