Go to the documentation of this file.
30 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
31 #include <memory>
33 // #define EDM_ML_DEBUG
36  : conditionsToken_(iC.esConsumes()),
37  topoToken_(iC.esConsumes()),
38  topoZToken_(iC.esConsumes()),
39  hcalTimeSlew_delay_token_(iC.esConsumes(edm::ESInputTag("", "HBHE"))),
40  theGeometryToken(iC.esConsumes()),
41  theRecNumberToken(iC.esConsumes()),
42  qieTypesToken_(iC.esConsumes()),
43  theGeometry(nullptr),
44  theRecNumber(nullptr),
45  theParameterMap(ps),
46  theShapes(),
47  theHBHEResponse(std::make_unique<CaloHitResponse>(&theParameterMap, &theShapes)),
48  theHBHESiPMResponse(std::make_unique<HcalSiPMHitResponse>(
49  &theParameterMap, &theShapes, ps.getParameter<bool>("HcalPreMixStage1"), true)),
50  theHOResponse(std::make_unique<CaloHitResponse>(&theParameterMap, &theShapes)),
51  theHOSiPMResponse(std::make_unique<HcalSiPMHitResponse>(
52  &theParameterMap, &theShapes, ps.getParameter<bool>("HcalPreMixStage1"), false)),
53  theHFResponse(std::make_unique<CaloHitResponse>(&theParameterMap, &theShapes)),
54  theHFQIE10Response(std::make_unique<CaloHitResponse>(
55  &theParameterMap, &theShapes, ps.getParameter<bool>("HcalPreMixStage1"), true)),
56  theZDCResponse(std::make_unique<CaloHitResponse>(
57  &theParameterMap, &theShapes, ps.getParameter<bool>("HcalPreMixStage1"), false)),
58  theHBHEAmplifier(nullptr),
59  theHFAmplifier(nullptr),
60  theHOAmplifier(nullptr),
61  theZDCAmplifier(nullptr),
62  theHFQIE10Amplifier(nullptr),
63  theHBHEQIE11Amplifier(nullptr),
64  theIonFeedback(nullptr),
65  theCoderFactory(nullptr),
66  theHBHEElectronicsSim(nullptr),
67  theHFElectronicsSim(nullptr),
68  theHOElectronicsSim(nullptr),
69  theZDCElectronicsSim(nullptr),
70  theHFQIE10ElectronicsSim(nullptr),
71  theHBHEQIE11ElectronicsSim(nullptr),
72  theHBHEHitFilter(),
73  theHBHEQIE11HitFilter(),
74  theHFHitFilter(),
75  theHFQIE10HitFilter(),
76  theHOHitFilter(),
77  theHOSiPMHitFilter(),
78  theZDCHitFilter(),
79  theHBHEDigitizer(nullptr),
80  theHODigitizer(nullptr),
81  theHOSiPMDigitizer(nullptr),
82  theHFDigitizer(nullptr),
83  theZDCDigitizer(nullptr),
84  theHFQIE10Digitizer(nullptr),
85  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer(nullptr),
86  theRelabeller(nullptr),
87  isZDC(ps.getParameter<bool>("doZDCDigi")),
88  isHCAL(true),
89  zdcgeo(true),
90  hbhegeo(true),
91  hogeo(true),
92  hfgeo(true),
93  doHFWindow_(ps.getParameter<bool>("doHFWindow")),
94  killHE_(ps.getParameter<bool>("killHE")),
95  debugCS_(ps.getParameter<bool>("debugCaloSamples")),
96  ignoreTime_(ps.getParameter<bool>("ignoreGeantTime")),
97  injectTestHits_(ps.getParameter<bool>("injectTestHits")),
98  hitsProducer_(ps.getParameter<std::string>("hitsProducer")),
99  theHOSiPMCode(ps.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ho").getParameter<int>("siPMCode")),
100  deliveredLumi(0.),
101  agingFlagHB(ps.getParameter<bool>("HBDarkening")),
102  agingFlagHE(ps.getParameter<bool>("HEDarkening")),
103  zdcToken_(iC.consumes(edm::InputTag(hitsProducer_, "ZDCHITS"))),
104  hcalToken_(iC.consumes(edm::InputTag(hitsProducer_, "HcalHits"))),
105  m_HBDarkening(nullptr),
106  m_HEDarkening(nullptr),
107  m_HFRecalibration(nullptr),
108  injectedHitsEnergy_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("injectTestHitsEnergy")),
109  injectedHitsTime_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("injectTestHitsTime")),
110  injectedHitsCells_(ps.getParameter<std::vector<int>>("injectTestHitsCells")) {
111  if (agingFlagHB) {
113  }
114  if (agingFlagHE) {
116  }
117  if (theHOSiPMCode == 2) {
118  mcParamsToken_ = iC.esConsumes();
119  }
121  bool doNoise = ps.getParameter<bool>("doNoise");
123  bool PreMix1 = ps.getParameter<bool>("HcalPreMixStage1"); // special threshold/pedestal treatment
124  bool PreMix2 = ps.getParameter<bool>("HcalPreMixStage2"); // special threshold/pedestal treatment
125  bool doEmpty = ps.getParameter<bool>("doEmpty");
126  deliveredLumi = ps.getParameter<double>("DelivLuminosity");
127  bool agingFlagHF = ps.getParameter<bool>("HFDarkening");
128  double minFCToDelay = ps.getParameter<double>("minFCToDelay");
130  if (PreMix1 && PreMix2) {
131  throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "HcalDigitizer cannot operate in PreMixing digitization and "
132  "PreMixing\n"
133  "digi combination modes at the same time. Please set one mode to "
134  "False\n"
135  "in the configuration file.";
136  }
138  // need to make copies, because they might get different noise generators
139  theHBHEAmplifier = std::make_unique<HcalAmplifier>(&theParameterMap, doNoise, PreMix1, PreMix2);
140  theHFAmplifier = std::make_unique<HcalAmplifier>(&theParameterMap, doNoise, PreMix1, PreMix2);
141  theHOAmplifier = std::make_unique<HcalAmplifier>(&theParameterMap, doNoise, PreMix1, PreMix2);
142  theZDCAmplifier = std::make_unique<HcalAmplifier>(&theParameterMap, doNoise, PreMix1, PreMix2);
143  theHFQIE10Amplifier = std::make_unique<HcalAmplifier>(&theParameterMap, doNoise, PreMix1, PreMix2);
144  theHBHEQIE11Amplifier = std::make_unique<HcalAmplifier>(&theParameterMap, doNoise, PreMix1, PreMix2);
146  theCoderFactory = std::make_unique<HcalCoderFactory>(HcalCoderFactory::DB);
149  std::make_unique<HcalElectronicsSim>(&theParameterMap, theHBHEAmplifier.get(), theCoderFactory.get(), PreMix1);
151  std::make_unique<HcalElectronicsSim>(&theParameterMap, theHFAmplifier.get(), theCoderFactory.get(), PreMix1);
153  std::make_unique<HcalElectronicsSim>(&theParameterMap, theHOAmplifier.get(), theCoderFactory.get(), PreMix1);
155  std::make_unique<HcalElectronicsSim>(&theParameterMap, theZDCAmplifier.get(), theCoderFactory.get(), PreMix1);
