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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
4 pixelVertices = offlinePrimaryVertices.clone(
5  TrackLabel = "pixelTracks",
7  TkFilterParameters = dict(
8  maxNormalizedChi2 = 100.0,
9  minPixelLayersWithHits=3,
10  minSiliconLayersWithHits = 3,
11  maxD0Significance = 100.0,
12  maxEta = 100.,
13  ),
15  TkClusParameters = cms.PSet(
16  algorithm = cms.string("DA_vect"),
17  TkDAClusParameters = cms.PSet(
18  # the first 4 parameters are adjusted for pixel vertices
19  dzCutOff = cms.double(4.), # outlier rejection after freeze-out (T<Tmin)
20  Tmin = cms.double(2.4), # end of vertex splitting
21  vertexSize = cms.double(0.01), # added in quadrature to track-z resolution
22  uniquetrkweight = cms.double(0.9),# require at least two tracks with this weight at T=Tpurge
23  # the rest is the same as the default defined in OfflinePrimaryVertices
24  coolingFactor = cms.double(0.6), # moderate annealing speed
25  zrange = cms.double(4.), # consider only clusters within 4 sigma*sqrt(T) of a track
26  delta_highT = cms.double(1.e-2), # convergence requirement at high T
27  delta_lowT = cms.double(1.e-3), # convergence requirement at low T
28  convergence_mode = cms.int32(0), # 0 = two steps, 1 = dynamic with sqrt(T)
29  Tpurge = cms.double(2.0), # cleaning
30  Tstop = cms.double(0.5), # end of annealing
31  d0CutOff = cms.double(3.), # downweight high IP tracks
32  zmerge = cms.double(1e-2), # merge intermediat clusters separated by less than zmerge
33  uniquetrkminp = cms.double(0.0), # minimal a priori track weight for counting unique tracks
34  runInBlocks = cms.bool(False), # activate the DA running in blocks of z sorted tracks
35  block_size = cms.uint32(10000), # block size in tracks
36  overlap_frac = cms.double(0.0) # overlap between consecutive blocks (blocks_size*overlap_frac)
37  )
38  ),
40  vertexCollections = cms.VPSet(
41  [cms.PSet(label=cms.string(""),
42  algorithm=cms.string("AdaptiveVertexFitter"),
43  chi2cutoff = cms.double(3.0),
44  minNdof=cms.double(2.0),
45  useBeamConstraint = cms.bool(False),
46  maxDistanceToBeam = cms.double(2.0)
47  )
48  ]
49  )
50 )