Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 allTrackProducer = {}
4 mainfolderName = {}
5 vertexfolderName = {}
6 sequenceName = {}
7 trackPtN = {}
8 trackPtMin = {}
9 trackPtMax = {}
10 pcaZtoPVMax = {}
11 pcaZtoPVMin = {}
12 doPlotsPCA = {}
13 numCutString = {}
14 denCutString = {}
15 doGoodTracksPlots = {}
16 doTrackerSpecific = {}
17 doHitPropertiesPlots = {}
18 doGeneralPropertiesPlots = {}
19 doBeamSpotPlots = {}
20 doSeedParameterHistos = {}
21 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack = {}
22 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack = {}
23 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack = {}
24 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack = {}
25 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack = {}
26 doPUmonitoring = {}
27 doPlotsVsBXlumi = {}
28 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx = {}
29 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU = {}
30 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX = {}
31 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi = {}
32 doStopSource = {}
34 selectedTracks = []
36 allTrackProducer['generalTracks'] = 'generalTracks'
37 mainfolderName ['generalTracks'] = 'Tracking/TrackParameters/generalTracks'
38 vertexfolderName['generalTracks'] = 'Tracking/PrimaryVertices/generalTracks'
39 trackPtN ['generalTracks'] = cms.int32(100)
40 trackPtMin ['generalTracks'] = cms.double(0.)
41 trackPtMax ['generalTracks'] = cms.double(100.)
42 pcaZtoPVMax ['generalTracks'] = cms.double(30.)
43 pcaZtoPVMin ['generalTracks'] = cms.double(-30.)
44 doPlotsPCA ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(False)
45 numCutString ['generalTracks'] = cms.string("quality('highPurity')") # num := den + quality('highPurity')
46 denCutString ['generalTracks'] = cms.string("") # den := kinematics cuts
47 doGoodTracksPlots ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
48 doTrackerSpecific ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
49 doHitPropertiesPlots ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
50 doGeneralPropertiesPlots ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
51 doBeamSpotPlots ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
52 doSeedParameterHistos ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(False)
53 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
54 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
55 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
56 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
57 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
58 doPUmonitoring ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(False)
59 doPlotsVsBXlumi ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(False)
60 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
61 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
62 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(False)
63 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(False)
64 doStopSource ['generalTracks'] = cms.bool(True)
66 trackSelector = cms.EDFilter('TrackSelector',
67  src = cms.InputTag('generalTracks'),
68  cut = cms.string("")
69 )
72 highPurityPtRange0to1 = trackSelector.clone(
73  cut = "quality('highPurity') & pt >= 0 & pt < 1 "
74 )
76 sequenceName ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = highPurityPtRange0to1
77 allTrackProducer['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = 'generalTracks'
78 mainfolderName ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = 'Tracking/TrackParameters/highPurityTracks/pt_0to1'
79 vertexfolderName['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = 'Tracking/PrimaryVertices/highPurityTracks/pt_0to1'
80 trackPtN ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.int32(10)
81 trackPtMin ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.double(0.)
82 trackPtMax ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.double(1.)
83 pcaZtoPVMax ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.double(30.)
84 pcaZtoPVMin ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.double(-30.)
85 numCutString ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.string(" pt >= 0 & pt < 1 & quality('highPurity')") # num := den + quality('highPurity') [it is the same as the main selection, but just to be sure ...]
