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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 hgcalLayerClusters = cms.EDProducer("HGCalLayerClusterProducer",
4  HFNoseInput = cms.InputTag("HGCalRecHit","HGCHFNoseRecHits"),
5  HGCBHInput = cms.InputTag("HGCalRecHit","HGCHEBRecHits"),
6  HGCEEInput = cms.InputTag("HGCalRecHit","HGCEERecHits"),
7  HGCFHInput = cms.InputTag("HGCalRecHit","HGCHEFRecHits"),
8  detector = cms.string('all'),
9  doSharing = cms.bool(False),
10  mightGet = cms.optional.untracked.vstring,
11  nHitsTime = cms.uint32(3),
12  plugin = cms.PSet(
13  dEdXweights = cms.vdouble(
14  0.0, 8.894541, 10.937907, 10.937907, 10.937907,
15  10.937907, 10.937907, 10.937907, 10.937907, 10.937907,
16  10.932882, 10.932882, 10.937907, 10.937907, 10.938169,
17  10.938169, 10.938169, 10.938169, 10.938169, 10.938169,
18  10.938169, 10.938169, 10.938169, 10.938169, 10.938169,
19  10.938169, 10.938169, 10.938169, 32.332097, 51.574301,
20  51.444192, 51.444192, 51.444192, 51.444192, 51.444192,
21  51.444192, 51.444192, 51.444192, 51.444192, 51.444192,
22  69.513118, 87.582044, 87.582044, 87.582044, 87.582044,
23  87.582044, 87.214571, 86.888309, 86.92952, 86.92952,
24  86.92952
25  ),
26  deltac = cms.vdouble(1.3, 1.3, 5, 0.0315),
27  deltasi_index_regemfac = cms.int32(3),
28  dependSensor = cms.bool(True),
29  ecut = cms.double(3),
30  fcPerEle = cms.double(0.00016020506),
31  fcPerMip = cms.vdouble(
32  2.06, 3.43, 5.15, 2.06, 3.43,
33  5.15
34  ),
35  kappa = cms.double(9),
36  maxNumberOfThickIndices = cms.uint32(6),
37  noiseMip = cms.PSet(
38  refToPSet_ = cms.string('HGCAL_noise_heback')
39  ),
40  noises = cms.vdouble(
41  2000.0, 2400.0, 2000.0, 2000.0, 2400.0,
42  2000.0
43  ),
44  positionDeltaRho2 = cms.double(1.69),
45  sciThicknessCorrection = cms.double(0.9),
46  thicknessCorrection = cms.vdouble(
47  0.77, 0.77, 0.77, 0.84, 0.84,
48  0.84
49  ),
50  thresholdW0 = cms.vdouble(2.9, 2.9, 2.9),
51  type = cms.string('CLUE'),
52  use2x2 = cms.bool(True),
53  verbosity = cms.untracked.uint32(3)
54  ),
55  timeClname = cms.string('timeLayerCluster'),
56  timeOffset = cms.double(5)
57 )