Package SimGeneral/TrackingAnalysis

Source code (CVS tag: @) - Administrative privileges


This is the producer for the classes defined in SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis. These classes provide an easier to use interface to both the HepMC (generator) information and GEANT (simulation) information. These objects can then be associated with reconstructed tracks and vertices.

It uses the config file trackingParticles.cfi

module mergedtruth = TrackingTruthProducer { double vertexDistanceCut = 0.003 vstring HepMCDataLabels = {"VtxSmeared","PythiaSource","source"} vstring TrackerHitLabels = { # Tracker "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelBarrelLowTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelBarrelHighTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelEndcapLowTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsPixelEndcapHighTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIBLowTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIBHighTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIDLowTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIDHighTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTOBLowTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTOBHighTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTECLowTof", "g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTECHighTof" # Muons , "g4SimHitsMuonDTHits", "g4SimHitsMuonCSCHits", "g4SimHitsMuonRPCHits" } string simHitLabel = "g4SimHits" double volumeRadius = 1200 double volumeZ = 3000 bool discardOutVolume = false bool DiscardHitsFromDeltas = true bool mergedBremsstrahlung = true } sequence trackingParticles = { mergedtruth } # Uncomment in case of running 3 producer approach # module electrontruth = TrackingElectronProducer {} # module mergedtruth = MergedTruthProducer {} # sequence trackingParticles = { trackingtruthprod, electrontruth, mergedtruth }

Public interface


Unit tests and examples


Status and planned development

The action of the producer and .cfi file are documented in httpss://

Last updated: @ Author: computer-generated.
Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:56:15 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4