Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 from PhysicsTools.NanoAOD.common_cff import Var,P3Vars
4 hbheRecHitTable = cms.EDProducer("HBHERecHitFlatTableProducer",
5  src = cms.InputTag("hbhereco"),
6  cut = cms.string(""),
7  name = cms.string("RecHitHBHE"),
8  doc = cms.string("HCAL barrel and endcap rec hits"),
9  singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
10  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the object
11  variables = cms.PSet(
12  detId = Var('detid().rawId()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='detId'),
13  energy = Var('energy', 'float', precision=14, doc='energy'),
14  time = Var('time', 'float', precision=14, doc='hit time'),
15  ieta = Var('id().ieta()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='ieta'),
16  iphi = Var('id().iphi()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='iphi'),
17  depth = Var('id().depth()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='depth')
18  )
19 )
21 hfRecHitTable = cms.EDProducer("HFRecHitFlatTableProducer",
22  src = cms.InputTag("hfreco"),
23  cut = cms.string(""),
24  name = cms.string("RecHitHF"),
25  doc = cms.string("HCAL forward (HF) rec hits"),
26  singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
27  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the object
28  variables = cms.PSet(
29  detId = Var('detid().rawId()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='detId'),
30  energy = Var('energy', 'float', precision=14, doc='energy'),
31  time = Var('time', 'float', precision=14, doc='hit time'),
32  ieta = Var('id().ieta()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='ieta'),
33  iphi = Var('id().iphi()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='iphi'),
34  depth = Var('id().depth()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='depth')
35  )
36 )
38 hoRecHitTable = cms.EDProducer("HORecHitFlatTableProducer",
39  src = cms.InputTag("horeco"),
40  cut = cms.string(""),
41  name = cms.string("RecHitHO"),
42  doc = cms.string("HCAL outer (HO) rec hits"),
43  singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
44  extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table for the object
45  variables = cms.PSet(
46  detId = Var('detid().rawId()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='detId'),
47  energy = Var('energy', 'float', precision=14, doc='energy'),
48  time = Var('time', 'float', precision=14, doc='hit time'),
49  ieta = Var('id().ieta()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='ieta'),
50  iphi = Var('id().iphi()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='iphi'),
51  depth = Var('id().depth()', 'int', precision=-1, doc='depth')
52  )
53 )
55 hcalRecHitTableSeq = cms.Sequence(
56  hbheRecHitTable
57  + hfRecHitTable
58  + hoRecHitTable
59 )
61 hcalRecHitTableTask = cms.Task(
62  hbheRecHitTable,
63  hfRecHitTable,
64  hoRecHitTable,
65 )
def Var(expr, valtype, doc=None, precision=-1, lazyEval=False)