1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
3 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.PNIntegrityClient_cfi
import ecalPNIntegrityClient
4 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.LaserClient_cfi
import ecalLaserClient
5 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.LedClient_cfi
import ecalLedClient
6 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.TestPulseClient_cfi
import ecalTestPulseClient
7 from DQM.EcalMonitorClient.PedestalClient_cfi
import ecalPedestalClient
11 activeSources = [
13 ecalCalibrationSummaryClient = cms.untracked.PSet(
14 params = cms.untracked.PSet(
15 laserWavelengths = ecaldqmLaserWavelengths,
16 ledWavelengths = ecaldqmLedWavelengths,
17 testPulseMGPAGains = ecaldqmMGPAGains,
18 testPulseMGPAGainsPN = ecaldqmMGPAGainsPN,
19 pedestalMGPAGains = ecaldqmMGPAGains,
20 pedestalMGPAGainsPN = ecaldqmMGPAGainsPN,
21 activeSources = cms.untracked.vstring(activeSources),
23 sources = cms.untracked.PSet(
24 Laser = ecalLaserClient.MEs.QualitySummary,
25 LaserPN = ecalLaserClient.MEs.PNQualitySummary,
26 Led = ecalLedClient.MEs.QualitySummary,
27 LedPN = ecalLedClient.MEs.PNQualitySummary,
28 Pedestal = ecalPedestalClient.MEs.QualitySummary,
29 PedestalPN = ecalPedestalClient.MEs.PNQualitySummary,
30 PNIntegrity = ecalPNIntegrityClient.MEs.QualitySummary,
31 TestPulse = ecalTestPulseClient.MEs.QualitySummary,
32 TestPulsePN = ecalTestPulseClient.MEs.PNQualitySummary
34 MEs = cms.untracked.PSet(
35 PNQualitySummary = cms.untracked.PSet(
36 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sSummaryClient/%(prefix)s PN global quality'),
37 kind = cms.untracked.string(
38 otype = cms.untracked.string(
39 btype = cms.untracked.string(
40 description = cms.untracked.string(
'Summary of the calibration data quality for the PN diodes. Channel is red if it is red in any of the Laser 3, Led 1 and 2, Pedestal gain 12, and Test Pulse gain 12 quality summary.')
42 QualitySummary = cms.untracked.PSet(
43 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sSummaryClient/%(prefix)s global calibration quality%(suffix)s'),
44 kind = cms.untracked.string(
45 otype = cms.untracked.string(
46 btype = cms.untracked.string(
47 description = cms.untracked.string(
'Summary of the calibration data quality. Channel is red if it is red in any of the Laser 3, Led 1 and 2, Pedestal gain 12, and Test Pulse gain 12 quality summary.')