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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
4 from L1Trigger.DTTriggerPhase2.HoughGrouping_cfi import HoughGrouping
5 from L1Trigger.DTTriggerPhase2.PseudoBayesGrouping_cfi import PseudoBayesPattern
7 dtTriggerPhase2PrimitiveDigis = cms.EDProducer("DTTrigPhase2Prod",
8  digiTag = cms.InputTag("CalibratedDigis"),
9  trigger_with_sl = cms.int32(4),
10  tanPhiTh = cms.double(1.),
11  tanPhiThw2max = cms.double(1.3),
12  tanPhiThw2min = cms.double(0.5),
13  tanPhiThw1max = cms.double(0.9),
14  tanPhiThw1min = cms.double(0.2),
15  tanPhiThw0 = cms.double(0.5),
16  chi2Th = cms.double(0.01), #in cm^2
17  chi2corTh = cms.double(0.1), #in cm^2
18  useBX_correlation = cms.bool(False),
19  dT0_correlate_TP = cms.double(25.),
20  dBX_correlate_TP = cms.int32(0),
21  dTanPsi_correlate_TP = cms.double(99999.),
22  clean_chi2_correlation = cms.bool(True),
23  allow_confirmation = cms.bool(True),
24  minx_match_2digis = cms.double(1.),
25  scenario = cms.int32(0), #0 for mc, 1 for data, 2 for slice test
26  df_extended = cms.int32(0), # DF: 0 for standard, 1 for extended, 2 for both
27  max_primitives = cms.int32(999),
29  ttrig_filename = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2/data/wire_rawId_ttrig.txt'),
30  z_filename = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2/data/wire_rawId_z.txt'),
31  shift_filename = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2/data/wire_rawId_x.txt'),
32  shift_theta_filename = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2/data/theta_shift.txt'),
33  global_coords_filename = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2/data/global_coord_perp_x_phi0.txt'),
34  algo = cms.int32(0), # 0 = STD gr., 2 = Hough transform, 1 = PseudoBayes Approach
36  minHits4Fit = cms.int32(3),
37  splitPathPerSL = cms.bool(True),
39  #debugging
40  debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
41  dump = cms.untracked.bool(False),
43  #RPC
44  rpcRecHits = cms.InputTag("rpcRecHits"),
45  useRPC = cms.bool(False),
46  bx_window = cms.int32(1), # will look for RPC cluster within a bunch crossing window of 'dt.BX +- bx_window'
47  phi_window = cms.double(50.), # will look for RPC cluster within a phi window of +- phi_window in arbitrary coordinates (plot the value we cut on in RPCIntergator to fine tune it)
48  max_quality_to_overwrite_t0 = cms.int32(9), # will use RPC to set 't0' for TP with quality < 'max_quality_to_overwrite_t0'
49  storeAllRPCHits = cms.bool(False),
50  activateBuffer = cms.bool(False),
51  superCelltimewidth = cms.double(400), # in nanoseconds
52  superCellspacewidth = cms.int32(20), # in number of cells: IT MUST BE AN EVEN NUMBER
53  )
55 dtTriggerPhase2PrimitiveDigis.HoughGrouping = HoughGrouping
56 dtTriggerPhase2PrimitiveDigis.PseudoBayesPattern = PseudoBayesPattern