157  std::make_unique<HcalElectronicsSim>(&theParameterMap,
158  theHFQIE10Amplifier.get(),
159  theCoderFactory.get(),
160  PreMix1); // should this use a different coder factory?
162  std::make_unique<HcalElectronicsSim>(&theParameterMap,
163  theHBHEQIE11Amplifier.get(),
164  theCoderFactory.get(),
165  PreMix1); // should this use a different coder factory?
167  bool doHOHPD = (theHOSiPMCode != 1);
168  bool doHOSiPM = (theHOSiPMCode != 0);
169  if (doHOHPD) {
170  theHOResponse = std::make_unique<CaloHitResponse>(&theParameterMap, &theShapes);
171  theHOResponse->setHitFilter(&theHOHitFilter);
172  theHODigitizer = std::make_unique<HODigitizer>(theHOResponse.get(), theHOElectronicsSim.get(), doEmpty);
173  }
174  if (doHOSiPM) {
175  theHOSiPMResponse->setHitFilter(&theHOSiPMHitFilter);
176  theHOSiPMDigitizer = std::make_unique<HODigitizer>(theHOSiPMResponse.get(), theHOElectronicsSim.get(), doEmpty);
177  }
179  theHBHEResponse->setHitFilter(&theHBHEHitFilter);
182  // QIE8 and QIE11 can coexist in HBHE
184  std::make_unique<QIE11Digitizer>(theHBHESiPMResponse.get(), theHBHEQIE11ElectronicsSim.get(), doEmpty);
185  theHBHEDigitizer = std::make_unique<HBHEDigitizer>(theHBHEResponse.get(), theHBHEElectronicsSim.get(), doEmpty);
187  bool doTimeSlew = ps.getParameter<bool>("doTimeSlew");
188  // initialize: they won't be called later if flag is set
189  hcalTimeSlew_delay_ = nullptr;
190  theTimeSlewSim.reset(nullptr);
191  if (doTimeSlew) {
192  // no time slewing for HF
193  theTimeSlewSim = std::make_unique<HcalTimeSlewSim>(&theParameterMap, minFCToDelay);
194  theHBHEAmplifier->setTimeSlewSim(theTimeSlewSim.get());
195  theHBHEQIE11Amplifier->setTimeSlewSim(theTimeSlewSim.get());
196  theHOAmplifier->setTimeSlewSim(theTimeSlewSim.get());
197  theZDCAmplifier->setTimeSlewSim(theTimeSlewSim.get());
198  }
200  theHFResponse->setHitFilter(&theHFHitFilter);
201  theHFQIE10Response->setHitFilter(&theHFQIE10HitFilter);
202  theZDCResponse->setHitFilter(&theZDCHitFilter);
204  // QIE8 and QIE10 can coexist in HF
206  std::make_unique<QIE10Digitizer>(theHFQIE10Response.get(), theHFQIE10ElectronicsSim.get(), doEmpty);
207  theHFDigitizer = std::make_unique<HFDigitizer>(theHFResponse.get(), theHFElectronicsSim.get(), doEmpty);
209  // temporary move until Run3 ZDC will be added
210  if (isZDC) {
211  theZDCDigitizer = std::make_unique<ZDCDigitizer>(theZDCResponse.get(), theZDCElectronicsSim.get(), doEmpty);
212  } else {
213  theZDCDigitizer = nullptr;
214  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "Inhibit ZDC Digitization";
215  }
216  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "iszDC: " << isZDC << " theZDCDigitizer: " << theZDCDigitizer;
218  testNumbering_ = ps.getParameter<bool>("TestNumbering");
219 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
220  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "Flag to see if Hit Relabeller to be initiated " << testNumbering_;
221 #endif
222  if (testNumbering_)
223  theRelabeller = std::make_unique<HcalHitRelabeller>(ps.getParameter<bool>("doNeutralDensityFilter"));
225  if (ps.getParameter<bool>("doIonFeedback") && theHBHEResponse) {
226  theIonFeedback = std::make_unique<HPDIonFeedbackSim>(ps, &theShapes);
227  theHBHEResponse->setPECorrection(theIonFeedback.get());
228  if (ps.getParameter<bool>("doThermalNoise")) {
229  theHBHEAmplifier->setIonFeedbackSim(theIonFeedback.get());
230  }
231  }
233  // option to save CaloSamples as event product for debugging
234  if (debugCS_) {
235  if (theHBHEDigitizer)
236  theHBHEDigitizer->setDebugCaloSamples(true);
238  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer->setDebugCaloSamples(true);
239  if (theHODigitizer)
240  theHODigitizer->setDebugCaloSamples(true);
241  if (theHOSiPMDigitizer)
242  theHOSiPMDigitizer->setDebugCaloSamples(true);
243  if (theHFDigitizer)
244  theHFDigitizer->setDebugCaloSamples(true);
246  theHFQIE10Digitizer->setDebugCaloSamples(true);
247  if (theZDCDigitizer)
248  theZDCDigitizer->setDebugCaloSamples(true);
249  }
251  // option to ignore Geant time distribution in SimHits, for debugging
252  if (ignoreTime_) {
253  theHBHEResponse->setIgnoreGeantTime(ignoreTime_);
254  theHBHESiPMResponse->setIgnoreGeantTime(ignoreTime_);
255  theHOResponse->setIgnoreGeantTime(ignoreTime_);
256  theHOSiPMResponse->setIgnoreGeantTime(ignoreTime_);
257  theHFResponse->setIgnoreGeantTime(ignoreTime_);
258  theHFQIE10Response->setIgnoreGeantTime(ignoreTime_);
259  theZDCResponse->setIgnoreGeantTime(ignoreTime_);
260  }
262  if (agingFlagHF)
