Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 from L1Trigger.VertexFinder.VertexProducer_cff import VertexProducer
5 L1TrackJets = cms.EDProducer('L1TrackJetProducer',
6  L1TrackInputTag= cms.InputTag("TTTracksFromTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
7  L1PVertexCollection = cms.InputTag("VertexProducer", VertexProducer.l1VertexCollectionName.value()),
8  MaxDzTrackPV = cms.double( 0.5 ),
9  trk_zMax = cms.double (15.) , # maximum track z
10  trk_ptMax = cms.double(200.), # maximumum track pT before saturation [GeV]
11  trk_ptMin = cms.double(2.0), # minimum track pt [GeV]
12  trk_etaMax = cms.double(2.4), # maximum track eta
13  trk_chi2dofMax=cms.double(10.), # maximum track chi2/dof
14  trk_bendChi2Max=cms.double(2.2), # maximum track bendchi2
15  trk_nPSStubMin=cms.int32(-1), # minimum PS stubs, -1 means no cut
16  minTrkJetpT=cms.double(5.), # minimum track pt to be considered for track jet
17  etaBins=cms.int32(24),
18  phiBins=cms.int32(27),
19  zBins=cms.int32(1),
20  d0_cutNStubs4=cms.double(0.15), # used to count how many displaced tracks in jet
21  d0_cutNStubs5=cms.double(0.5),
22  lowpTJetMinTrackMultiplicity=cms.int32(2),
23  highpTJetMinTrackMultiplicity=cms.int32(3),
24  minJetEtLowPt=cms.double(50.0),
25  minJetEtHighPt=cms.double(100.0),
26  displaced=cms.bool(False), #Flag for displaced tracks
27  nStubs4DisplacedChi2=cms.double(5.0), #Displaced track quality flags for loose/tight
28  nStubs4Displacedbend=cms.double(1.7),
29  nStubs5DisplacedChi2=cms.double(2.75),
30  nStubs5Displacedbend=cms.double(3.5),
31  nDisplacedTracks=cms.int32(2) #Number of displaced tracks required per jet
32 )
34 L1TrackJetsExtended = cms.EDProducer('L1TrackJetProducer',
35  L1TrackInputTag= cms.InputTag("TTTracksFromExtendedTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
36  L1PVertexCollection = cms.InputTag("VertexProducer", VertexProducer.l1VertexCollectionName.value()),
37  MaxDzTrackPV = cms.double( 4.0 ), # tracks with dz(trk,PV)>cut excluded
38  trk_zMax = cms.double (15.) , # max track z
39  trk_ptMax = cms.double(200.), # maxi track pT before saturation
40  trk_ptMin = cms.double(3.0), # min track pt
41  trk_etaMax = cms.double(2.4), # max track eta
42  trk_chi2dofMax=cms.double(40.), # max track chi2/dof for prompt
43  trk_bendChi2Max=cms.double(40.), # max track bendchi2 for prompt
44  trk_nPSStubMin=cms.int32(-1), # min # PS stubs, -1 means no cut
45  minTrkJetpT=cms.double(5.), # min track pt to be considered for track jet
46  etaBins=cms.int32(24), #number of eta bins
47  phiBins=cms.int32(27), #number of phi bins
48  zBins=cms.int32(10), #number of z bins
49  d0_cutNStubs4=cms.double(-1), # -1 excludes nstub=4 from disp tag
50  d0_cutNStubs5=cms.double(0.22), # -1 excludes nstub>4 from disp tag
51  lowpTJetMinTrackMultiplicity=cms.int32(2),
52  highpTJetMinTrackMultiplicity=cms.int32(3),
53  minJetEtLowPt=cms.double(50.0),
54  minJetEtHighPt=cms.double(100.0),
55  displaced=cms.bool(True), #Flag for displaced tracks
56  nStubs4DisplacedChi2=cms.double(3.3), #Disp tracks selection [trk<cut]
57  nStubs4Displacedbend=cms.double(2.3),
58  nStubs5DisplacedChi2=cms.double(11.3),
59  nStubs5Displacedbend=cms.double(9.8),
60  nDisplacedTracks=cms.int32(3) #min Ntracks to tag a jet as displaced
61 )