Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #include "TMatrixDSym.h"
10 #include "TVectorD.h"
11 using namespace logintpack;
16 void pat::PackedCandidate::pack(bool unpackAfterwards) {
17  float unpackedPt = std::min<float>(p4_.load()->Pt(), MiniFloatConverter::max());
18  packedPt_ = MiniFloatConverter::float32to16(unpackedPt);
19  packedEta_ = int16_t(std::round(p4_.load()->Eta() / 6.0f * std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()));
20  packedPhi_ = int16_t(std::round(p4_.load()->Phi() / 3.2f * std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()));
21  packedM_ = MiniFloatConverter::float32to16(p4_.load()->M());
22  if (unpackAfterwards) {
23  delete;
24  delete;
25  unpack(); // force the values to match with the packed ones
26  }
27 }
29 void pat::PackedCandidate::packVtx(bool unpackAfterwards) {
30  reco::VertexRef pvRef = vertexRef();
31  Point pv = pvRef.isNonnull() ? pvRef->position() : Point();
32  float dxPV = vertex_.load()->X() - pv.X(),
33  dyPV = vertex_.load()->Y() - pv.Y(); //, rPV = std::hypot(dxPV, dyPV);
34  float s = std::sin(float(p4_.load()->Phi()) + dphi_),
35  c = std::cos(float(p4_.load()->Phi() + dphi_)); // not the fastest option, but we're in reduced
36  // precision already, so let's avoid more roundoffs
37  dxy_ = -dxPV * s + dyPV * c;
38  // if we want to go back to the full x,y,z we need to store also
39  // float dl = dxPV * c + dyPV * s;
40  // float xRec = - dxy_ * s + dl * c, yRec = dxy_ * c + dl * s;
41  float pzpt = p4_.load()->Pz() / p4_.load()->Pt();
42  dz_ = vertex_.load()->Z() - pv.Z() - (dxPV * c + dyPV * s) * pzpt;
43  packedDxy_ = MiniFloatConverter::float32to16(dxy_ * 100);
44  packedDz_ = pvRef.isNonnull() ? MiniFloatConverter::float32to16(dz_ * 100)
45  : int16_t(std::round(dz_ / 40.f * std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()));
46  packedDPhi_ = int16_t(std::round(dphi_ / 3.2f * std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()));
47  packedDEta_ = MiniFloatConverter::float32to16(deta_);
48  packedDTrkPt_ = MiniFloatConverter::float32to16(dtrkpt_);
50  if (unpackAfterwards) {
51  delete;
52  unpackVtx();
53  }
54 }
57  float pt = MiniFloatConverter::float16to32(packedPt_);
58  double shift = (pt < 1. ? 0.1 * pt : 0.1 / pt); // shift particle phi to break
59  // degeneracies in angular separations
60  double sign = ((int(pt * 10) % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1); // introduce a pseudo-random sign of the shift
61  double phi = int16_t(packedPhi_) * 3.2f / std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() +
63  auto p4 = std::make_unique<PolarLorentzVector>(pt,
64  int16_t(packedEta_) * 6.0f / std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max(),
65  phi,
67  auto p4c = std::make_unique<LorentzVector>(*p4);
68  PolarLorentzVector *expectp4 = nullptr;
69  if (p4_.compare_exchange_strong(expectp4, p4.get())) {
70  p4.release();
71  }
73  // p4c_ works as the guard for unpacking so it
74  // must be set last
75  LorentzVector *expectp4c = nullptr;
76  if (p4c_.compare_exchange_strong(expectp4c, p4c.get())) {
77  p4c.release();
78  }
79 }
82  packedCovariance_.dptdpt = packCovarianceElement(m, 0, 0);
83  packedCovariance_.detadeta = packCovarianceElement(m, 1, 1);
84  packedCovariance_.dphidphi = packCovarianceElement(m, 2, 2);
85  packedCovariance_.dxydxy = packCovarianceElement(m, 3, 3);
86  packedCovariance_.dzdz = packCovarianceElement(m, 4, 4);
87  packedCovariance_.dxydz = packCovarianceElement(m, 3, 4);
88  packedCovariance_.dlambdadz = packCovarianceElement(m, 1, 4);
89  packedCovariance_.dphidxy = packCovarianceElement(m, 2, 3);
90  // unpack afterwards
91  if (unpackAfterwards)
92  unpackCovariance();
93 }
96  const CovarianceParameterization &p = covarianceParameterization();
97  if (p.isValid()) {
98  auto m = std::make_unique<reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix>();
99  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
100  for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
101  (*m)(i, j) = 0;
102  }
103  unpackCovarianceElement(*m, packedCovariance_.dptdpt, 0, 0);