263  m_HFRecalibration = std::make_unique<HFRecalibration>(ps.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HFRecalParameterBlock"));
264 }
269  noiseGenerator->setParameterMap(&theParameterMap);
270  noiseGenerator->setElectronicsSim(theHBHEElectronicsSim.get());
271  if (theHBHEDigitizer)
272  theHBHEDigitizer->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
273  theHBHEAmplifier->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
274 }
277  noiseGenerator->setParameterMap(&theParameterMap);
278  noiseGenerator->setElectronicsSim(theHBHEQIE11ElectronicsSim.get());
280  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
281  theHBHEQIE11Amplifier->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
282 }
285  noiseGenerator->setParameterMap(&theParameterMap);
286  noiseGenerator->setElectronicsSim(theHFElectronicsSim.get());
287  if (theHFDigitizer)
288  theHFDigitizer->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
289  theHFAmplifier->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
290 }
293  noiseGenerator->setParameterMap(&theParameterMap);
294  noiseGenerator->setElectronicsSim(theHFQIE10ElectronicsSim.get());
296  theHFQIE10Digitizer->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
297  theHFQIE10Amplifier->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
298 }
301  noiseGenerator->setParameterMap(&theParameterMap);
302  noiseGenerator->setElectronicsSim(theHOElectronicsSim.get());
303  if (theHODigitizer)
304  theHODigitizer->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
305  if (theHOSiPMDigitizer)
306  theHOSiPMDigitizer->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
307  theHOAmplifier->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
308 }
311  noiseGenerator->setParameterMap(&theParameterMap);
312  noiseGenerator->setElectronicsSim(theZDCElectronicsSim.get());
313  if (theZDCDigitizer) {
314  theZDCDigitizer->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
315  theZDCAmplifier->setNoiseSignalGenerator(noiseGenerator);
316  }
317 }
320  setup(eventSetup);
322  // get the appropriate gains, noises, & widths for this event
327  theHBHEAmplifier->setDbService(conditions);
328  theHFAmplifier->setDbService(conditions);
329  theHOAmplifier->setDbService(conditions);
330  theZDCAmplifier->setDbService(conditions);
331  theHFQIE10Amplifier->setDbService(conditions);
332  theHBHEQIE11Amplifier->setDbService(conditions);
334  theHFQIE10ElectronicsSim->setDbService(conditions);
335  theHBHEQIE11ElectronicsSim->setDbService(conditions);
337  theCoderFactory->setDbService(conditions);
340  // initialize hits
341  if (theHBHEDigitizer)
342  theHBHEDigitizer->initializeHits();
344  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer->initializeHits();
345  if (theHODigitizer)
346  theHODigitizer->initializeHits();
347  if (theHOSiPMDigitizer)
348  theHOSiPMDigitizer->initializeHits();
350  theHFQIE10Digitizer->initializeHits();
351  if (theHFDigitizer)
352  theHFDigitizer->initializeHits();
353  if (theZDCDigitizer)
354  theZDCDigitizer->initializeHits();
355 }
357 void HcalDigitizer::accumulateCaloHits(edm::Handle<std::vector<PCaloHit>> const &hcalHandle,
358  edm::Handle<std::vector<PCaloHit>> const &zdcHandle,
359  int bunchCrossing,
360  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *engine,
361  const HcalTopology *htopoP,
362  const ZdcTopology *ztopoP) {
363  // Step A: pass in inputs, and accumulate digis
364  if (isHCAL) {
365  std::vector<PCaloHit> hcalHitsOrig = *hcalHandle.product();
366  if (injectTestHits_)
367  hcalHitsOrig = injectedHits_;
368  std::vector<PCaloHit> hcalHits;
369  hcalHits.reserve(hcalHitsOrig.size());
371  // evaluate darkening before relabeling
372  if (testNumbering_) {
374  darkening(hcalHitsOrig);
375  }
376  // Relabel PCaloHits if necessary
377  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "Calling Relabeller";
378  theRelabeller->process(hcalHitsOrig);
379  }
381  // eliminate bad hits
382  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hcalHitsOrig.size(); i++) {
383  DetId id(hcalHitsOrig[i].id());
384  HcalDetId hid(id);
385  if (!htopoP->validHcal(hid)) {
386  edm::LogError("HcalDigitizer") << "bad hcal id found in digitizer. Skipping " << id.rawId() << " " << hid;
387  continue;
388  } else if (hid.subdet() == HcalForward && !doHFWindow_ && hcalHitsOrig[i].depth() != 0) {
389  // skip HF window hits unless desired
390  continue;
391  } else if (killHE_ && hid.subdet() == HcalEndcap) {
392  // remove HE hits if asked for (phase 2)
393  continue;
394  } else {