86 denCutString ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.string(" pt >= 0 & pt < 1 ") # den := kinematics cut
87 doPlotsPCA ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
88 doGoodTracksPlots ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
89 doTrackerSpecific ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
90 doHitPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
91 doGeneralPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
92 doBeamSpotPlots ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
93 doSeedParameterHistos ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
94 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
95 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
96 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
97 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
98 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
99 doPUmonitoring ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
100 doPlotsVsBXlumi ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
101 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
102 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
103 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
104 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(False)
105 doStopSource ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] = cms.bool(True)
107 highPurityPtRange1to10 = trackSelector.clone(
108  cut = "quality('highPurity') & pt >= 1 & pt < 10 "
109 )
111 sequenceName ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = highPurityPtRange1to10
112 allTrackProducer['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = 'generalTracks'
113 mainfolderName ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = 'Tracking/TrackParameters/highPurityTracks/pt_1to10'
114 vertexfolderName['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = 'Tracking/PrimaryVertices/highPurityTracks/pt_1to10'
115 trackPtN ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.int32(10)
116 trackPtMin ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.double(1.)
117 trackPtMax ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.double(10.)
118 pcaZtoPVMax ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.double(30.)
119 pcaZtoPVMin ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.double(-30.)
120 numCutString ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.string(" pt >= 1 & pt < 10 & quality('highPurity')") # num := den + quality('highPurity') [it is the same as the main selection, but just to be sure ...]
121 denCutString ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.string(" pt >= 1 & pt < 10 ") # den := kinematics cuts
122 doGoodTracksPlots ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
123 doTrackerSpecific ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
124 doHitPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
125 doGeneralPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
126 doBeamSpotPlots ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
127 doSeedParameterHistos ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(False)
128 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
129 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
130 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
131 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
132 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
133 doPUmonitoring ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(False)
134 doPlotsVsBXlumi ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(False)
135 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
136 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(False)
137 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(False)
138 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(False)
139 doStopSource ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] = cms.bool(True)
141 highPurityPt10 = trackSelector.clone(
142  cut = "quality('highPurity') & pt >= 10"
143 )
145 sequenceName ['highPurityPt10'] = highPurityPt10
146 allTrackProducer['highPurityPt10'] = 'generalTracks'
147 mainfolderName ['highPurityPt10'] = 'Tracking/TrackParameters/highPurityTracks/pt_10'
148 vertexfolderName['highPurityPt10'] = 'Tracking/PrimaryVertices/highPurityTracks/pt_10'
149 trackPtN ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.int32(100)
150 trackPtMin ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.double(10.)
151 trackPtMax ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.double(110.)
152 pcaZtoPVMax ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.double(30.)
153 pcaZtoPVMin ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.double(-30.)
154 numCutString ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.string(" pt >= 10 & quality('highPurity')") # num := den + quality('highPurity') [it is the same as the main selection, but just to be sure ...]
155 denCutString ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.string(" pt >= 10 ") # den := kinematics cuts
156 doGoodTracksPlots ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
157 doTrackerSpecific ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
158 doHitPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
159 doGeneralPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
160 doBeamSpotPlots ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
161 doSeedParameterHistos ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(False)
162 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
163 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
164 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
165 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
166 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
167 doPUmonitoring ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(False)
168 doPlotsVsBXlumi ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(False)
169 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
170 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(False)
171 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(False)
172 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(False)
173 doStopSource ['highPurityPt10'] = cms.bool(True)
176 highPurityPt1 = trackSelector.clone(
177  cut = "quality('highPurity') & pt >= 1"
178 )
180 sequenceName ['highPurityPt1'] = highPurityPt1
181 allTrackProducer['highPurityPt1'] = 'generalTracks'
182 mainfolderName ['highPurityPt1'] = 'Tracking/TrackParameters/highPurityTracks/pt_1'
183 vertexfolderName['highPurityPt1'] = 'Tracking/PrimaryVertices/highPurityTracks/pt_1'
184 trackPtN ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.int32(100)
185 trackPtMin ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.double(0.)
186 trackPtMax ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.double(100.)
187 pcaZtoPVMax ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.double(30.)
188 pcaZtoPVMin ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.double(-30.)
189 doPlotsPCA ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
190 numCutString ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.string(" pt >= 1 & quality('highPurity')") # num := den + quality('highPurity') [it is the same as the main selection, but just to be sure ...]
