10 self.add_option("--shift", "-s", action="store", type="choice", dest="shift", choices=("online","offline"), help="specify shift type: online or offline values allowed. Default is offline.")
11 self.add_option("--url", action="store", type="string", dest="url", default=SERVER_URL, help="specify RR XML-RPC server URL. Default is " + SERVER_URL)
12 self.add_option("--dataset", "-t", action="store", type="string", dest="dataset", default=None, help="explicitly specify dataset name. If not set then script \
13 (1) for offline shift will try to get it from the filename or (2) for online shift will set it to " + ONLINE_DATASET)
14 self.add_option("--debug", "-d", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="print values and exit. Do not write to RR")
15 self.add_option("--filter", "-f", action="store", type="string", dest="filter", default=None, help="Specify filters in the form \"('subsystem','folder','value')\" \
16 in regexp expression. Default is None and this takes all the subsystems, all folders and allvalues")