This page lists all subsystems related to Reconstruction within the CMSSW repository.
Reconstruction Sequence
Reconstruction Subsystems
- Tracker:
- RecoLocalTracker: packager for local tracker reconstruction (clusters, rechits).
- TrackingTools: mathematics and base classes for Tracking (also for Muons).
- RecoTracker: tracker specific track reconstruction. Contains implementation for KF, RS and GSF.
- Muon:
- RecoLocalMuon: package for local muon reconstruction (rechits, segments).
- RecoMuon: packager for Muon Recontruction (and matching with Tracker tracks).
- Calorimetry:
- RecoCalorimetry: package for local reconstruction in calorimeters (both HCAL and ECAL) - up to rechit level and towers.
- RecoEcal: package which contains code for ECAL clustering.
- Jets/MET:
- RecoJets: package which contains code which builds jets out of various input components: towers, rechits, MC truth.
- RecoMET: package which contains code which builds jets out of various input components: towers, rechits, MC truth.
- Egamma:
- Egamma: package with high level egamma reconstruction (photons, electrons).
- B/Tau tagging
- RecoBTau: package with tools and algos common between B and Tau tagging.
- RecoBTag: package with algorithms for B tagging.
- RecoTauTag: package with algorithms for Tau tagging.
- Vertexing:
- RecoVertex: package with algorithms primary and secondary vertex finding.
- RecoPixelVertexing: package with algorithms for pixel primary vertex finding.
- RecoPixelVZero: package with algorithms V0 finding.
- Tommaso Boccali and Shahram Rahatlou
Last updated: @ N. Amapane
Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:56:13 2009 for CMSSW by