191 denCutString ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.string(" pt >= 1 ") # den := kinematics cut
192 doGoodTracksPlots ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
193 doTrackerSpecific ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
194 doHitPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
195 doGeneralPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
196 doBeamSpotPlots ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
197 doSeedParameterHistos ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(False)
198 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
199 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
200 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
201 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
202 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
203 doPUmonitoring ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(False)
204 doPlotsVsBXlumi ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(False)
205 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
206 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
207 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
208 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
209 doStopSource ['highPurityPt1'] = cms.bool(True)
212 highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0 = trackSelector.clone(
213  cut = "quality('highPurity') & pt >= 1 & abs(eta) > 2.5"
214 )
216 sequenceName ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0
217 allTrackProducer['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = 'generalTracks'
218 mainfolderName ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = 'Tracking/TrackParameters/highPurityTracks/pt_1_Eta_2p5'
219 vertexfolderName['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = 'Tracking/PrimaryVertices/highPurityTracks/pt_1_Eta_2p5'
220 trackPtN ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.int32(100)
221 trackPtMin ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.double(0.)
222 trackPtMax ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.double(100.)
223 pcaZtoPVMax ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.double(30.)
224 pcaZtoPVMin ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.double(-30.)
225 doPlotsPCA ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
226 numCutString ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.string(" pt >= 1 & abs(eta) > 2.5 & quality('highPurity')") # num := den + quality('highPurity') [it is the same as the main selection, but just to be sure ...]
227 denCutString ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.string(" pt >= 1 & abs(eta) > 2.5") # den := kinematics cut
228 doGoodTracksPlots ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
229 doTrackerSpecific ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
230 doHitPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
231 doGeneralPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
232 doBeamSpotPlots ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
233 doSeedParameterHistos ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(False)
234 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
235 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
236 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
237 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
238 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
239 doPUmonitoring ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(False)
240 doPlotsVsBXlumi ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(False)
241 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
242 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
243 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(False)
244 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(False)
245 doStopSource ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] = cms.bool(True)
254 trackAssociated2pvSelector = trackWithVertexSelector.clone(
255  # the track collection
256  src = 'generalTracks',
257  # kinematic cuts (pT in GeV)
258  etaMin = 0.0,
259  etaMax = 5.0,
260  ptMin = 0.0,
261  ptMax = 100000.0,
262  # impact parameter cut (in cm)
263  d0Max = 999.,
264  dzMax = 999.,
265  # quality cuts (valid hits, normalized chi2)
266  normalizedChi2 = 999999.,
267  numberOfValidHits = 0,
268  numberOfLostHits = 999,
269  numberOfValidPixelHits = 0,
270  ptErrorCut = 9999999.,
271  quality = "highPurity", # quality cut as defined in reco::TrackBase
272  # compatibility with a vertex ?
273  useVtx = True,
274  vertexTag = 'trackingDQMgoodOfflinePrimaryVertices',
275  timesTag = '',
276  timeResosTag = '',
277  nVertices = 1,
278  vtxFallback = True,
280  zetaVtx = 999.,
281  #rhoVtx = 0.2, ## tags used by b-tagging folks
282  rhoVtx = 999.,
283  nSigmaDtVertex = 0.,
284  # should _not_ be used for the TrackWithVertexRefSelector
285  copyExtras = False,
286  copyTrajectories = False # don't set this to true on AOD!
287 )
289 highPurityPV0p1 = trackAssociated2pvSelector.clone(
290  zetaVtx = 0.1, # wrt PV
291  #dzMax = 0.1 # wrt BS
292 )
294 PV0p1 = highPurityPV0p1.clone(
295  quality = "" # quality cut as defined in reco::TrackBase
296 )
298 #sequenceName ['highPurityPV0p1'] = highPurityPV0p1
299 sequenceName ['highPurityPV0p1'] = highPurityPV0p1+PV0p1
300 allTrackProducer['highPurityPV0p1'] = 'PV0p1'
301 mainfolderName ['highPurityPV0p1'] = 'Tracking/TrackParameters/highPurityTracks/dzPV0p1'
302 vertexfolderName['highPurityPV0p1'] = 'Tracking/PrimaryVertices/highPurityTracks/dzPV0p1'
303 trackPtN ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.int32(100)
304 trackPtMin ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.double(0.)