395 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
396  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "HcalDigitizer format " << hid.oldFormat() << " for " << hid;
397 #endif
398  DetId newid = DetId(hid.newForm());
399 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
400  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "Hit " << i << " out of " << hcalHits.size() << " " << std::hex << id.rawId()
401  << " --> " << newid.rawId() << std::dec << " " << HcalDetId(newid.rawId()) << '\n';
402 #endif
403  hcalHitsOrig[i].setID(newid.rawId());
404  hcalHits.push_back(hcalHitsOrig[i]);
405  }
406  }
408  if (hbhegeo) {
409  if (theHBHEDigitizer)
410  theHBHEDigitizer->add(hcalHits, bunchCrossing, engine);
412  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer->add(hcalHits, bunchCrossing, engine);
413  }
415  if (hogeo) {
416  if (theHODigitizer)
417  theHODigitizer->add(hcalHits, bunchCrossing, engine);
418  if (theHOSiPMDigitizer)
419  theHOSiPMDigitizer->add(hcalHits, bunchCrossing, engine);
420  }
422  if (hfgeo) {
423  if (theHFDigitizer)
424  theHFDigitizer->add(hcalHits, bunchCrossing, engine);
426  theHFQIE10Digitizer->add(hcalHits, bunchCrossing, engine);
427  }
428  } else {
429  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "We don't have HCAL hit collection available ";
430  }
432  if (isZDC) {
433  if (zdcgeo && theZDCDigitizer) {
434  std::vector<PCaloHit> zdcHitsOrig = *zdcHandle.product();
435  std::vector<PCaloHit> zdcHits;
436  zdcHits.reserve(zdcHitsOrig.size());
437  // eliminate bad hits
438  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zdcHitsOrig.size(); i++) {
439  DetId id(zdcHitsOrig[i].id());
440  HcalZDCDetId hid(id);
441  if (!ztopoP->valid(hid)) {
442  edm::LogError("HcalDigitizer") << "bad zdc id found in digitizer. Skipping " << std::hex << id.rawId()
443  << std::dec << " " << hid;
444  continue;
445  }
446  zdcHits.push_back(zdcHitsOrig[i]);
447 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
448  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "Hit " << i << " out of " << zdcHitsOrig.size() << " " << std::hex << id.rawId()
449  << " " << hid;
450 #endif
451  }
452  theZDCDigitizer->add(zdcHits, bunchCrossing, engine);
453  }
454  } else {
455  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "We don't have ZDC hit collection available ";
456  }
457 }
459 void HcalDigitizer::accumulate(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &eventSetup, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *engine) {
460  // Step A: Get Inputs
461  const edm::Handle<std::vector<PCaloHit>> &zdcHandle = e.getHandle(zdcToken_);
462  isZDC = zdcHandle.isValid();
464  const edm::Handle<std::vector<PCaloHit>> &hcalHandle = e.getHandle(hcalToken_);
465  isHCAL = hcalHandle.isValid() or injectTestHits_;
467  const HcalTopology *htopoP = &eventSetup.getData(topoToken_);
468  const ZdcTopology *ztopoP = &eventSetup.getData(topoZToken_);
470  accumulateCaloHits(hcalHandle, zdcHandle, 0, engine, htopoP, ztopoP);
471 }
475  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *engine) {
476  // Step A: Get Inputs
477  edm::InputTag zdcTag(hitsProducer_, "ZDCHITS");
479  e.getByLabel(zdcTag, zdcHandle);
480  isZDC = zdcHandle.isValid();
482  edm::InputTag hcalTag(hitsProducer_, "HcalHits");
484  e.getByLabel(hcalTag, hcalHandle);
485  isHCAL = hcalHandle.isValid();
487  const HcalTopology *htopoP = &eventSetup.getData(topoToken_);
488  const ZdcTopology *ztopoP = &eventSetup.getData(topoZToken_);
490  accumulateCaloHits(hcalHandle, zdcHandle, e.bunchCrossing(), engine, htopoP, ztopoP);
491 }
493 void HcalDigitizer::finalizeEvent(edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *engine) {
494  // Step B: Create empty output
495  std::unique_ptr<HBHEDigiCollection> hbheResult(new HBHEDigiCollection());
496  std::unique_ptr<HODigiCollection> hoResult(new HODigiCollection());
497  std::unique_ptr<HFDigiCollection> hfResult(new HFDigiCollection());
498  std::unique_ptr<ZDCDigiCollection> zdcResult(new ZDCDigiCollection());
499  std::unique_ptr<QIE10DigiCollection> hfQIE10Result(new QIE10DigiCollection(
500  !theHFQIE10DetIds.empty() ? theHFQIE10Response.get()->getReadoutFrameSize(theHFQIE10DetIds[0])
502  std::unique_ptr<QIE11DigiCollection> hbheQIE11Result(new QIE11DigiCollection(
503  !theHBHEQIE11DetIds.empty() ? theHBHESiPMResponse.get()->getReadoutFrameSize(theHBHEQIE11DetIds[0]) :
504  // theParameterMap->simParameters(theHBHEQIE11DetIds[0]).readoutFrameSize()
505  // :
508  // Step C: Invoke the algorithm, getting back outputs.
