| DiMuonV_cfg.closeFileFast |
dictionary | DiMuonV_cfg.config |
| Read in AllInOne config in JSON format. More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.cout |
| DiMuonV_cfg.default |
| DiMuonV_cfg.DiLeptonHelpCounts |
| DiMuonV_cfg.DiMuonVertexValidation |
| DiMuonV_cfg.enable |
| Messages. More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.enableStatistics |
| DiMuonV_cfg.fileMode |
| DiMuonV_cfg.fileName |
| DiMuonV_cfg.fileNames |
| DiMuonV_cfg.FwkReport |
| DiMuonV_cfg.GlobalTag |
| DiMuonV_cfg.goodLumiSecs = cms.untracked.VLuminosityBlockRange(LumiList.LumiList(filename = config["validation"]["goodlumi"]).getCMSSWString().split(',')) |
| Get good lumi section and load data or handle MC. More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.input |
dictionary | DiMuonV_cfg.isMC = config["validation"].get("ismc", True) |
| DiMuonV_cfg.lumisToProcess |
| DiMuonV_cfg.maxEvents |
| efault set to 1 for unit tests More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.muons |
| the two sets of parameters below are mutually exclusive, depending if RECO or ALCARECO is used the useReco flag above must be set accordingly More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.muonTracks |
| DiMuonV_cfg.NavigationSchool |
| DiMuonV_cfg.offlinePrimaryVerticesFromRefittedTrks |
| DiMuonV_cfg.options = VarParsing() |
| Argument parsing. More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.p |
| Path. More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.PlotsVsKinematics |
| DiMuonV_cfg.PrimaryVertexProducer |
| DiMuonV_cfg.process = cms.Process("DiMuonVertexValidation") |
| Define process. More...
list | DiMuonV_cfg.readFiles = [] |
| Read filenames from given TXT file and define input source. More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.refittedMuons |
| DiMuonV_cfg.refittedVtxTracks |
| refitting the vertex tracks More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.Rethrow |
| DiMuonV_cfg.seqRefitting |
| Sequence. More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.skipEvents |
| DiMuonV_cfg.source |
| DiMuonV_cfg.src |
| DiMuonV_cfg.TFileService |
| Output file. More...
| DiMuonV_cfg.threshold |
| DiMuonV_cfg.TrackLabel |
| DiMuonV_cfg.TrackRefitter |
| DiMuonV_cfg.tracks |
| DiMuonV_cfg.TrajectoryInEvent |
| DiMuonV_cfg.TTRHBuilder |
| DiMuonV_cfg.useReco |
| DiMuonV_cfg.vertices |
| DiMuonV_cfg.wantSummary |