Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
4 pixDigiMon = digiMon.clone(
5  PixelPlotFillingFlag = True,
6  StandAloneClusteriserFlag = False,
7  TopFolderName = "TrackerPhase2ITDigi",
8  NumberOfDigisPerDetH = digiMon.NumberOfDigisPerDetH.clone(
9  Nbins = 500,
10  xmin = -0.5,
11  xmax = 999.5,
12  switch = True
13  ),
14  NumberOfClustersPerDetH = digiMon.NumberOfClustersPerDetH.clone(
15  Nbins = 200,
16  xmin = 0.0,
17  xmax = 2000.,
18  switch = True
19  ),
20  ChargeXYMapH = digiMon.ChargeXYMapH.clone(
21  Nxbins = 450,
22  xmin = 0.5,
23  xmax = 450.5,
24  Nybins = 1350,
25  ymin = 0.5,
26  ymax = 1350.5,
27  switch = False
28  ),
29  PositionOfDigisPH = digiMon.PositionOfDigisPH.clone(
30  Nxbins = 1344,
31  xmin = 0.5,
32  xmax = 1344.5,
33  Nybins = 432,
34  ymin = 0.5,
35  ymax = 432.5,
36  switch = True
37  ),
38  XYPositionMapH = digiMon.XYPositionMapH.clone(
39  Nxbins = 340,
40  xmin = -170.,
41  xmax = 170.,
42  Nybins = 340,
43  ymin = -170.,
44  ymax = 170.,
45  switch = True
46  ),
47  RZPositionMapH = digiMon.RZPositionMapH.clone(
48  Nxbins = 600,
49  xmin = -3000.0,
50  xmax = 3000.,
51  Nybins = 280,
52  ymin = 0.,
53  ymax = 280.,
54  switch = True
55  ),
56  ClusterPositionPH = digiMon.ClusterPositionPH.clone(
57  Nxbins = 960,
58  xmin = 0.5,
59  xmax = 960.5,
60  Nybins = 32,
61  ymin = 0.5,
62  ymax = 32.5,
63  switch = True
64  )
65 )
67 otDigiMon = digiMon.clone(
68  PixelPlotFillingFlag = False,
69  StandAloneClusteriserFlag = False,
70  TopFolderName = "TrackerPhase2OTDigi",
71  XYPositionMapH = digiMon.XYPositionMapH.clone(
72  Nxbins = 250,
73  xmin = -1250.,
74  xmax = 1250.,
75  Nybins = 250,
76  ymin = -1250.,
77  ymax = 1250.,
78  switch = True
79  ),
80  RZPositionMapH = digiMon.RZPositionMapH.clone(
81  Nxbins = 600,
82  xmin = -3000.,
83  xmax = 3000.,
84  Nybins = 250,
85  ymin = 0.,
86  ymax = 1250.,
87  switch = True
88  ),
89  PositionOfDigisSH = digiMon.PositionOfDigisSH.clone(
90  Nxbins = 508,
91  xmin = 0.5,
92  xmax = 1016.5,
93  Nybins = 2,
94  ymin = 0.5,
95  ymax = 2.5,
96  switch = True
97  )
98 )