509  if (isHCAL && hbhegeo) {
510  if (theHBHEDigitizer)
511  theHBHEDigitizer->run(*hbheResult, engine);
513  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer->run(*hbheQIE11Result, engine);
514  }
515  if (isHCAL && hogeo) {
516  if (theHODigitizer)
517  theHODigitizer->run(*hoResult, engine);
518  if (theHOSiPMDigitizer)
519  theHOSiPMDigitizer->run(*hoResult, engine);
520  }
521  if (isHCAL && hfgeo) {
522  if (theHFDigitizer)
523  theHFDigitizer->run(*hfResult, engine);
525  theHFQIE10Digitizer->run(*hfQIE10Result, engine);
526  }
527  if (isZDC && zdcgeo && theZDCDigitizer) {
528  theZDCDigitizer->run(*zdcResult, engine);
529  }
531  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "HCAL HBHE digis : " << hbheResult->size();
532  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "HCAL HO digis : " << hoResult->size();
533  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "HCAL HF digis : " << hfResult->size();
534  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "HCAL ZDC digis : " << zdcResult->size();
535  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "HCAL HF QIE10 digis : " << hfQIE10Result->size();
536  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalDigitizer") << "HCAL HBHE QIE11 digis : " << hbheQIE11Result->size();
538 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
539  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "\nHCAL HBHE digis : " << hbheResult->size();
540  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "HCAL HO digis : " << hoResult->size();
541  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "HCAL HF digis : " << hfResult->size();
542  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "HCAL ZDC digis : " << zdcResult->size();
543  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "HCAL HF QIE10 digis : " << hfQIE10Result->size();
544  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "HCAL HBHE QIE11 digis : " << hbheQIE11Result->size();
545 #endif
547  // Step D: Put outputs into event
548  e.put(std::move(hbheResult));
549  e.put(std::move(hoResult));
550  e.put(std::move(hfResult));
551  e.put(std::move(zdcResult));
552  e.put(std::move(hfQIE10Result), "HFQIE10DigiCollection");
553  e.put(std::move(hbheQIE11Result), "HBHEQIE11DigiCollection");
555  if (debugCS_) {
556  std::unique_ptr<CaloSamplesCollection> csResult(new CaloSamplesCollection());
557  // smush together all the results
558  if (theHBHEDigitizer)
559  csResult->insert(
560  csResult->end(), theHBHEDigitizer->getCaloSamples().begin(), theHBHEDigitizer->getCaloSamples().end());
562  csResult->insert(csResult->end(),
563  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer->getCaloSamples().begin(),
564  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer->getCaloSamples().end());
565  if (theHODigitizer)
566  csResult->insert(
567  csResult->end(), theHODigitizer->getCaloSamples().begin(), theHODigitizer->getCaloSamples().end());
568  if (theHOSiPMDigitizer)
569  csResult->insert(
570  csResult->end(), theHOSiPMDigitizer->getCaloSamples().begin(), theHOSiPMDigitizer->getCaloSamples().end());
571  if (theHFDigitizer)
572  csResult->insert(
573  csResult->end(), theHFDigitizer->getCaloSamples().begin(), theHFDigitizer->getCaloSamples().end());
575  csResult->insert(
576  csResult->end(), theHFQIE10Digitizer->getCaloSamples().begin(), theHFQIE10Digitizer->getCaloSamples().end());
577  if (theZDCDigitizer)
578  csResult->insert(
579  csResult->end(), theZDCDigitizer->getCaloSamples().begin(), theZDCDigitizer->getCaloSamples().end());
580  e.put(std::move(csResult), "HcalSamples");
581  }
583  if (injectTestHits_) {
584  std::unique_ptr<edm::PCaloHitContainer> pcResult(new edm::PCaloHitContainer());
585  pcResult->insert(pcResult->end(), injectedHits_.begin(), injectedHits_.end());
586  e.put(std::move(pcResult), "HcalHits");
587  }
589 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
590  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "\n========> HcalDigitizer e.put\n";
591 #endif
592 }
595  checkGeometry(es);
597  if (agingFlagHB) {
599  }
600  if (agingFlagHE) {
602  }
608  theHOAmplifier->setTimeSlew(hcalTimeSlew_delay_);
609  theZDCAmplifier->setTimeSlew(hcalTimeSlew_delay_);
610 }
616  if (theHBHEResponse)
617  theHBHEResponse->setGeometry(theGeometry);
619  theHBHESiPMResponse->setGeometry(theGeometry);
620  if (theHOResponse)
621  theHOResponse->setGeometry(theGeometry);
622  if (theHOSiPMResponse)
623  theHOSiPMResponse->setGeometry(theGeometry);
624  theHFResponse->setGeometry(theGeometry);
625  theHFQIE10Response->setGeometry(theGeometry);
626  theZDCResponse->setGeometry(theGeometry);
627  if (theRelabeller)
628  theRelabeller->setGeometry(theRecNumber);
630  // See if it's been updated
631  bool check1 = theGeometryWatcher_.check(eventSetup);
632  bool check2 = theRecNumberWatcher_.check(eventSetup);
633  if (check1 or check2) {
635  }
636 }
639  const std::vector<DetId> &hbCells = theGeometry->getValidDetIds(DetId::Hcal, HcalBarrel);
640  const std::vector<DetId> &heCells = theGeometry->getValidDetIds(DetId::Hcal, HcalEndcap);
641  const std::vector<DetId> &hoCells = theGeometry->getValidDetIds(DetId::Hcal, HcalOuter);
642  const std::vector<DetId> &hfCells = theGeometry->getValidDetIds(DetId::Hcal, HcalForward);
643  const std::vector<DetId> &zdcCells = theGeometry->getValidDetIds(DetId::Calo, HcalZDCDetId::SubdetectorId);
