Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /******************************************
2  *
3  * This is a part of CTPPSDQM software.
4  * Authors:
5  * F.Ferro INFN Genova
6  * Vladimir Popov (
7  *
8  *******************************************/
28 #include <string>
30 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 public:
35  ~CTPPSPixelDQMSource() override;
37 protected:
38  void dqmBeginRun(edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override;
39  void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override;
40  void analyze(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &eSetup) override;
42 private:
43  unsigned int verbosity;
44  long int nEvents = 0;
49  static constexpr int NArms = 2;
50  static constexpr int NStationMAX = 3; // in an arm
51  static constexpr int NRPotsMAX = 6; // per station
52  static constexpr int NplaneMAX = 6; // per RPot
53  static constexpr int NROCsMAX = 6; // per plane
54  static constexpr int RPn_first = 3, RPn_last = 4;
55  static constexpr int ADCMax = 256;
56  static constexpr int StationIDMAX = 4; // possible range of ID
57  static constexpr int RPotsIDMAX = 8; // possible range of ID
58  static constexpr int NLocalTracksMAX = 20;
59  static constexpr int hitMultMAX = 50; // tuned
60  static constexpr int ClusMultMAX = 10; // tuned
61  static constexpr int ClusterSizeMax = 9;
63  static constexpr int mapXbins = 200;
64  static constexpr int mapYbins = 240;
65  static constexpr float mapYmin = -16.;
66  static constexpr float mapYmax = 8.;
67  const float mapXmin = 0. * TMath::Cos(18.4 / 180. * TMath::Pi());
68  const float mapXmax = 30. * TMath::Cos(18.4 / 180. * TMath::Pi());
74  static constexpr int NRPotBinsInStation = RPn_last - RPn_first;
75  static constexpr int NPlaneBins = NplaneMAX * NRPotBinsInStation;
83  static constexpr int RPotsTotalNumber = NArms * NStationMAX * NRPotsMAX;
104  // Flags for disabling set of plots
105  bool offlinePlots = true;
106  bool onlinePlots = true;
108  // Flags for disabling plots of a plane
111  unsigned int rpStatusWord = 0x8008; // 220_fr_hr(stn2rp3)+ 210_fr_hr
112  int RPstatus[StationIDMAX][RPotsIDMAX]; // symmetric in both arms
113  int StationStatus[StationIDMAX]; // symmetric in both arms
114  const int IndexNotValid = 0;
116  int getRPindex(int arm, int station, int rp) {
117  if (arm < 0 || station < 0 || rp < 0)
118  return (IndexNotValid);
119  if (arm > 1 || station >= NStationMAX || rp >= NRPotsMAX)
120  return (IndexNotValid);
121  int rc = (arm * NStationMAX + station) * NRPotsMAX + rp;
122  return (rc);
123  }
125  int getPlaneIndex(int arm, int station, int rp, int plane) {
126  if (plane < 0 || plane >= NplaneMAX)
127  return (IndexNotValid);
128  int rc = getRPindex(arm, station, rp);
129  if (rc == IndexNotValid)
130  return (IndexNotValid);
131  return (rc * NplaneMAX + plane);
132  }
134  int getRPInStationBin(int rp) { return (rp - RPn_first + 1); }
136  static constexpr int NRPglobalBins = 4; // 2 arms w. 2 stations w. 1 RP
138  int getRPglobalBin(int arm, int stn) {
139  static constexpr int stationBinOrder[NStationMAX] = {0, 4, 1};
140  return (arm * 2 + stationBinOrder[stn] + 1);
141  }
143  int prIndex(int rp, int plane) // plane index in station
145  {
146  return ((rp - RPn_first) * NplaneMAX + plane);
147  }
148  int getDet(int id) { return (id >> DetId::kDetOffset) & 0xF; }
149  int getPixPlane(int id) { return ((id >> 16) & 0x7); }
150  // int getSubdet(int id) { return ((id>>kSubdetOffset)&0x7); }
153 };
155 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 using namespace std;
158 using namespace edm;
160 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
163  : verbosity(ps.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("verbosity", 0)),
164  rpStatusWord(ps.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("RPStatusWord", 0x8008)) {
165  tokenDigi = consumes<DetSetVector<CTPPSPixelDigi>>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tagRPixDigi"));
