Namespaces | Functions File Reference
#include "KalmanUtilsMPlex.h"
#include "PropagationMPlex.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "KalmanUtilsMPlex.icc"
#include "RecoTracker/MkFitCore/interface/cms_common_macros.h"
#include "KalmanGain62.ah"
#include "KHC.ah"
#include "K62HC.ah"
#include "JacCCS2Loc.ah"
#include "PsErrLoc.ah"
#include "PsErrLocTransp.ah"
#include "PsErrLocUpd.ah"
#include "JacLoc2CCS.ah"
#include "OutErrCCS.ah"
#include "OutErrCCSTransp.ah"

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void mkfit::kalmanComputeChi2 (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexQF &outChi2, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanComputeChi2Endcap (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexQF &outChi2, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanComputeChi2Plane (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, const MPlexHV &plNrm, const MPlexHV &plDir, const MPlexHV &plPnt, MPlexQF &outChi2, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanOperation (const int kfOp, const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, MPlexQF &outChi2, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanOperationEndcap (const int kfOp, const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, MPlexQF &outChi2, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanOperationPlane (const int kfOp, const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, const MPlexHV &plNrm, const MPlexHV &plDir, const MPlexHV &plPnt, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, MPlexQF &outChi2, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanOperationPlaneLocal (const int kfOp, const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, const MPlexHV &plNrm, const MPlexHV &plDir, const MPlexHV &plPnt, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, MPlexQF &outChi2, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2 (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexQF &outChi2, MPlexLV &propPar, MPlexQI &outFailFlag, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags &propFlags, const bool propToHit)
void mkfit::kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2Endcap (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexQF &outChi2, MPlexLV &propPar, MPlexQI &outFailFlag, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags &propFlags, const bool propToHit)
void mkfit::kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2Plane (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, const MPlexHV &plNrm, const MPlexHV &plDir, const MPlexHV &plPnt, MPlexQF &outChi2, MPlexLV &propPar, MPlexQI &outFailFlag, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags &propFlags, const bool propToHit)
void mkfit::kalmanPropagateAndUpdate (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, MPlexQI &Chg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, MPlexQI &outFailFlag, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags &propFlags, const bool propToHit)
void mkfit::kalmanPropagateAndUpdateEndcap (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, MPlexQI &Chg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, MPlexQI &outFailFlag, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags &propFlags, const bool propToHit)
void mkfit::kalmanPropagateAndUpdatePlane (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, MPlexQI &Chg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, const MPlexHV &plNrm, const MPlexHV &plDir, const MPlexHV &plPnt, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, MPlexQI &outFailFlag, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags &propFlags, const bool propToHit)
void mkfit::kalmanUpdate (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanUpdateEndcap (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, const int N_proc)
void mkfit::kalmanUpdatePlane (const MPlexLS &psErr, const MPlexLV &psPar, const MPlexQI &Chg, const MPlexHS &msErr, const MPlexHV &msPar, const MPlexHV &plNrm, const MPlexHV &plDir, const MPlexHV &plPnt, MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV &outPar, const int N_proc)