644  // const std::vector<DetId>& hcalTrigCells =
645  // geometry->getValidDetIds(DetId::Hcal, HcalTriggerTower); const
646  // std::vector<DetId>& hcalCalib = geometry->getValidDetIds(DetId::Calo,
647  // HcalCastorDetId::SubdetectorId);
648 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
649  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalSim") << "HcalDigitizer::CheckGeometry number of cells: " << zdcCells.size();
650 #endif
651  if (zdcCells.empty())
652  zdcgeo = false;
653  if (hbCells.empty() && heCells.empty())
654  hbhegeo = false;
655  if (hoCells.empty())
656  hogeo = false;
657  if (hfCells.empty())
658  hfgeo = false;
659  // combine HB & HE
661  hbheCells = hbCells;
662  if (!killHE_) {
663  hbheCells.insert(hbheCells.end(), heCells.begin(), heCells.end());
664  }
665  // handle mixed QIE8/11 scenario in HBHE
670  if (theHOSiPMDigitizer) {
671  buildHOSiPMCells(hoCells, eventSetup);
672  if (theHOSiPMResponse)
673  theHOSiPMResponse->setDetIds(hoCells);
674  }
676  // handle mixed QIE8/10 scenario in HF
677  buildHFQIECells(hfCells, eventSetup);
679  if (theZDCDigitizer)
680  theZDCDigitizer->setDetIds(zdcCells);
682  // fill test hits collection if desired and empty
683  if (injectTestHits_ && injectedHits_.empty() && !injectedHitsCells_.empty() && !injectedHitsEnergy_.empty()) {
684  // make list of specified cells if desired
685  std::vector<DetId> testCells;
686  if (injectedHitsCells_.size() >= 4) {
687  testCells.reserve(injectedHitsCells_.size() / 4);
688  for (unsigned ic = 0; ic < injectedHitsCells_.size(); ic += 4) {
689  if (ic + 4 > injectedHitsCells_.size())
690  break;
691  testCells.push_back(HcalDetId((HcalSubdetector)injectedHitsCells_[ic],
692  injectedHitsCells_[ic + 1],
693  injectedHitsCells_[ic + 2],
694  injectedHitsCells_[ic + 3]));
695  }
696  } else {
697  int testSubdet = injectedHitsCells_[0];
698  if (testSubdet == HcalBarrel)
699  testCells = hbCells;
700  else if (testSubdet == HcalEndcap)
701  testCells = heCells;
702  else if (testSubdet == HcalForward)
703  testCells = hfCells;
704  else if (testSubdet == HcalOuter)
705  testCells = hoCells;
706  else
707  throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "Unknown subdet " << testSubdet << " for HCAL test hit injection";
708  }
709  bool useHitTimes = (injectedHitsTime_.size() == injectedHitsEnergy_.size());
710  injectedHits_.reserve(testCells.size() * injectedHitsEnergy_.size());
711  for (unsigned ih = 0; ih < injectedHitsEnergy_.size(); ++ih) {
712  double tmp = useHitTimes ? injectedHitsTime_[ih] : 0.;
713  for (auto &aCell : testCells) {
714  injectedHits_.emplace_back(aCell, injectedHitsEnergy_[ih], tmp);
715  }
716  }
717  }
718 }
720 void HcalDigitizer::buildHFQIECells(const std::vector<DetId> &allCells, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) {
721  // if results are already cached, no need to look again
722  if (!theHFQIE8DetIds.empty() || !theHFQIE10DetIds.empty())
723  return;
725  // get the QIETypes
726  // intentional copy
727  HcalQIETypes qieTypes = eventSetup.getData(qieTypesToken_);
728  if (qieTypes.topo() == nullptr) {
729  qieTypes.setTopo(&eventSetup.getData(topoToken_));
730  }
732  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator detItr = allCells.begin(); detItr != allCells.end(); ++detItr) {
733  HcalQIENum qieType = HcalQIENum(qieTypes.getValues(*detItr)->getValue());
734  if (qieType == QIE8) {
735  theHFQIE8DetIds.push_back(*detItr);
736  } else if (qieType == QIE10) {
737  theHFQIE10DetIds.push_back(*detItr);
738  } else { // default is QIE8
739  theHFQIE8DetIds.push_back(*detItr);
740  }
741  }
743  if (!theHFQIE8DetIds.empty())
744  theHFDigitizer->setDetIds(theHFQIE8DetIds);
745  else {
746  theHFDigitizer.reset();
747  }
749  if (!theHFQIE10DetIds.empty())
751  else {
752  theHFQIE10Digitizer.reset();
753  }
754 }
756 void HcalDigitizer::buildHBHEQIECells(const std::vector<DetId> &allCells, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) {
757  // if results are already cached, no need to look again
758  if (!theHBHEQIE8DetIds.empty() || !theHBHEQIE11DetIds.empty())
759  return;
761  // get the QIETypes
762  // intentional copy
763  HcalQIETypes qieTypes = eventSetup.getData(qieTypesToken_);
764  if (qieTypes.topo() == nullptr) {
765  qieTypes.setTopo(&eventSetup.getData(topoToken_));
766  }
768  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator detItr = allCells.begin(); detItr != allCells.end(); ++detItr) {
769  HcalQIENum qieType = HcalQIENum(qieTypes.getValues(*detItr)->getValue());
770  if (qieType == QIE8) {
771  theHBHEQIE8DetIds.push_back(*detItr);
772  } else if (qieType == QIE11) {
773  theHBHEQIE11DetIds.push_back(*detItr);
774  } else { // default is QIE8
775  theHBHEQIE8DetIds.push_back(*detItr);
776  }
777  }
779  if (!theHBHEQIE8DetIds.empty())
781  else {
782  theHBHEDigitizer.reset();
783  }
785  if (!theHBHEQIE11DetIds.empty())
787  else {
788  theHBHEQIE11Digitizer.reset();
789  }
791  if (!theHBHEQIE8DetIds.empty() && !theHBHEQIE11DetIds.empty()) {
794  }
795 }
797 void HcalDigitizer::buildHOSiPMCells(const std::vector<DetId> &allCells, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) {
798  // all HPD
800  if (theHOSiPMCode == 0) {
801  theHODigitizer->setDetIds(allCells);
802  } else if (theHOSiPMCode == 1) {
803  theHOSiPMDigitizer->setDetIds(allCells);
804  // FIXME pick Zecotek or hamamatsu?
