This is the complete list of members for RPCIntegrator, including all inherited members.
createL1Phase2MuDTPhDigi(RPCDetId rpcDetId, int rpc_bx, double rpc_time, double rpc_global_phi, double phiB, int rpc_flag) | RPCIntegrator | |
distance_between_two_rpc_layers_ | RPCIntegrator | privatestatic |
dtGeo_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
dtGeomH_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
finish() | RPCIntegrator | |
hasPosRF_rpc(int wh, int sec) const | RPCIntegrator | |
initialise(const edm::EventSetup &iEventSetup, double shift_back_fromDT) | RPCIntegrator | |
m_bx_window_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
m_debug_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
m_max_quality_to_overwrite_t0_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
m_phi_window_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
m_storeAllRPCHits_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
makeRPCOnlySegments() | RPCIntegrator | |
matchDTwithRPC(cmsdt::metaPrimitive *dt_metaprimitive) | RPCIntegrator | |
matchWithDTAndUseRPCTime(std::vector< cmsdt::metaPrimitive > &dt_metaprimitives) | RPCIntegrator | |
phi_DT_MP_conv(double rpc_global_phi, int rpcSector) | RPCIntegrator | |
phiBending(RPCMetaprimitive *rpc_hit_1, RPCMetaprimitive *rpc_hit_2) | RPCIntegrator | |
phiInDTTPFormat(double rpc_global_phi, int rpcSector) | RPCIntegrator | |
prepareMetaPrimitives(edm::Handle< RPCRecHitCollection > rpcRecHits) | RPCIntegrator | |
R_ | RPCIntegrator | privatestatic |
removeRPCHitsUsed() | RPCIntegrator | |
rpcGeo_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
rpcGeomH_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
RPCGlobalPosition(RPCDetId rpcId, const RPCRecHit &rpcIt) const | RPCIntegrator | |
RPCIntegrator(const edm::ParameterSet &pset, edm::ConsumesCollector &iC) | RPCIntegrator | |
RPCMetaprimitives_ | RPCIntegrator | |
rpcRecHits_translated_ | RPCIntegrator | |
shift_back_ | RPCIntegrator | private |
storeRPCSingleHits() | RPCIntegrator | |
~RPCIntegrator() | RPCIntegrator | |