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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 import PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.PATJetUpdater_cfi as _mod
4 updatedPatJets = _mod.PATJetUpdater.clone(
5  # input
6  jetSource = "slimmedJets",
7  # add user data
8  userData = dict(
9  # add custom classes here
10  userClasses = cms.PSet(
11  src = cms.VInputTag('')
12  ),
13  # add doubles here
14  userFloats = cms.PSet(
15  src = cms.VInputTag('')
16  ),
17  # add ints here
18  userInts = cms.PSet(
19  src = cms.VInputTag('')
20  ),
21  # add candidate ptrs here
22  userCands = cms.PSet(
23  src = cms.VInputTag('')
24  ),
25  # add "inline" functions here
26  userFunctions = [],
27  userFunctionLabels = []
28  ),
29  # sort
30  sort = True,
31  # jet energy corrections
32  addJetCorrFactors = True,
33  jetCorrFactorsSource = ["updatedPatJetCorrFactors"],
34  # btag information
35  addBTagInfo = True,
36  addDiscriminators = True,
37  discriminatorSources = [],
38  # clone tag infos ATTENTION: these take lots of space!
39  # usually the discriminators from the default algos
40  # are sufficient
41  addTagInfos = False,
42  tagInfoSources = [],
43  printWarning = True
44 )