104  unpackCovarianceElement(*m, packedCovariance_.detadeta, 1, 1);
105  unpackCovarianceElement(*m, packedCovariance_.dphidphi, 2, 2);
106  unpackCovarianceElement(*m, packedCovariance_.dxydxy, 3, 3);
107  unpackCovarianceElement(*m, packedCovariance_.dzdz, 4, 4);
108  unpackCovarianceElement(*m, packedCovariance_.dxydz, 3, 4);
109  unpackCovarianceElement(*m, packedCovariance_.dlambdadz, 1, 4);
110  unpackCovarianceElement(*m, packedCovariance_.dphidxy, 2, 3);
112  reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix *expected = nullptr;
113  if (m_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, m.get())) {
114  m.release();
115  }
117  } else {
119  << "You do not have a valid track parameters file loaded. "
120  << "Please check that the release version is compatible with your "
121  "input data"
122  << "or avoid accessing track parameter uncertainties. ";
123  }
124 }
127  reco::VertexRef pvRef = vertexRef();
128  dphi_ = int16_t(packedDPhi_) * 3.2f / std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max(),
129  deta_ = MiniFloatConverter::float16to32(packedDEta_);
130  dtrkpt_ = MiniFloatConverter::float16to32(packedDTrkPt_);
131  dxy_ = MiniFloatConverter::float16to32(packedDxy_) / 100.;
132  dz_ = pvRef.isNonnull() ? MiniFloatConverter::float16to32(packedDz_) / 100.
133  : int16_t(packedDz_) * 40.f / std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max();
134  Point pv = pvRef.isNonnull() ? pvRef->position() : Point();
135  float phi = p4_.load()->Phi() + dphi_, s = std::sin(phi), c = std::cos(phi);
136  auto vertex = std::make_unique<Point>(pv.X() - dxy_ * s,
137  pv.Y() + dxy_ * c,
138  pv.Z() + dz_); // for our choice of using the PCA to the PV, by definition the
139  // remaining term -(dx*cos(phi) + dy*sin(phi))*(pz/pt) is zero
141  Point *expected = nullptr;
142  if (vertex_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, vertex.get())) {
143  vertex.release();
144  }
145 }
148  delete p4_.load();
149  delete p4c_.load();
150  delete vertex_.load();
151  delete track_.load();
152  delete m_.load();
153 }
155 float pat::PackedCandidate::dxy(const Point &p) const {
156  maybeUnpackBoth();
157  const float phi = float(p4_.load()->Phi()) + dphi_;
158  return -(vertex_.load()->X() - p.X()) * std::sin(phi) + (vertex_.load()->Y() - p.Y()) * std::cos(phi);
159 }
160 float pat::PackedCandidate::dz(const Point &p) const {
161  maybeUnpackBoth();
162  const float phi = float(p4_.load()->Phi()) + dphi_;
163  const float pzpt = deta_ ? std::sinh(etaAtVtx()) : p4_.load()->Pz() / p4_.load()->Pt();
164  return (vertex_.load()->Z() - p.Z()) -
165  ((vertex_.load()->X() - p.X()) * std::cos(phi) + (vertex_.load()->Y() - p.Y()) * std::sin(phi)) * pzpt;
166 }
169  // perform the regular unpacking of the track
170  if (!track_)
171  unpackTrk();
173  //calculate the determinant and verify positivity
174  double det = 0;
175  bool notPosDef = (!(*m_).Sub<AlgebraicSymMatrix22>(0, 0).Det(det) || det < 0) ||
176  (!(*m_).Sub<AlgebraicSymMatrix33>(0, 0).Det(det) || det < 0) ||
177  (!(*m_).Sub<AlgebraicSymMatrix44>(0, 0).Det(det) || det < 0) || (!(*m_).Det(det) || det < 0);
179  if (notPosDef) {
181  //if not positive-definite, alter values to allow for pos-def
182  TMatrixDSym eigenCov(5);
183  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
184  for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
185  if (std::isnan((m)(i, j)) || std::isinf((m)(i, j)))
186  eigenCov(i, j) = 1e-6;
187  else
188  eigenCov(i, j) = (m)(i, j);
189  }
190  }
191  TVectorD eigenValues(5);
192  eigenCov.EigenVectors(eigenValues);
193  double minEigenValue = eigenValues.Min();
194  double delta = 1e-6;
195  if (minEigenValue < 0) {
196  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
197  m(i, i) += delta - minEigenValue;
198  }
200  // make a track object with pos def covariance matrix
201  return reco::Track(normalizedChi2_ * (*track_).ndof(),
202  (*track_).ndof(),
203  *vertex_,
204  (*track_).momentum(),
205  (*track_).charge(),
206  m,
209  } else {
210  // just return a copy of the unpacked track
211  return reco::Track(*track_);
212  }
