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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 import math
4 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
6 OuterTrackerTkMET = DQMEDAnalyzer('L1TPhase2OuterTrackerTkMET',
7  TopFolderName = cms.string('L1T/L1TPhase2/'),
8  TTTracksTag = cms.InputTag("l1tTTTracksFromTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
9  L1VertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tVertexFinderEmulator", "L1VerticesEmulation"),
10  maxZ0 = cms.double ( 15. ) , # in cm
11  maxEta = cms.double ( 2.4 ) ,
12  chi2dofMax = cms.double( 10. ),
13  bendchi2Max = cms.double( 2.2 ),
14  minPt = cms.double( 2. ), # in GeV
15  DeltaZ = cms.double( 3. ), # in cm
16  nStubsmin = cms.int32( 4 ), # min number of stubs for the tracks to enter in TrkMET calculation
17  nStubsPSmin = cms.int32( -1 ), # min number of stubs in the PS Modules
18  maxPt = cms.double( -10. ), # in GeV. When maxPt > 0, tracks with PT above maxPt are considered as
19  # mismeasured and are treated according to HighPtTracks below.
20  # When maxPt < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
21  HighPtTracks = cms.int32( 1 ), # when = 0 : truncation. Tracks with PT above maxPt are ignored
22  # when = 1 : saturation. Tracks with PT above maxPt are set to PT=maxPt.
23  # When maxPt < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
25 # Number of TTTracks
26  TH1_NTracks = cms.PSet(
27  Nbinsx = cms.int32(100),
28  xmax = cms.double(99.5),
29  xmin = cms.double(-0.5)
30  ),
32 #Pt of the track
33  TH1_Track_Pt = cms.PSet(
34  Nbinsx = cms.int32(50),
35  xmax = cms.double(100),
36  xmin = cms.double(0)
37  ),
39 #Eta of the track
40  TH1_Track_Eta = cms.PSet(
41  Nbinsx = cms.int32(45),
42  xmax = cms.double(3.0),
43  xmin = cms.double(-3.0)
44  ),
46 #VtxZ of the track
47  TH1_Track_VtxZ = cms.PSet(
48  Nbinsx = cms.int32(51),
49  xmax = cms.double(25),
50  xmin = cms.double(-25)
51  ),
53 #Nstubs of the track
54  TH1_Track_NStubs = cms.PSet(
55  Nbinsx = cms.int32(6),
56  xmax = cms.double(9),
57  xmin = cms.double(3)
58  ),
60 #N PS stubs of the track
61  TH1_Track_NPSstubs = cms.PSet(
62  Nbinsx = cms.int32(6),
63  xmax = cms.double(7),
64  xmin = cms.double(1)
65  ),
67 #Chi2dof of the track
68  TH1_Track_Chi2Dof = cms.PSet(
69  Nbinsx = cms.int32(100),
70  xmax = cms.double(50),
71  xmin = cms.double(0)
72  ),
74 #Bendchi2 of the track
75  TH1_Track_BendChi2 = cms.PSet(
76  Nbinsx = cms.int32(30),
77  xmax = cms.double(50),
78  xmin = cms.double(0)
79  ),
81 #tkMET distribution
82  TH1_Track_TkMET = cms.PSet(
83  Nbinsx = cms.int32(100),
84  xmax = cms.double(500),
85  xmin = cms.double(0)
86  ),
87 )
89 l1tPhase2CorrelatorOfflineDQM = DQMEDAnalyzer(
90  "L1TPhase2CorrelatorOffline",
91  verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False),
92  genJetsInputTag = cms.untracked.InputTag("ak4GenJetsNoNu"),
93  genParticlesInputTag = cms.untracked.InputTag("genParticles"),
94  isParticleGun = cms.bool(False),
95  objects = cms.PSet(
96  L1PF = cms.VInputTag("l1tLayer1:PF",),
97  L1PF_sel = cms.string("pt > 0"),
98  L1Puppi = cms.VInputTag("l1tLayer1:Puppi",),
99  L1Puppi_sel = cms.string("pt > 0"),
100  ),
102  histFolder = cms.string('L1T/L1TPhase2/Correlator/'),
104  histDefinitions=cms.PSet(
105  resVsPt=cms.PSet(
106  name=cms.untracked.string("resVsPt"),
107  title=cms.untracked.string("resVsPt"),
108  nbinsX=cms.untracked.uint32(10),
109  xmin=cms.untracked.double(0.),
110  xmax=cms.untracked.double(100.),
111  ),
112  resVsEta=cms.PSet(
113  name=cms.untracked.string("resVsEta"),
114  title=cms.untracked.string("resVsEta"),
115  nbinsX=cms.untracked.uint32(20),
116  xmin=cms.untracked.double(-5.),
117  xmax=cms.untracked.double(5.),
118  ),
119  ptDist=cms.PSet(
120  name=cms.untracked.string("ptDist"),
121  title=cms.untracked.string("ptDist"),
122  nbinsX=cms.untracked.uint32(20),
123  xmin=cms.untracked.double(0.),
124  xmax=cms.untracked.double(100.),
125  ),
126  etaDist=cms.PSet(
127  name=cms.untracked.string("etaDist"),
128  title=cms.untracked.string("etaDist"),
129  nbinsX=cms.untracked.uint32(20),
130  xmin=cms.untracked.double(-5.),
131  xmax=cms.untracked.double(5.),
132  ),
133  ),
134 )
138 l1tPhase2OfflineDQM = cms.Sequence(
139  l1tPhase2CorrelatorOfflineDQM +
140  OuterTrackerTkMET +
141  l1tPhase2MuonOffline
142  )