Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
4 DiMuonVertexMonitor = DQMEDAnalyzer('DiMuonVertexMonitor',
5  muonTracks = cms.InputTag('ALCARECOTkAlDiMuon'),
6  decayMotherName = cms.string('Z'),
7  vertices = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
8  FolderName = cms.string('DiMuonVertexMonitor'),
9  maxSVdist = cms.double(50),
10  CosPhi3DConfig = cms.PSet(
11  name = cms.string('CosPhi3D'),
12  title = cms.string('cos(#phi_{3D})'),
13  yUnits = cms.string(''),
14  NxBins = cms.int32(24),
15  NyBins = cms.int32(50),
16  ymin = cms.double(-1),
17  ymax = cms.double(1),
18  maxDeltaEta = cms.double(3.7)
19  ),
20  SVDistConfig = cms.PSet(
21  name = cms.string('SVDist'),
22  title = cms.string('PV-SV distance'),
23  yUnits = cms.string('[#mum]'),
24  NxBins = cms.int32(24),
25  NyBins = cms.int32(100),
26  ymin = cms.double(0),
27  ymax = cms.double(300),
28  maxDeltaEta = cms.double(3.7)
29  ),
30  SVDistSigConfig = cms.PSet(
31  name = cms.string('SVDistSig'),
32  title = cms.string('PV-SV distance significance'),
33  yUnits = cms.string('[#mum]'),
34  NxBins = cms.int32(24),
35  NyBins = cms.int32(100),
36  ymin = cms.double(0),
37  ymax = cms.double(5),
38  maxDeltaEta = cms.double(3.7)
39  ),
40  SVDist3DConfig = cms.PSet(
41  name = cms.string('SVDist3D'),
42  title = cms.string('PV-SV 3D distance'),
43  yUnits = cms.string('[#mum]'),
44  NxBins = cms.int32(24),
45  NyBins = cms.int32(100),
46  ymin = cms.double(0),
47  ymax = cms.double(300),
48  maxDeltaEta = cms.double(3.7)
49  ),
50  SVDist3DSigConfig = cms.PSet(
51  name = cms.string('SVDist3DSig'),
52  title = cms.string('PV-SV 3D distance significance'),
53  yUnits = cms.string('[#mum]'),
54  NxBins = cms.int32(24),
55  NyBins = cms.int32(100),
56  ymin = cms.double(0),
57  ymax = cms.double(5),
58  maxDeltaEta = cms.double(3.7)
59  ))