213 }
216  maybeUnpackBoth();
217  math::RhoEtaPhiVector p3(ptTrk(), etaAtVtx(), phiAtVtx());
218  maybeUnpackCovariance();
219  int numberOfStripLayers = stripLayersWithMeasurement(), numberOfPixelLayers = pixelLayersWithMeasurement();
220  int numberOfPixelHits = this->numberOfPixelHits();
221  int numberOfHits = this->numberOfHits();
223  int ndof = numberOfHits + numberOfPixelHits - 5;
224  LostInnerHits innerLost = lostInnerHits();
226  auto track = std::make_unique<reco::Track>(normalizedChi2_ * ndof,
227  ndof,
228  *vertex_,
229  math::XYZVector(p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z()),
230  charge(),
231  *(m_.load()),
234  int i = 0;
235  if (firstHit_ == 0) { // Backward compatible
236  if (innerLost == validHitInFirstPixelBarrelLayer) {
237  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, 1, 0, TrackingRecHit::valid);
238  i = 1;
239  }
240  } else {
241  track->appendHitPattern(firstHit_, TrackingRecHit::valid);
242  }
244  if (firstHit_ != 0 && reco::HitPattern::pixelHitFilter(firstHit_))
245  i = 1;
247  // add hits to match the number of laters and validHitInFirstPixelBarrelLayer
248  if (innerLost == validHitInFirstPixelBarrelLayer) {
249  // then to encode the number of layers, we add more hits on distinct layers
250  // (B2, B3, B4, F1, ...)
251  for (; i < numberOfPixelLayers; i++) {
252  if (i <= 3) {
253  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, i + 1, 0, TrackingRecHit::valid);
254  } else {
255  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, i - 3, 0, TrackingRecHit::valid);
256  }
257  }
258  } else {
259  // to encode the information on the layers, we add one valid hits per layer
260  // but skipping PXB1
261  int iOffset = 0;
262  if (firstHit_ != 0 && reco::HitPattern::pixelHitFilter(firstHit_)) {
263  iOffset = reco::HitPattern::getLayer(firstHit_);
265  iOffset += 3;
266  } else {
267  iOffset = 1;
268  }
269  for (; i < numberOfPixelLayers; i++) {
270  if (i + iOffset <= 2) {
271  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, i + iOffset + 1, 0, TrackingRecHit::valid);
272  } else {
273  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, i + iOffset - 3 + 1, 0, TrackingRecHit::valid);
274  }
275  }
276  }
277  // add extra hits (overlaps, etc), all on the first layer with a hit - to
278  // avoid increasing the layer count
279  for (; i < numberOfPixelHits; i++) {
280  if (firstHit_ != 0 && reco::HitPattern::pixelHitFilter(firstHit_)) {
281  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(reco::HitPattern::getSubStructure(firstHit_),
282  reco::HitPattern::getLayer(firstHit_),
283  0,
285  } else {
286  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel,
287  (innerLost == validHitInFirstPixelBarrelLayer ? 1 : 2),
288  0,
290  }
291  }
292  // now start adding strip layers, putting one hit on each layer so that the
293  // hitPattern.stripLayersWithMeasurement works. we don't know what the layers
294  // where, so we just start with TIB (4 layers), then TOB (6 layers), then TEC
295  // (9) and then TID(3), so that we can get a number of valid strip layers up
296  // to 4+6+9+3
297  if (firstHit_ != 0 && reco::HitPattern::stripHitFilter(firstHit_))
298  i += 1;
299  int slOffset = 0;
300  if (firstHit_ != 0 && reco::HitPattern::stripHitFilter(firstHit_)) {
301  slOffset = reco::HitPattern::getLayer(firstHit_) - 1;
303  slOffset += 4;
305  slOffset += 7;
307  slOffset += 13;
308  }
309  for (int sl = slOffset; sl < numberOfStripLayers + slOffset; ++sl, ++i) {
310  if (sl < 4)
311  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(StripSubdetector::TIB, sl + 1, 1, TrackingRecHit::valid);
312  else if (sl < 4 + 3)
313  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(StripSubdetector::TID, (sl - 4) + 1, 1, TrackingRecHit::valid);
314  else if (sl < 7 + 6)
315  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(StripSubdetector::TOB, (sl - 7) + 1, 1, TrackingRecHit::valid);
316  else if (sl < 13 + 9)
317  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(StripSubdetector::TEC, (sl - 13) + 1, 1, TrackingRecHit::valid);
318  else
319  break; // wtf?