805  } else if (theHOSiPMCode == 2) {
806  std::vector<HcalDetId> zecotekDetIds, hamamatsuDetIds;
808  // intentional copy
809  HcalMCParams mcParams = eventSetup.getData(mcParamsToken_);
810  if (mcParams.topo() == nullptr) {
811  mcParams.setTopo(&eventSetup.getData(topoToken_));
812  }
814  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator detItr = allCells.begin(); detItr != allCells.end(); ++detItr) {
815  int shapeType = mcParams.getValues(*detItr)->signalShape();
816  if (shapeType == HcalShapes::ZECOTEK) {
817  zecotekDetIds.emplace_back(*detItr);
818  theHOSiPMDetIds.push_back(*detItr);
819  } else if (shapeType == HcalShapes::HAMAMATSU) {
820  hamamatsuDetIds.emplace_back(*detItr);
821  theHOSiPMDetIds.push_back(*detItr);
822  } else {
823  theHOHPDDetIds.push_back(*detItr);
824  }
825  }
827  if (!theHOHPDDetIds.empty())
828  theHODigitizer->setDetIds(theHOHPDDetIds);
829  else {
830  theHODigitizer.reset();
831  }
833  if (!theHOSiPMDetIds.empty())
835  else {
836  theHOSiPMDigitizer.reset();
837  }
839  if (!theHOHPDDetIds.empty() && !theHOSiPMDetIds.empty()) {
842  }
844  theParameterMap.setHOZecotekDetIds(zecotekDetIds);
845  theParameterMap.setHOHamamatsuDetIds(hamamatsuDetIds);
847  // make sure we don't got through this exercise again
848  theHOSiPMCode = -2;
849  }
850 }
852 void HcalDigitizer::darkening(std::vector<PCaloHit> &hcalHits) {
853  for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < hcalHits.size(); ++ii) {
854  uint32_t tmpId = hcalHits[ii].id();
855  int det, z, depth, ieta, phi, lay;
856  HcalTestNumbering::unpackHcalIndex(tmpId, det, z, depth, ieta, phi, lay);
858  bool darkened = false;
859  float dweight = 1.;
861  if (det == int(HcalBarrel) && m_HBDarkening) {
862  // HB darkening
863  dweight = m_HBDarkening->degradation(deliveredLumi, ieta, lay);
864  darkened = true;
865  } else if (det == int(HcalEndcap) && m_HEDarkening) {
866  // HE darkening
867  dweight = m_HEDarkening->degradation(deliveredLumi, ieta, lay);
868  darkened = true;
869  } else if (det == int(HcalForward) && m_HFRecalibration) {
870  // HF darkening - approximate: invert recalibration factor
871  dweight = 1.0 / m_HFRecalibration->getCorr(ieta, depth, deliveredLumi);
872  darkened = true;
873  }
875  // reset hit energy
876  if (darkened)
877  hcalHits[ii].setEnergy(hcalHits[ii].energy() * dweight);
878  }
879 }
HFHitFilter theHFQIE10HitFilter
std::vector< DetId > theHFQIE10DetIds
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
std::vector< int > injectedHitsCells_
HBHEHitFilter theHBHEHitFilter
ESGetTokenH3DDVariant esConsumes(std::string const &Record, edm::ConsumesCollector &)
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:307
constexpr bool oldFormat() const
Definition: HcalDetId.h:139
std::vector< PCaloHit > PCaloHitContainer
void setQIE10NoiseSignalGenerator(HcalBaseSignalGenerator *noiseGenerator)
std::vector< CaloSamples > CaloSamplesCollection
Definition: CaloSamples.h:99
const HcalDDDRecConstants * theRecNumber
void setParameterMap(HcalSimParameterMap *map)
T const & getData(const ESGetToken< T, R > &iToken) const noexcept(false)
Definition: EventSetup.h:119
std::unique_ptr< CaloHitResponse > theHFResponse
const edm::ESGetToken< HcalDDDRecConstants, HcalRecNumberingRecord > theRecNumberToken
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:96
std::unique_ptr< HcalTimeSlewSim > theTimeSlewSim
std::unique_ptr< HcalAmplifier > theHBHEAmplifier
int getValue() const
Definition: HcalQIEType.h:19
virtual ~HcalDigitizer()
std::unique_ptr< HBHEDigitizer > theHBHEDigitizer
void buildHFQIECells(const std::vector< DetId > &allCells, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
Definition: HcalQIENum.h:4
float degradation(float intlumi, int ieta, int lay) const
HOHitFilter theHOHitFilter
std::unique_ptr< ZDCDigitizer > theZDCDigitizer
void darkening(std::vector< PCaloHit > &hcalHits)
std::unique_ptr< HcalHitRelabeller > theRelabeller
HFHitFilter theHFHitFilter
void checkGeometry(const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
void buildHBHEQIECells(const std::vector< DetId > &allCells, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
std::unique_ptr< HFDigitizer > theHFDigitizer
const edm::ESGetToken< CaloGeometry, CaloGeometryRecord > theGeometryToken
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:95
std::unique_ptr< HODigitizer > theHODigitizer
std::unique_ptr< HcalAmplifier > theHFAmplifier
edm::SortedCollection< ZDCDataFrame > ZDCDigiCollection
edm::ESGetToken< HBHEDarkening, HBHEDarkeningRecord > m_HBDarkeningToken
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:92
const Item * getValues(DetId fId, bool throwOnFail=true) const
std::unique_ptr< HcalCoderFactory > theCoderFactory
HcalDataFrameContainer< QIE10DataFrame > QIE10DigiCollection
void initializeEvent(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &c)
std::unique_ptr< HcalElectronicsSim > theZDCElectronicsSim
std::unique_ptr< HFRecalibration > m_HFRecalibration
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< PCaloHit > > zdcToken_
void accumulate(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &c, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *)
constexpr uint32_t newForm() const
Definition: HcalDetId.h:199
std::vector< double > injectedHitsEnergy_
void setQIE11NoiseSignalGenerator(HcalBaseSignalGenerator *noiseGenerator)
constexpr HcalSubdetector subdet() const
get the subdetector
Definition: HcalDetId.h:138
void setHOZecotekDetIds(const std::vector< HcalDetId > &ids)
std::unique_ptr< HcalElectronicsSim > theHFQIE10ElectronicsSim
const HBHEDarkening * m_HEDarkening
std::unique_ptr< HcalElectronicsSim > theHFElectronicsSim
const HcalTopology * topo() const
edm::ESWatcher< HcalRecNumberingRecord > theRecNumberWatcher_
edm::SortedCollection< HODataFrame > HODigiCollection
std::string hitsProducer_
double deliveredLumi
void setElectronicsSim(HcalElectronicsSim *electronicsSim)
std::unique_ptr< HODigitizer > theHOSiPMDigitizer
Creates electronics signals from hits.