166  tokenCluster = consumes<DetSetVector<CTPPSPixelCluster>>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tagRPixCluster"));
167  tokenTrack = consumes<DetSetVector<CTPPSPixelLocalTrack>>(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tagRPixLTrack"));
168  offlinePlots = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("offlinePlots", true);
169  onlinePlots = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("onlinePlots", true);
171  vector<string> disabledPlanePlotsVec =
172  ps.getUntrackedParameter<vector<string>>("turnOffPlanePlots", vector<string>());
174  // Parse the strings in disabledPlanePlotsVec and set the flags in
175  // isPlanePlotsTurnedOff
176  for (auto s : disabledPlanePlotsVec) {
177  // Check that the format is <arm>_<station>_<RP>_<Plane>
178  if (count(s.begin(), s.end(), '_') != 3)
179  throw cms::Exception("RPixPlaneCombinatoryTracking") << "Invalid string in turnOffPlanePlots: " << s;
180  else {
181  vector<string> armStationRpPlane;
182  size_t pos = 0;
183  while ((pos = s.find('_')) != string::npos) {
184  armStationRpPlane.push_back(s.substr(0, pos));
185  s.erase(0, pos + 1);
186  }
187  armStationRpPlane.push_back(s);
189  int arm = stoi(;
190  int station = stoi(;
191  int rp = stoi(;
192  int plane = stoi(;
194  if (arm < NArms && station < NStationMAX && rp < NRPotsMAX && plane < NplaneMAX) {
195  if (verbosity)
196  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource")
197  << "Shutting off plots for: Arm " << arm << " Station " << station << " Rp " << rp << " Plane " << plane;
198  isPlanePlotsTurnedOff[arm][station][rp][plane] = true;
199  } else {
200  throw cms::Exception("RPixPlaneCombinatoryTracking") << "Invalid string in turnOffPlanePlots: " << s;
201  }
202  }
203  }
204 }
206 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
213  if (verbosity)
214  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource") << "RPstatusWord= " << rpStatusWord;
215  nEvents = 0;
217  CTPPSPixelLocalTrack thePixelLocalTrack;
218  TrackFitDimension = thePixelLocalTrack.dimension;
220  for (int stn = 0; stn < StationIDMAX; stn++) {
221  StationStatus[stn] = 0;
222  for (int rp = 0; rp < RPotsIDMAX; rp++)
223  RPstatus[stn][rp] = 0;
224  }
226  unsigned int rpSts = rpStatusWord << 1;
227  for (int stn = 0; stn < NStationMAX; stn++) {
228  int stns = 0;
229  for (int rp = 0; rp < NRPotsMAX; rp++) {
230  rpSts = (rpSts >> 1);
231  RPstatus[stn][rp] = rpSts & 1;
232  if (RPstatus[stn][rp] > 0)
233  stns = 1;
234  }
235  StationStatus[stn] = stns;
236  }
238  for (int ind = 0; ind < 2 * 3 * NRPotsMAX; ind++)
239  RPindexValid[ind] = 0;
241  x0_MIN = y0_MIN = 1.0e06;
242  x0_MAX = y0_MAX = -1.0e06;
243 }
245 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
249  ibooker.setCurrentFolder("CTPPS/TrackingPixel");
250  char s[50];
251  string armTitleShort, stnTitleShort;
253  TAxis *yah1st = nullptr;
254  TAxis *xaRPact = nullptr;
255  TAxis *xah1trk = nullptr;
256  if (onlinePlots) {
257  hBX = ibooker.book1D("events per BX", "ctpps_pixel;Event.BX", 4002, -1.5, 4000. + 0.5);
258  hBXshort = ibooker.book1D("events per BX(short)", "ctpps_pixel;Event.BX", 102, -1.5, 100. + 0.5);
260  string str1st = "Pixel planes activity";
261  h2AllPlanesActive = ibooker.book2DD(
262  str1st, str1st + "(digi task);Plane #", NplaneMAX, 0, NplaneMAX, NRPglobalBins, 0.5, NRPglobalBins + 0.5);
263  TH2D *h1st = h2AllPlanesActive->getTH2D();
264  h1st->SetOption("colz");
265  yah1st = h1st->GetYaxis();
267  string str2 = "Pixel RP active";
268  hpRPactive = ibooker.bookProfile(
269  str2, str2 + " per event(digi task)", NRPglobalBins, 0.5, NRPglobalBins + 0.5, -0.1, 1.1, "");
270  xaRPact = hpRPactive->getTProfile()->GetXaxis();
271  hpRPactive->getTProfile()->SetOption("hist");
272  hpRPactive->getTProfile()->SetMinimum(0.);
273  hpRPactive->getTProfile()->SetMaximum(1.1);
275  str2 = "Pixel Local Tracks";