320  }
321  // finally we account for extra strip hits beyond the one-per-layer added
322  // above. we put them all on TIB1, to avoid incrementing the number of
323  // layersWithMeasurement.
324  for (; i < numberOfHits; i++) {
325  if (reco::HitPattern::stripHitFilter(firstHit_)) {
326  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(reco::HitPattern::getSubStructure(firstHit_),
327  reco::HitPattern::getLayer(firstHit_),
328  1,
330  } else {
331  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(StripSubdetector::TIB, 1, 1, TrackingRecHit::valid);
332  }
333  }
335  switch (innerLost) {
336  case validHitInFirstPixelBarrelLayer:
337  break;
338  case noLostInnerHits:
339  break;
340  case oneLostInnerHit:
341  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, 1, 0, TrackingRecHit::missing_inner);
342  break;
343  case moreLostInnerHits:
344  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, 1, 0, TrackingRecHit::missing_inner);
345  track->appendTrackerHitPattern(PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, 2, 0, TrackingRecHit::missing_inner);
346  break;
347  };
349  if (trackHighPurity())
350  track->setQuality(reco::TrackBase::highPurity);
352  reco::Track *expected = nullptr;
353  if (track_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, track.get())) {
354  track.release();
355  }
356 }
361  throw cms::Exception("Invalid Reference") << "this Candidate has no master clone reference."
362  << "Can't call masterClone() method.\n";
363 }
365 bool pat::PackedCandidate::hasMasterClone() const { return false; }
367 bool pat::PackedCandidate::hasMasterClonePtr() const { return false; }
370  throw cms::Exception("Invalid Reference") << "this Candidate has no master clone ptr."
371  << "Can't call masterClonePtr() method.\n";
372 }
374 size_t pat::PackedCandidate::numberOfDaughters() const { return 0; }
376 size_t pat::PackedCandidate::numberOfMothers() const { return 0; }
379  return p4() == o.p4() && vertex() == o.vertex() && charge() == o.charge();
380  // return p4() == o.p4() && charge() == o.charge();
381 }
385 const reco::Candidate *pat::PackedCandidate::mother(size_type) const { return nullptr; }
389  << "This Candidate type does not implement daughter(std::string). "
390  << "Please use CompositeCandidate or NamedCompositeCandidate.\n";
391 }
395  << "This Candidate type does not implement daughter(std::string). "
396  << "Please use CompositeCandidate or NamedCompositeCandidate.\n";
397 }
401 double pat::PackedCandidate::vertexChi2() const { return 0; }
403 double pat::PackedCandidate::vertexNdof() const { return 0; }
405 double pat::PackedCandidate::vertexNormalizedChi2() const { return 0; }
409  << "reco::ConcreteCandidate does not implement vertex covariant "
410  "matrix.\n";
411 }
415  << "reco::ConcreteCandidate does not implement vertex covariant "
416  "matrix.\n";
417 }
419 bool pat::PackedCandidate::longLived() const { return false; }
421 bool pat::PackedCandidate::massConstraint() const { return false; }
423 // puppiweight
424 void pat::PackedCandidate::setPuppiWeight(float p, float p_nolep) {
425  // Set both weights at once to avoid misconfigured weights if called in the
426  // wrong order
427  packedPuppiweight_ = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() * p;
428  packedPuppiweightNoLepDiff_ = std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() * (p_nolep - p);
429 }
432  return 1.f * packedPuppiweight_ / std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max();
433 }
436  return 1.f * packedPuppiweightNoLepDiff_ / std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() +
437  1.f * packedPuppiweight_ / std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max();
438 }
441  if (100 * p > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max())
442  rawCaloFraction_ = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(); // Set to overflow value
443  else
444  rawCaloFraction_ = 100 * p;
445 }
447 void pat::PackedCandidate::setRawHcalFraction(float p) { rawHcalFraction_ = 100 * p; }
449 void pat::PackedCandidate::setCaloFraction(float p) { caloFraction_ = 100 * p; }
451 void pat::PackedCandidate::setHcalFraction(float p) { hcalFraction_ = 100 * p; }
453 void pat::PackedCandidate::setIsIsolatedChargedHadron(bool p) { isIsolatedChargedHadron_ = p; }
455 void pat::PackedCandidate::setDTimeAssociatedPV(float aTime, float aTimeError) {
456  if (aTime == 0 && aTimeError == 0) {
457  packedTime_ = 0;
458  packedTimeError_ = 0;
459  } else if (aTimeError == 0) {
460  packedTimeError_ = 0;
461  packedTime_ = packTimeNoError(aTime);
462  } else {
463  packedTimeError_ = packTimeError(aTimeError);
464  aTimeError = unpackTimeError(packedTimeError_); // for reproducibility
465  packedTime_ = packTimeWithError(aTime, aTimeError);
466  }
467 }
470 uint8_t pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeError(float timeError) {
471  if (timeError <= 0)
472  return 0;
473  // log-scale packing.
