source = HcalTBSource { /// Files to read (can use dcap:, file:, etc) untracked vstring fileNames = { "file:HTB_011609.root" } /// Number of events to read (-1 for all events) untracked int32 maxEvents = 100 //* Streams or tree branches to open. Usual branches include // HCAL_Trigger, HCAL_SlowData, HCAL_TDC, HCAL_QDC, HCAL_TDCQDC, // HCAL_SourcePos, HCAL_DCC020, etc. // If a stream must be remapped to a different FED id, this can be // done by appending ":[new fedid]" to the branch name //*/ untracked vstring streams = { 'HCAL_Trigger', 'HCAL_DCC020', 'HCAL_SlowData:3', 'HCAL_TDC:5' } }
module hcalTBWriter = HcalTBWriter { /// Pattern for output filenames (%d will be replaced by run number) untracked string FilenamePattern = "/data/spool/HTB_%06d.root" /// Map of FED-ids to Branch names for the writer untracked VPSet ChunkNames = { { /// FED id untracked int32 Number=1 /// Branch name untracked string Name='HCAL_Trigger' },{ /// FED id untracked int32 Number=20 /// Branch name untracked string Name='HCAL_DCC020' } } }