const HcalTimeSlew * hcalTimeSlew_delay_
void setHFNoiseSignalGenerator(HcalBaseSignalGenerator *noiseGenerator)
std::unique_ptr< HcalAmplifier > theHBHEQIE11Amplifier
void buildHOSiPMCells(const std::vector< DetId > &allCells, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
ZDCHitFilter theZDCHitFilter
std::unique_ptr< HcalSiPMHitResponse > theHBHESiPMResponse
Definition: HcalAssistant.h:31
static void unpackHcalIndex(const uint32_t &idx, int &det, int &z, int &depth, int &eta, int &phi, int &lay)
std::vector< double > injectedHitsTime_
Definition: HcalQIENum.h:4
static const size_type MAXSAMPLES
HcalShapes theShapes
std::unique_ptr< CaloHitResponse > theHBHEResponse
std::vector< DetId > theHOHPDDetIds
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< PCaloHit > > hcalToken_
unsigned int signalShape() const
Definition: HcalMCParam.h:38
edm::ESGetToken< HBHEDarkening, HBHEDarkeningRecord > m_HEDarkeningToken
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:93
HcalSimParameterMap theParameterMap
std::unique_ptr< HcalElectronicsSim > theHBHEElectronicsSim
virtual bool valid(const HcalZDCDetId &id) const
const edm::ESGetToken< HcalQIETypes, HcalQIETypesRcd > qieTypesToken_
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:97
HcalDataFrameContainer< QIE11DataFrame > QIE11DigiCollection
const edm::ESGetToken< HcalTopology, HcalRecNumberingRecord > topoToken_
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:90
std::unique_ptr< CaloHitResponse > theHOResponse
std::unique_ptr< HPDIonFeedbackSim > theIonFeedback
Definition: DetId.h:17
std::unique_ptr< HcalAmplifier > theZDCAmplifier
edm::ESWatcher< CaloGeometryRecord > theGeometryWatcher_
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:99
void setHOHamamatsuDetIds(const std::vector< HcalDetId > &ids)
void setDbService(const HcalDbService *service)
Definition: HcalShapes.h:24
std::vector< DetId > theHFQIE8DetIds
constexpr uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:57
std::vector< DetId > getValidDetIds() const
Get the list of all valid detector ids.
std::unique_ptr< QIE11Digitizer > theHBHEQIE11Digitizer
std::unique_ptr< QIE10Digitizer > theHFQIE10Digitizer
void setDetIds(const std::vector< DetId > &detIds)
Definition: HcalHitFilter.h:17
std::vector< DetId > theHOSiPMDetIds
HOHitFilter theHOSiPMHitFilter
std::unique_ptr< CaloHitResponse > theZDCResponse
bool check(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
Definition: ESWatcher.h:57
const CaloGeometry * theGeometry
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
std::unique_ptr< HcalAmplifier > theHOAmplifier
std::unique_ptr< HcalSiPMHitResponse > theHOSiPMResponse
bool validHcal(const HcalDetId &id) const
std::vector< DetId > hbheCells
const HBHEDarkening * m_HBDarkening
HLT enums.
void accumulateCaloHits(edm::Handle< std::vector< PCaloHit >> const &hcalHits, edm::Handle< std::vector< PCaloHit >> const &zdcHits, int bunchCrossing, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *, const HcalTopology *h, const ZdcTopology *z)
std::unique_ptr< HcalElectronicsSim > theHOElectronicsSim
HBHEHitFilter theHBHEQIE11HitFilter
void setZDCNoiseSignalGenerator(HcalBaseSignalGenerator *noiseGenerator)
std::vector< DetId > theHBHEQIE8DetIds
std::unique_ptr< CaloHitResponse > theHFQIE10Response
edm::SortedCollection< HFDataFrame > HFDigiCollection
edm::ESGetToken< HcalMCParams, HcalMCParamsRcd > mcParamsToken_
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:98
const edm::ESGetToken< HcalDbService, HcalDbRecord > conditionsToken_
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:89
static constexpr int32_t SubdetectorId
Definition: HcalZDCDetId.h:35
std::unique_ptr< HcalAmplifier > theHFQIE10Amplifier
std::unique_ptr< HcalElectronicsSim > theHBHEQIE11ElectronicsSim
void updateGeometry(const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
void setHBHENoiseSignalGenerator(HcalBaseSignalGenerator *noiseGenerator)
void setup(const edm::EventSetup &es)
const edm::ESGetToken< ZdcTopology, HcalRecNumberingRecord > topoZToken_
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:91
std::vector< DetId > theHBHEQIE11DetIds
def move(src, dest)
void setTopo(const HcalTopology *topo)
void setDbService(const HcalDbService *service)
edm::SortedCollection< HBHEDataFrame > HBHEDigiCollection
std::vector< PCaloHit > injectedHits_
void finalizeEvent(edm::Event &e, edm::EventSetup const &c, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *)
void setHONoiseSignalGenerator(HcalBaseSignalGenerator *noiseGenerator)
HcalDigitizer(const edm::ParameterSet &ps, edm::ConsumesCollector &iC)
const edm::ESGetToken< HcalTimeSlew, HcalTimeSlewRecord > hcalTimeSlew_delay_token_
Definition: HcalDigitizer.h:94