474  // for MIN_TIMEERROR = 0.002, EXPO_TIMEERROR = 5:
475  // minimum value 0.002 = 2ps (packed as 1)
476  // maximum value 0.5 ns (packed as 255)
477  // constant *relative* precision of about 2%
478  return std::max<uint8_t>(
479  std::min(std::round(std::ldexp(std::log2(timeError / MIN_TIMEERROR), +EXPO_TIMEERROR)), 255.f), 1);
480 }
481 float pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeError(uint8_t timeError) {
482  return timeError > 0 ? MIN_TIMEERROR * std::exp2(std::ldexp(float(timeError), -EXPO_TIMEERROR)) : -1.0f;
483 }
485  if (time == 0)
486  return 0.f;
487  return (time > 0 ? MIN_TIME_NOERROR : -MIN_TIME_NOERROR) *
488  std::exp2(std::ldexp(float(std::abs(time)), -EXPO_TIME_NOERROR));
489 }
491  // encoding in log scale to store times in a large range with few bits.
492  // for MIN_TIME_NOERROR = 0.0002 and EXPO_TIME_NOERROR = 6:
493  // smallest non-zero time = 0.2 ps (encoded as +/-1)
494  // one BX, +/- 12.5 ns, is fully covered with 11 bits (+/- 1023)
495  // 12 bits cover by far any plausible value (+/-2047 corresponds to about
496  // +/- 0.8 ms!) constant *relative* ~1% precision
497  if (std::abs(time) < MIN_TIME_NOERROR)
498  return 0; // prevent underflows
499  float fpacked = std::ldexp(std::log2(std::abs(time / MIN_TIME_NOERROR)), +EXPO_TIME_NOERROR);
500  return (time > 0 ? +1 : -1) * std::min(std::round(fpacked), 2047.f);
501 }
502 float pat::PackedCandidate::unpackTimeWithError(int16_t time, uint8_t timeError) {
503  if (time % 2 == 0) {
504  // no overflow: drop rightmost bit and unpack in units of timeError
505  return std::ldexp(unpackTimeError(timeError), EXPO_TIME_WITHERROR) * float(time / 2);
506  } else {
507  // overflow: drop rightmost bit, unpack using the noError encoding
509  }
510 }
511 int16_t pat::PackedCandidate::packTimeWithError(float time, float timeError) {
512  // Encode in units of timeError * 2^EXPO_TIME_WITHERROR (~1.6% if
513  // EXPO_TIME_WITHERROR = -6) the largest value that can be stored in 14 bits +
514  // sign bit + overflow bit is about 260 sigmas values larger than that will be
515  // stored using the no-timeError packing (with less precision). overflows of
516  // these kinds should happen only for particles that are late arriving,
517  // out-of-time, or mis-reconstructed, as timeError is O(20ps) and the beam
518  // spot witdth is O(200ps)
519  float fpacked = std::round(time / std::ldexp(timeError, EXPO_TIME_WITHERROR));
520  if (std::abs(fpacked) < 16383.f) { // 16383 = (2^14 - 1) = largest absolute
521  // value for a signed 15 bit integer
522  return int16_t(fpacked) * 2; // make it even, and fit in a signed 16 bit int
523  } else {
524  int16_t packed = packTimeNoError(time); // encode
525  return packed * 2 + (time > 0 ? +1 : -1); // make it odd, to signal that there was an overlow
526  }
527 }
float puppiWeight() const
double vertexNormalizedChi2() const override
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f.
