Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 from RecoLocalCalo.HGCalRecProducers.hgcalLayerClusters_cfi import hgcalLayerClusters as hgcalLayerClusters_
4 from RecoLocalCalo.HGCalRecProducers.hgcalMergeLayerClusters_cfi import hgcalMergeLayerClusters as hgcalMergeLayerClusters_
10 from SimCalorimetry.HGCalSimProducers.hgcalDigitizer_cfi import fC_per_ele, HGCAL_noises, hgceeDigitizer, hgchebackDigitizer, hfnoseDigitizer
12 hgcalLayerClustersEE = hgcalLayerClusters_.clone(
13  detector = 'EE',
14  recHits = "HGCalRecHit:HGCEERecHits",
15  plugin = dict(
16  dEdXweights = HGCalRecHit.layerWeights.value(),
17  #With the introduction of 7 regional factors (6 for silicon plus 1 for scintillator),
18  #we extend fcPerMip (along with noises below) so that it is guaranteed that they have 6 entries.
19  fcPerMip = HGCalUncalibRecHit.HGCEEConfig.fCPerMIP.value() + HGCalUncalibRecHit.HGCHEFConfig.fCPerMIP.value(),
20  thicknessCorrection = HGCalRecHit.thicknessCorrection.value(),
21  sciThicknessCorrection = HGCalRecHit.sciThicknessCorrection.value(),
22  deltasi_index_regemfac = HGCalRecHit.deltasi_index_regemfac.value(),
23  fcPerEle = fC_per_ele,
24  #Extending noises as fcPerMip, see comment above.
25  noises = HGCAL_noises.values.value() + HGCAL_noises.values.value(),
26  noiseMip = hgchebackDigitizer.digiCfg.noise.value(),
27  type = "SiCLUE"
28  )
29 )
31 hgcalLayerClustersHSi = hgcalLayerClusters_.clone(
32  detector = 'FH',
33  recHits = "HGCalRecHit:HGCHEFRecHits",
34  plugin = dict(
35  dEdXweights = HGCalRecHit.layerWeights.value(),
36  #With the introduction of 7 regional factors (6 for silicon plus 1 for scintillator),
37  #we extend fcPerMip (along with noises below) so that it is guaranteed that they have 6 entries.
38  fcPerMip = HGCalUncalibRecHit.HGCEEConfig.fCPerMIP.value() + HGCalUncalibRecHit.HGCHEFConfig.fCPerMIP.value(),
39  thicknessCorrection = HGCalRecHit.thicknessCorrection.value(),
40  sciThicknessCorrection = HGCalRecHit.sciThicknessCorrection.value(),
41  deltasi_index_regemfac = HGCalRecHit.deltasi_index_regemfac.value(),
42  fcPerEle = fC_per_ele,
43  #Extending noises as fcPerMip, see comment above.
44  noises = HGCAL_noises.values.value() + HGCAL_noises.values.value(),
45  noiseMip = hgchebackDigitizer.digiCfg.noise.value(),
46  type = "SiCLUE"
47  )
48 )
50 hgcalLayerClustersHSci = hgcalLayerClusters_.clone(
51  detector = 'BH',
52  recHits = "HGCalRecHit:HGCHEBRecHits",
53  plugin = dict(
54  dEdXweights = HGCalRecHit.layerWeights.value(),
55  #With the introduction of 7 regional factors (6 for silicon plus 1 for scintillator),
56  #we extend fcPerMip (along with noises below) so that it is guaranteed that they have 6 entries.
57  fcPerMip = HGCalUncalibRecHit.HGCEEConfig.fCPerMIP.value() + HGCalUncalibRecHit.HGCHEFConfig.fCPerMIP.value(),
58  thicknessCorrection = HGCalRecHit.thicknessCorrection.value(),
59  sciThicknessCorrection = HGCalRecHit.sciThicknessCorrection.value(),
60  deltasi_index_regemfac = HGCalRecHit.deltasi_index_regemfac.value(),
61  fcPerEle = fC_per_ele,
62  #Extending noises as fcPerMip, see comment above.
63  noises = HGCAL_noises.values.value() + HGCAL_noises.values.value(),
64  noiseMip = hgchebackDigitizer.digiCfg.noise.value(),
65  type = "SciCLUE"
66  )
67 )
69 hgcalLayerClustersHFNose = hgcalLayerClusters_.clone(
70  detector = 'HFNose',
71  recHits = "HGCalRecHit:HGCHFNoseRecHits",
72  nHitsTime = 3,
73  plugin = dict(
74  dEdXweights = HGCalRecHit.layerNoseWeights.value(),
75  maxNumberOfThickIndices = 3,
76  fcPerMip = HGCalUncalibRecHit.HGCHFNoseConfig.fCPerMIP.value(),
77  thicknessCorrection = HGCalRecHit.thicknessNoseCorrection.value(),
78  fcPerEle = fC_per_ele,
79  noises = HGCAL_noises.values.value(),
80  noiseMip = hgchebackDigitizer.digiCfg.noise.value(),
81  type = "SciCLUE"
82  )
83 )
85 hgcalMergeLayerClusters = hgcalMergeLayerClusters_.clone(
86 )