Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 hltPhase2PixelTracksSoA = cms.EDProducer('CAHitNtupletAlpakaPhase2@alpaka',
4  pixelRecHitSrc = cms.InputTag('hltPhase2SiPixelRecHitsSoA'),
5  CPE = cms.string('PixelCPEFastParamsPhase2'),
6  ptmin = cms.double(0.9),
7  CAThetaCutBarrel = cms.double(0.002),
8  CAThetaCutForward = cms.double(0.003),
9  hardCurvCut = cms.double(0.0328407225),
10  dcaCutInnerTriplet = cms.double(0.15),
11  dcaCutOuterTriplet = cms.double(0.25),
12  earlyFishbone = cms.bool(True),
13  lateFishbone = cms.bool(False),
14  fillStatistics = cms.bool(False),
15  minHitsPerNtuplet = cms.uint32(4),
16  phiCuts = cms.vint32(
17  522, 522, 522, 626, 730, 730, 626, 730, 730, 522, 522,
18  522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522,
19  522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 730, 730, 730, 730,
20  730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730,
21  730, 730, 730, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522
22  ),
23  maxNumberOfDoublets = cms.uint32(5*512*1024),
24  minHitsForSharingCut = cms.uint32(10),
25  fitNas4 = cms.bool(False),
26  doClusterCut = cms.bool(True),
27  doZ0Cut = cms.bool(True),
28  doPtCut = cms.bool(True),
29  useRiemannFit = cms.bool(False),
30  doSharedHitCut = cms.bool(True),
31  dupPassThrough = cms.bool(False),
32  useSimpleTripletCleaner = cms.bool(True),
33  idealConditions = cms.bool(False),
34  includeJumpingForwardDoublets = cms.bool(True),
35  trackQualityCuts = cms.PSet(
36  maxChi2 = cms.double(5.0),
37  minPt = cms.double(0.9),
38  maxTip = cms.double(0.3),
39  maxZip = cms.double(12.),
40  ),
41  # autoselect the alpaka backend
42  alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(backend = cms.untracked.string(''))
43 )