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Generate event vertices according to a Gaussian distribution transverse to beam direction (given by eta and phi Attention: Units are assumed to be cm and radian!
Generate event vertices according to a Flat distribution. Attention: All values are assumed to be cm!
Important note: flat independent distributions in Z and T are not correct for physics production In reality, if two flat beams interact the real distribution will not be flat with independent Z and T but Z and T will be correlated, as example in GaussEvtVtxGenerator. Can restore correlation in configuration via MinT += (MinZ - MaxZ)/2 and MaxT += (MaxZ - MinZ)/2 in [ns] units (recall c_light = 29.98cm/ns)
Generate event vertices according to a Gauss distribution. Attention: All values are assumed to be cm!
Generate event vertices given beams sizes, crossing angle offset, and crab rotation. Attention: All values are assumed to be mm for spatial coordinates and ns for time. Attention: This class fix the the vertex time generation of HLLHCEvtVtxGenerator
cloneEngine cloneEngine.h "IOMC/RandomEngine/interface/cloneEngine.h"
Description: Function used to clone a random number engine
Usage: <usage>
Turns hits into digis. Assumes that there's an ElectroncsSim class with the interface analogToDigital(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*, const CaloSamples &, Digi &);
Applies a correction for time slewing Makes bigger signals come at a delayed time
theSubsystemNeutronWriter stores "events" which consist of a list of SimHits, grouped by detector type. These can then be read back to model neutron background int muon chambers.
You can specify the cut on how long after the signal event to define something as a Neutron Event with the configurable Muon:NeutronTimeCut
Adds the noise only on a subset of strips where it is expected to be greater than a given threshold.