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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 hgceeDigitizer = cms.PSet(
4  NoiseGeneration_Method = cms.bool(True),
5  accumulatorType = cms.string('HGCDigiProducer'),
6  bxTime = cms.double(25),
7  digiCfg = cms.PSet(
8  cceParams = cms.PSet(
9  refToPSet_ = cms.string('HGCAL_cceParams_toUse')
10  ),
11  chargeCollectionEfficiencies = cms.PSet(
12  refToPSet_ = cms.string('HGCAL_chargeCollectionEfficiencies')
13  ),
14  doTimeSamples = cms.bool(False),
15  feCfg = cms.PSet(
16  adcNbits = cms.uint32(10),
17  adcPulse = cms.vdouble(
18  0.0, 0.017, 0.817, 0.163, 0.003,
19  0.0
20  ),
21  adcSaturation_fC = cms.double(100),
22  adcThreshold_fC = cms.double(0.672),
23  fwVersion = cms.uint32(2),
24  jitterConstant_ns = cms.vdouble(0.0004, 0.0004, 0.0004),
25  jitterNoise_ns = cms.vdouble(25.0, 25.0, 25.0),
26  pulseAvgT = cms.vdouble(
27  0.0, 23.42298, 13.16733, 6.41062, 5.03946,
28  4.532
29  ),
30  targetMIPvalue_ADC = cms.uint32(10),
31  tdcChargeDrainParameterisation = cms.vdouble(
32  -919.13, 365.36, -14.1, 0.2, -21.85,
33  49.39, 22.21, 0.8, -0.28, 27.14,
34  43.95, 3.89048
35  ),
36  tdcForToAOnset_fC = cms.vdouble(12.0, 12.0, 12.0),
37  tdcNbits = cms.uint32(12),
38  tdcOnset_fC = cms.double(60),
39  tdcResolutionInPs = cms.double(0.001),
40  tdcSaturation_fC = cms.double(10000),
41  toaLSB_ns = cms.double(0.0244),
42  toaMode = cms.uint32(1)
43  ),
44  ileakParam = cms.PSet(
45  refToPSet_ = cms.string('HGCAL_ileakParam_toUse')
46  ),
47  keV2fC = cms.double(0.044259),
48  noise_fC = cms.PSet(
49  refToPSet_ = cms.string('HGCAL_noise_fC')
50  ),
51  thresholdFollowsMIP = cms.bool(True)
52  ),
53  digiCollection = cms.string('HGCDigisEE'),
54  digitizationType = cms.uint32(0),
55  eVPerEleHolePair = cms.double(3.62),
56  geometryType = cms.uint32(1),
57  hitCollection = cms.string('HGCHitsEE'),
58  makeDigiSimLinks = cms.bool(False),
59  maxSimHitsAccTime = cms.uint32(100),
60  premixStage1 = cms.bool(False),
61  premixStage1MaxCharge = cms.double(1000000.0),
62  premixStage1MinCharge = cms.double(0),
63  tofDelay = cms.double(5),
64  useAllChannels = cms.bool(True),
65  verbosity = cms.untracked.uint32(0)
66 )