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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 hltHbhereco = cms.EDProducer("HBHEPhase1Reconstructor",
4  algoConfigClass = cms.string(''),
5  algorithm = cms.PSet(
6  Class = cms.string('SimpleHBHEPhase1Algo'),
7  activeBXs = cms.vint32(
8  -3, -2, -1, 0, 1,
9  2, 3, 4
10  ),
11  applyLegacyHBMCorrection = cms.bool(False),
12  applyPedConstraint = cms.bool(False),
13  applyPulseJitter = cms.bool(False),
14  applyTimeConstraint = cms.bool(False),
15  applyTimeSlew = cms.bool(True),
16  applyTimeSlewM3 = cms.bool(True),
17  calculateArrivalTime = cms.bool(False),
18  chiSqSwitch = cms.double(-1.0),
19  correctForPhaseContainment = cms.bool(True),
20  correctionPhaseNS = cms.double(6.0),
21  deltaChiSqThresh = cms.double(0.001),
22  dynamicPed = cms.bool(False),
23  firstSampleShift = cms.int32(0),
24  fitTimes = cms.int32(1),
25  meanPed = cms.double(0.0),
26  meanTime = cms.double(0.0),
27  nMaxItersMin = cms.int32(50),
28  nMaxItersNNLS = cms.int32(500),
29  nnlsThresh = cms.double(1e-11),
30  pulseJitter = cms.double(1.0),
31  respCorrM3 = cms.double(1.0),
32  samplesToAdd = cms.int32(2),
33  tdcTimeShift = cms.double(0.0),
34  timeMax = cms.double(12.5),
35  timeMin = cms.double(-12.5),
36  timeSigmaHPD = cms.double(5.0),
37  timeSigmaSiPM = cms.double(2.5),
38  timeSlewParsType = cms.int32(3),
39  ts4Max = cms.vdouble(100.0, 20000.0, 30000.0),
40  ts4Min = cms.double(0.0),
41  ts4Thresh = cms.double(0.0),
42  ts4chi2 = cms.vdouble(15.0, 15.0),
43  useM2 = cms.bool(False),
44  useM3 = cms.bool(False),
45  useMahi = cms.bool(True)
46  ),
47  digiLabelQIE11 = cms.InputTag("hltHcalDigis"),
48  digiLabelQIE8 = cms.InputTag("hltHcalDigis"),
49  dropZSmarkedPassed = cms.bool(True),
50  flagParametersQIE11 = cms.PSet(
52  ),
53  flagParametersQIE8 = cms.PSet(
54  hitEnergyMinimum = cms.double(1.0),
55  hitMultiplicityThreshold = cms.int32(17),
56  nominalPedestal = cms.double(3.0),
57  pulseShapeParameterSets = cms.VPSet(
58  cms.PSet(
59  pulseShapeParameters = cms.vdouble(
60  0.0, 100.0, -50.0, 0.0, -15.0,
61  0.15
62  )
63  ),
64  cms.PSet(
65  pulseShapeParameters = cms.vdouble(
66  100.0, 2000.0, -50.0, 0.0, -5.0,
67  0.05
68  )
69  ),
70  cms.PSet(
71  pulseShapeParameters = cms.vdouble(
72  2000.0, 1000000.0, -50.0, 0.0, 95.0,
73  0.0
74  )
75  ),
76  cms.PSet(
77  pulseShapeParameters = cms.vdouble(
78  -1000000.0, 1000000.0, 45.0, 0.1, 1000000.0,
79  0.0
80  )
81  )
82  )
83  ),
84  makeRecHits = cms.bool(True),
85  processQIE11 = cms.bool(True),
86  processQIE8 = cms.bool(False),
87  pulseShapeParametersQIE11 = cms.PSet(
89  ),
90  pulseShapeParametersQIE8 = cms.PSet(
91  LeftSlopeCut = cms.vdouble(5.0, 2.55, 2.55),
92  LeftSlopeThreshold = cms.vdouble(250.0, 500.0, 100000.0),
93  LinearCut = cms.vdouble(-3.0, -0.054, -0.054),
94  LinearThreshold = cms.vdouble(20.0, 100.0, 100000.0),
95  MinimumChargeThreshold = cms.double(20.0),
96  MinimumTS4TS5Threshold = cms.double(100.0),
97  R45MinusOneRange = cms.double(0.2),
98  R45PlusOneRange = cms.double(0.2),
99  RMS8MaxCut = cms.vdouble(-13.5, -11.5, -11.5),
100  RMS8MaxThreshold = cms.vdouble(20.0, 100.0, 100000.0),
101  RightSlopeCut = cms.vdouble(5.0, 4.15, 4.15),
102  RightSlopeSmallCut = cms.vdouble(1.08, 1.16, 1.16),
103  RightSlopeSmallThreshold = cms.vdouble(150.0, 200.0, 100000.0),
104  RightSlopeThreshold = cms.vdouble(250.0, 400.0, 100000.0),
105  TS3TS4ChargeThreshold = cms.double(70.0),
106  TS3TS4UpperChargeThreshold = cms.double(20.0),
107  TS4TS5ChargeThreshold = cms.double(70.0),
108  TS4TS5LowerCut = cms.vdouble(
109  -1.0, -0.7, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3,
110  0.1
111  ),
112  TS4TS5LowerThreshold = cms.vdouble(
113  100.0, 120.0, 160.0, 200.0, 300.0,
114  500.0
115  ),
116  TS4TS5UpperCut = cms.vdouble(1.0, 0.8, 0.75, 0.72),
117  TS4TS5UpperThreshold = cms.vdouble(70.0, 90.0, 100.0, 400.0),
118  TS5TS6ChargeThreshold = cms.double(70.0),
119  TS5TS6UpperChargeThreshold = cms.double(20.0),
120  TriangleIgnoreSlow = cms.bool(False),
121  TrianglePeakTS = cms.uint32(10000),
122  UseDualFit = cms.bool(True)
123  ),
124  recoParamsFromDB = cms.bool(True),
125  saveDroppedInfos = cms.bool(False),
126  saveEffectivePedestal = cms.bool(True),
127  saveInfos = cms.bool(False),
128  setLegacyFlagsQIE11 = cms.bool(False),
129  setLegacyFlagsQIE8 = cms.bool(False),
130  setNegativeFlagsQIE11 = cms.bool(False),
131  setNegativeFlagsQIE8 = cms.bool(False),
132  setNoiseFlagsQIE11 = cms.bool(False),
133  setNoiseFlagsQIE8 = cms.bool(False),
134  setPulseShapeFlagsQIE11 = cms.bool(False),
135  setPulseShapeFlagsQIE8 = cms.bool(False),
136  sipmQNTStoSum = cms.int32(3),
137  sipmQTSShift = cms.int32(0),
138  tsFromDB = cms.bool(False),
139  use8ts = cms.bool(True)
140 )