edm::Ptr< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for edm::Ptr< T >, including all inherited members.

Class_Version()edm::Ptr< T >inlinestatic
core_edm::Ptr< T >private
get() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
getData_(bool throwIfNotFound=true) constedm::Ptr< T >inlineprivate
getItem_(C const *product, key_type iKey)edm::Ptr< T >private
hasProductCache() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
id() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
isAvailable() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
isNonnull() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
isNull() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
isTransient() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
key() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
key_edm::Ptr< T >private
key_type typedefedm::Ptr< T >
operator!() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
operator*() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
operator->() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
product() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
productGetter() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(Handle< C > const &handle, key_type itemKey, bool=true)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(OrphanHandle< C > const &handle, key_type itemKey, bool=true)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(C const *iProduct, key_type iItemKey, bool=true)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(T const *item, key_type iItemKey)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(TestHandle< C > const &handle, key_type itemKey, bool=true)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(ProductID const &productID, key_type itemKey, EDProductGetter const *prodGetter)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(ProductID const &productID, T const *item, key_type item_key)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(ProductID const &productID, T const *item, key_type item_key, bool transient)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(ProductID const &iId)edm::Ptr< T >inlineexplicit
Ptr()edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(Ptr< U > const &iOther)edm::Ptr< T >inline
Ptr(Ptr< U > const &iOther)edm::Ptr< T >inlineexplicit
PtrVectorBase classedm::Ptr< T >friend
refCore() constedm::Ptr< T >inline
value_type typedefedm::Ptr< T >
~Ptr()edm::Ptr< T >inline