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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 l1tTkCaloHTMiss = cms.EDProducer("L1TkHTMissProducer",
4  L1TkJetInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tTkCaloJets", "L1TkCaloJets"),
5  L1VertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tVertexFinder", "L1Vertices"),
6  jet_maxEta = cms.double(2.2), # maximum eta of jets for HT
7  jet_minPt = cms.double(15.0), # minimum pt of jets for HT [GeV]
8  jet_minNtracksHighPt=cms.int32(0), #Add track jet quality criteria pT>100
9  jet_minNtracksLowPt=cms.int32(0), #Add track jet quality criteria pT>50
10  jet_minJetEtLowPt=cms.double(0.0), # Track jet quality criteria
11  jet_minJetEtHighPt=cms.double(0.0),
12  doVtxConstrain = cms.bool(False), # turn on/off applying any vertex constraint32
13  deltaZ = cms.double(1.0), # require jets to have |z_jet - z_ref| below deltaZ [cm]
14  primaryVtxConstrain = cms.bool(False), # use primary vertex instead of leading jet as reference z position
15  useCaloJets = cms.bool(True), # determines whether matched jets or standalone jets are used for MHT
16  displaced = cms.bool(False) #Run with prompt/displaced jets - only useful for track jets
17 )
19 l1tTkCaloHTMissVtx = l1tTkCaloHTMiss.clone(doVtxConstrain = True)
21 l1tTrackerHTMiss = cms.EDProducer("L1TkHTMissProducer",
22  L1TkJetInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tTrackJets", "L1TrackJets"),
23  L1VertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tVertexFinder", "L1Vertices"),
24  jet_maxEta = cms.double(2.4),
25  jet_minPt = cms.double(5.0),
26  jet_minNtracksLowPt=cms.int32(2),
27  jet_minNtracksHighPt=cms.int32(3),
28  jet_minJetEtLowPt=cms.double(50.0), # Track jet quality criteria
29  jet_minJetEtHighPt=cms.double(100.0),
30  useCaloJets = cms.bool(False),
31  doVtxConstrain = cms.bool(False), # turn on/off applying any vertex constraint32
32  deltaZ = cms.double(1.0), # This is a dummy value for track only jets
33  primaryVtxConstrain = cms.bool(False), # primary vertex already applied to track jet collections
34  displaced = cms.bool(False) # Run with prompt/displaced jets
35 )
37 l1tTrackerHTMissExtended = cms.EDProducer("L1TkHTMissProducer",
38  L1TkJetInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tTrackJetsExtended", "L1TrackJetsExtended"),
39  L1VertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1tVertexFinder", "L1Vertices"),
40  jet_maxEta = cms.double(2.4),
41  jet_minPt = cms.double(5.0),
42  jet_minNtracksLowPt=cms.int32(2),
43  jet_minNtracksHighPt=cms.int32(3),
44  jet_minJetEtLowPt=cms.double(50.0), # Track jet quality criteria
45  jet_minJetEtHighPt=cms.double(100.0),
46  useCaloJets = cms.bool(False),
47  doVtxConstrain = cms.bool(False), # turn on/off applying any vertex constraint32
48  deltaZ = cms.double(1.0), # This is a dummy value for track only jets
49  primaryVtxConstrain = cms.bool(False), # primary vertex already applied to track jet collections
50  displaced = cms.bool(True) # Run with prompt/displaced jets
51 )