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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 energyOverMomentumTree = cms.EDAnalyzer('EopElecTreeWriter',
4  src = cms.InputTag('electronGsfTracks'),
5  # HLT path to filter on
6  triggerPath = cms.string("HLT_Ele"), # ("HLT_DiEle27_WPTightCaloOnly_L1DoubleEG_v4"),
7  # take HLT objects from this filter
8  hltFilter = cms.string("hltDiEle27L1DoubleEGWPTightHcalIsoFilter"),
9  # debug the trigger and filter selections
10  debugTriggerSelection = cms.bool(False),
11  # Lower threshold on track's momentum magnitude in GeV
12  #PCut = cms.double(31.),#15.),
13  # tag on Z mass width window, between MzMin and MzMax
14  #MzMin = cms.double(60.),
15  #MzMax = cms.double(120.),
16  # Lower threshold on Ecal energy deposit considering the Energy of SuperCluster
17  #EcalEnergyCut = cms.double(30.),#14.),
18  # Upper threshold on Hcal energy deposit considering the Energy of 5x5 Calo cells
19  #HcalEnergyCut = cms.double(3.),
20  # Isolation criteria: no other track lying in a cone of differential
21  # radius dRIso (in eta-phi plan) arround the considered track
22  #dRIso = cms.double(0.1),
23  # Isolation against neutral particles:
24  # SCdRMatch: differential radius (eta-phi plan) used for track-SupClus matching
25  # SCdRIso: between SCdRMatch and SCdRIso arround track, NO OTHER Super Cluster
26  #SCdRMatch = cms.double(0.09),
27  #SCdRIso = cms.double(0.2)
28  )