305 trackPtMax ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.double(100.)
306 pcaZtoPVMax ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.double(0.15)
307 pcaZtoPVMin ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.double(-0.15)
308 doPlotsPCA ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
309 numCutString ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.string("quality('highPurity')") # num := den + quality('highPurity')
310 denCutString ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.string("") # den := kinematic cuts
311 doGoodTracksPlots ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
312 doTrackerSpecific ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
313 doHitPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
314 doGeneralPropertiesPlots ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
315 doBeamSpotPlots ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
316 doSeedParameterHistos ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(False)
317 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
318 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
319 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
320 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
321 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
322 doPUmonitoring ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(False)
323 doPlotsVsBXlumi ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(False)
324 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
325 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
326 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(False)
327 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
328 doStopSource ['highPurityPV0p1'] = cms.bool(True)
330 #pixel tracks
331 hiConformalPixelTracksQA = trackSelector.clone(
332  src = 'hiConformalPixelTracks',
333  cut = "chi2/ndof/hitPattern.trackerLayersWithMeasurement < 200"
334 )
336 sequenceName ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = hiConformalPixelTracksQA
337 allTrackProducer['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = 'generalTracks'
338 mainfolderName ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = 'Tracking/TrackParameters/hiConformalPixelTracks'
339 vertexfolderName['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = 'Tracking/PrimaryVertices/hiConformalPixelTracks'
340 trackPtN ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.int32(100)
341 trackPtMin ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.double(0.)
342 trackPtMax ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.double(10.)
343 pcaZtoPVMax ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.double(30.)
344 pcaZtoPVMin ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.double(-30.)
345 numCutString ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.string(" pt >= 0 ")
346 denCutString ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.string(" pt >= 0 ")
347 doPlotsPCA ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
348 doGoodTracksPlots ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
349 doTrackerSpecific ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
350 doHitPropertiesPlots ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
351 doGeneralPropertiesPlots ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
352 doBeamSpotPlots ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
353 doSeedParameterHistos ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
354 doRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
355 doRecHitVsPtVsEtaPerTrack ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
356 doGoodTrackRecHitVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
357 doLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
358 doGoodTrackLayersVsPhiVsEtaPerTrack ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
359 doPUmonitoring ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
360 doPlotsVsBXlumi ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
361 doPlotsVsGoodPVtx ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
362 doEffFromHitPatternVsPU ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
363 doEffFromHitPatternVsBX ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
364 doEffFromHitPatternVsLumi ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(False)
365 doStopSource ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] = cms.bool(True)
367 selectedTracks.extend( ['generalTracks'] )
368 #selectedTracks.extend( ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] )
369 #selectedTracks.extend( ['highPurityPtRange1to10'] )
370 #selectedTracks.extend( ['highPurityPt10'] )
372 selectedTracks.extend( ['highPurityPt1'] )
373 selectedTracks.extend( ['highPurityPtRange0to1'] )
374 selectedTracks.extend( ['highPurityPV0p1'] )
376 # not by default
377 #selectedTracks.extend( ['highPurityPt1Eta2p5to3p0'] )
380 #selectedTracks2runSequence=cms.Sequence()
381 #for tracks in selectedTracks :
382 # if tracks != 'generalTracks':
383 # selectedTracks2runSequence+=sequenceName[tracks]
385 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.pp_on_AA_cff import pp_on_AA
386 pp_on_AA.toModify(selectedTracks, func=lambda selectedTracks: selectedTracks.extend( ['hiConformalPixelTracksQA'] ))
all tracks (no pt cut) associated to the PV association is dz<1mm