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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 # Configuration for Ntuple maker for analyzing L1 track performance.
4 # The parameters specified here are suitable for Hybrid prompt track collections
6 L1TrackNtupleMaker = cms.EDAnalyzer('L1TrackNtupleMaker',
7  # MyProcess is the (unsigned) PDGID corresponding to the process which is run
8  # e.g. single electron/positron = 11
9  # single pion+/pion- = 211
10  # single muon+/muon- = 13
11  # pions in jets = 6
12  # taus = 15
13  # all TPs = 1 (pp collisions)
14  MyProcess = cms.int32(1),
15  DebugMode = cms.bool(False), # printout lots of debug statements
16  SaveAllTracks = cms.bool(True), # save *all* L1 tracks, not just truth matched to primary particle
17  SaveStubs = cms.bool(False), # save some info for *all* stubs
18  L1Tk_nPar = cms.int32(4), # use 4 or 5-parameter L1 tracking?
19  L1Tk_minNStub = cms.int32(4), # L1 tracks with >= 4 stubs
20  TP_minNStub = cms.int32(4), # require TP to have >= X number of stubs associated with it
21  TP_minNStubLayer = cms.int32(4), # require TP to have stubs in >= X layers/disks
22  TP_minPt = cms.double(1.9), # only save TPs with pt > X GeV
23  TP_maxEta = cms.double(2.5), # only save TPs with |eta| < X
24  TP_maxZ0 = cms.double(30.0), # only save TPs with |z0| < X cm
25  L1TrackInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tTTTracksFromTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"), # TTTrack input
26  MCTruthTrackInputTag = cms.InputTag( "TTTrackAssociatorFromPixelDigis", "Level1TTTracks"), # MCTruth input
27  # other input collections
28  L1StubInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTStubsFromPhase2TrackerDigis","StubAccepted"),
29  MCTruthClusterInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTClusterAssociatorFromPixelDigis", "ClusterAccepted"),
30  MCTruthStubInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTStubAssociatorFromPixelDigis", "StubAccepted"),
31  TrackingParticleInputTag = cms.InputTag("mix", "MergedTrackTruth"),
32  TrackingVertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("mix", "MergedTrackTruth"),
33  # tracking in jets (--> requires AK4 genjet collection present!)
34  TrackingInJets = cms.bool(False),
35  GenJetInputTag = cms.InputTag("ak4GenJets", "")
36 )