static constexpr auto TEC
bool massConstraint() const override
do mass constraint?
static uint32_t getLayer(uint16_t pattern)
Definition: HitPattern.h:721
def isnan(num)
float puppiWeightNoLep() const
Weight from full PUPPI.
double vertexNdof() const override
bool overlap(const reco::Candidate &) const override
check overlap with another Candidate
static bool pixelHitFilter(uint16_t pattern)
Definition: HitPattern.h:581
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > unpack(cond::Time_t since)
void setPuppiWeight(float p, float p_nolep=0.0)
size_t size_type
Definition: Candidate.h:29
bool hasMasterClonePtr() const override
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
static float unpackTimeNoError(int16_t time)
void setRawCaloFraction(float p)
Weight from PUPPI removing leptons.
static int16_t packTimeNoError(float time)
GeometricSearchDet Det
Definition: DetBelowR.h:8
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:238
static int16_t packTimeWithError(float time, float timeError)
static uint8_t packTimeError(float timeError)
static to allow unit testing
RhoEtaPhiVectorD RhoEtaPhiVector
spatial vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity
Definition: Vector3D.h:33
static float float16to32(uint16_t h)
Definition: libminifloat.h:13
size_t numberOfMothers() const override
number of mothers
const reco::CandidateBaseRef & masterClone() const override
const reco::CandidatePtr & masterClonePtr() const override
void unpackCovariance() const
virtual const reco::Track pseudoPosDefTrack() const
void setHcalFraction(float p)
Fraction of ECAL+HCAL energy over candidate energy.
static uint16_t float32to16(float x)
Definition: libminifloat.h:17
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
static bool stripHitFilter(uint16_t pattern)
Definition: HitPattern.h:608
math::XYZPoint Point
size_t numberOfDaughters() const override
number of daughters
static CovarianceParameterization covarianceParameterization_
void fillVertexCovariance(CovarianceMatrix &v) const override
fill SMatrix
def pv(vc)
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
double f[11][100]
~PackedCandidate() override
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 4, 4, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 4 > > AlgebraicSymMatrix44
static constexpr auto TOB
static uint32_t getSubStructure(uint16_t pattern)
Definition: HitPattern.h:713
Enumerator specifying the.
void setRawHcalFraction(float p)
Raw ECAL+HCAL energy over candidate energy for isolated charged hadrons.
static constexpr auto TIB
XYZVectorD XYZVector
spatial vector with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Vector3D.h:31
static std::once_flag covariance_load_flag
math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
Lorentz vector.
Definition: Candidate.h:36
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2, 2, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 2 > > AlgebraicSymMatrix22
void setDTimeAssociatedPV(float aTime, float aTimeError=0)
set time measurement
Structure Point Contains parameters of Gaussian fits to DMRs.
const reco::Candidate * mother(size_type) const override
return mother at a given position (throws an exception)
void packVtx(bool unpackAfterwards=true)
const reco::Candidate * daughter(size_type) const override
return daughter at a given position (throws an exception)
static unsigned int const shift
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 3, 3, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 3 > > AlgebraicSymMatrix33
void setIsIsolatedChargedHadron(bool p)
Fraction of Hcal for HF, neutral hadrons, and charged particles.
double vertexChi2() const override
CovarianceMatrix vertexCovariance() const override
return SMatrix
virtual float dxy() const
dxy with respect to the PV ref
void pack(bool unpackAfterwards=true)
static float max()
Definition: libminifloat.h:93
virtual float dz(size_t ipv=0) const
dz with respect to the PV[ipv]
void packCovariance(const reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix &m, bool unpackAfterwards=true)
static float unpackTimeWithError(int16_t time, uint8_t timeError)
bool hasMasterClone() const override
static constexpr auto TID
static float unpackTimeError(uint8_t timeError)
math::Error< dimension >::type CovarianceMatrix
5 parameter covariance matrix
Definition: TrackBase.h:74
void setCaloFraction(float p)
Fraction of Hcal for isolated charged hadrons.
bool longLived() const override
is long lived?
math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector PolarLorentzVector
Lorentz vector.
Definition: Candidate.h:38