Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 DisplacedMuEGPSet = cms.PSet(
4  hltPathsToCheck = cms.vstring(
5  "HLT_Mu43NoFiltersNoVtx_Photon43_CaloIdL_v", # 2017 displaced e-mu (main) # Claimed path for Run3
6 # "HLT_Mu48NoFiltersNoVtx_Photon48_CaloIdL_v", # 2017 displaced e-mu (backup) # Claimed path for Run3, but a backup so no need to monitor it closely here
7  "HLT_Mu38NoFiltersNoVtxDisplaced_Photon38_CaloIdL_v", # 2017 displaced e-mu, muon with dxy> 0.01cm (main) # Claimed path for Run3
8 # "HLT_Mu43NoFiltersNoVtxDisplaced_Photon43_CaloIdL_v", # 2017 displaced e-mu, muon with dxy> 0.01cm (backup) # Claimed path for Run3, but a backup so no need to monitor it closely here
9  "HLT_Mu20NoFiltersNoVtxDisplaced_Photon20_CaloCustomId_v", # New Run3 path
10  ),
11  recElecLabel = cms.InputTag("gedGsfElectrons"),
12  recMuonLabel = cms.InputTag("muons"),
13  # -- Analysis specific cuts
14  minCandidates = cms.uint32(1),
15  # -- Analysis specific binnings
16  parametersDxy = cms.vdouble(50, -50, 50),
17  parametersTurnOn = cms.vdouble(
18  0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
19  100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600
20  ),
21  dropPt2 = cms.bool(True),
22  dropPt3 = cms.bool(True),
23 )