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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 slimmedElectrons = cms.EDProducer("PATElectronSlimmer",
4  src = cms.InputTag("selectedPatElectrons"),
5  dropSuperCluster = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
6  dropBasicClusters = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
7  dropPFlowClusters = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
8  dropPreshowerClusters = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
9  dropSeedCluster = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
10  dropRecHits = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
11  dropCorrections = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
12  dropIsolations = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
13  dropShapes = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
14  dropSaturation = cms.string("pt < 5"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
15  dropExtrapolations = cms.string("pt < 5"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
16  dropClassifications = cms.string("0"), # you can put a cut to slim selectively, e.g. pt < 10
17  linkToPackedPFCandidates = cms.bool(True),
18  recoToPFMap = cms.InputTag("reducedEgamma","reducedGsfElectronPfCandMap"),
19  packedPFCandidates = cms.InputTag("packedPFCandidates"),
20  saveNonZSClusterShapes = cms.string("pt > 5"), # save additional user floats: (sigmaIetaIeta,sigmaIphiIphi,sigmaIetaIphi,r9,e1x5_over_e5x5)_NoZS
21  reducedBarrelRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag("reducedEcalRecHitsEB"),
22  reducedEndcapRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag("reducedEcalRecHitsEE"),
23  modifyElectrons = cms.bool(True),
24  modifierConfig = cms.PSet( modifications = cms.VPSet() )
25 )