Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 from L1Trigger.VertexFinder.VertexProducer_cff import VertexProducer
4 L1TrackFastJets = cms.EDProducer("L1TrackFastJetProducer",
5  L1TrackInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTTracksFromTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
6  L1PrimaryVertexTag=cms.InputTag("VertexProducer", VertexProducer.l1VertexCollectionName.value()),
7  trk_zMax = cms.double(15.), # max track z0 [cm]
8  trk_chi2dofMax = cms.double(10.), # max track chi2/dof
9  trk_bendChi2Max = cms.double(2.2),# max bendChi2 cut
10  trk_ptMin = cms.double(2.0), # minimum track pt [GeV]
11  trk_etaMax = cms.double(2.5), # maximum track eta
12  trk_nStubMin = cms.int32(4), # minimum number of stubs in track
13  trk_nPSStubMin = cms.int32(-1), # minimum number of PS stubs in track
14  deltaZ0Cut=cms.double(0.5), # cluster tracks within |dz|<X
15  doTightChi2 = cms.bool( True ), # chi2dof < 5 for tracks with PT > 20
16  trk_ptTightChi2 = cms.double(20.0),
17  trk_chi2dofTightChi2 = cms.double(5.0),
18  coneSize=cms.double(0.4), #cone size for anti-kt fast jet
19  displaced = cms.bool(False) # use prompt/displaced tracks
20 )
22 L1TrackFastJetsExtended = cms.EDProducer("L1TrackFastJetProducer",
23  L1TrackInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTTracksFromExtendedTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
24  L1PrimaryVertexTag=cms.InputTag("VertexProducer", VertexProducer.l1VertexCollectionName.value()),
25  trk_zMax = cms.double(15.), # max track z0 [cm]
26  trk_chi2dofMax = cms.double(40.), # max track chi2 for extended tracks
27  trk_bendChi2Max = cms.double(2.4),#Bendchi2 cut for extended tracks
28  trk_ptMin = cms.double(3.0), # minimum track pt [GeV]
29  trk_etaMax = cms.double(2.5), # maximum track eta
30  trk_nStubMin = cms.int32(4), # minimum number of stubs on track
31  trk_nPSStubMin = cms.int32(-1), # minimum number of stubs in PS modules on track
32  deltaZ0Cut=cms.double(3.0), #cluster tracks within |dz|<X
33  doTightChi2 = cms.bool( True ), # chi2dof < 5 for tracks with PT > 20
34  trk_ptTightChi2 = cms.double(20.0),
35  trk_chi2dofTightChi2 = cms.double(5.0),
36  coneSize=cms.double(0.4), #cone size for anti-kt fast jet
37  displaced = cms.bool(True) # use prompt/displaced tracks
38 )