276  hpixLTrack = ibooker.bookProfile(
277  str2, str2 + " per event", NRPglobalBins, 0.5, NRPglobalBins + 0.5, -0.1, NLocalTracksMAX, "");
279  xah1trk = hpixLTrack->getTProfile()->GetXaxis();
280  hpixLTrack->getTProfile()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("average number of tracks per event");
281  hpixLTrack->getTProfile()->SetOption("hist");
282  }
284  for (int arm = 0; arm < 2; arm++) {
286  string sd, armTitle;
287  ID.armName(sd, CTPPSDetId::nPath);
288  ID.armName(armTitle, CTPPSDetId::nFull);
289  ID.armName(armTitleShort, CTPPSDetId::nShort);
291  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(sd);
293  for (int stn = 0; stn < NStationMAX; stn++) {
294  if (StationStatus[stn] == 0)
295  continue;
296  ID.setStation(stn);
297  string stnd, stnTitle;
299  CTPPSDetId(ID.stationId()).stationName(stnd, CTPPSDetId::nPath);
300  CTPPSDetId(ID.stationId()).stationName(stnTitle, CTPPSDetId::nFull);
301  CTPPSDetId(ID.stationId()).stationName(stnTitleShort, CTPPSDetId::nShort);
303  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(stnd);
304  //--------- RPots ---
305  int pixBinW = 4;
306  for (int rp = RPn_first; rp < RPn_last; rp++) { // only installed pixel pots
307  ID.setRP(rp);
308  string rpd, rpTitle;
309  CTPPSDetId(ID.rpId()).rpName(rpTitle, CTPPSDetId::nShort);
310  string rpBinName = armTitleShort + "_" + stnTitleShort + "_" + rpTitle;
311  if (onlinePlots) {
312  yah1st->SetBinLabel(getRPglobalBin(arm, stn), rpBinName.c_str());
313  xah1trk->SetBinLabel(getRPglobalBin(arm, stn), rpBinName.c_str());
314  xaRPact->SetBinLabel(getRPglobalBin(arm, stn), rpBinName.c_str());
315  }
316  if (RPstatus[stn][rp] == 0)
317  continue;
318  int indexP = getRPindex(arm, stn, rp);
319  RPindexValid[indexP] = 1;
321  CTPPSDetId(ID.rpId()).rpName(rpTitle, CTPPSDetId::nFull);
322  CTPPSDetId(ID.rpId()).rpName(rpd, CTPPSDetId::nPath);
324  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(rpd);
326  const float x0Maximum = 70.;
327  const float y0Maximum = 15.;
328  string st = "track intercept point";
329  string st2 = ": " + stnTitle;
330  h2trackXY0[indexP] = ibooker.book2D(
331  st, st + st2 + ";x0;y0", int(x0Maximum) * 2, 0., x0Maximum, int(y0Maximum) * 4, -y0Maximum, y0Maximum);
332  h2trackXY0[indexP]->getTH2F()->SetOption("colz");
334  st = "number of tracks per event";
335  htrackMult[indexP] = ibooker.bookProfile(st,
336  rpTitle + ";number of tracks",
337  NLocalTracksMAX + 1,
338  -0.5,
339  NLocalTracksMAX + 0.5,
340  -0.5,
341  NLocalTracksMAX + 0.5,
342  "");
343  htrackMult[indexP]->getTProfile()->SetOption("hist");
345  hRPotActivPlanes[indexP] = ibooker.bookProfile("number of fired planes per event",
346  rpTitle + ";nPlanes;Probability",
347  NplaneMAX + 1,
348  -0.5,
349  NplaneMAX + 0.5,
350  -0.5,
351  NplaneMAX + 0.5,
352  "");
353  hRPotActivPlanes[indexP]->getTProfile()->SetOption("hist");
355  hp2HitsMultROC_LS[indexP] = ibooker.bookProfile2D("ROCs hits multiplicity per event vs LS",
356  rpTitle + ";LumiSection;Plane#___ROC#",
357  1000,
358  0.,
359  1000.,
361  0.,
362  double(NplaneMAX * NROCsMAX),
363  0.,
364  ROCSizeInX *ROCSizeInY,
365  "");
366  hp2HitsMultROC_LS[indexP]->getTProfile2D()->SetOption("colz");
367  hp2HitsMultROC_LS[indexP]->getTProfile2D()->SetMinimum(1.0e-10);
368  hp2HitsMultROC_LS[indexP]->getTProfile2D()->SetCanExtend(TProfile2D::kXaxis);
369  TAxis *yahp2 = hp2HitsMultROC_LS[indexP]->getTProfile2D()->GetYaxis();
370  for (int p = 0; p < NplaneMAX; p++) {
371  sprintf(s, "plane%d_0", p);
372  yahp2->SetBinLabel(p * NplaneMAX + 1, s);
373  for (int r = 1; r < NROCsMAX; r++) {
374  sprintf(s, " %d_%d", p, r);
375  yahp2->SetBinLabel(p * NplaneMAX + r + 1, s);
376  }
377  }
379  if (onlinePlots) {
380  string st3 = ";PlaneIndex(=pixelPot*PlaneMAX + plane)";
382  st = "hit multiplicity in planes";
383  h2HitsMultipl[arm][stn] = ibooker.book2DD(
384  st, st + st2 + st3 + ";multiplicity", NPlaneBins, 0, NPlaneBins, hitMultMAX, 0, hitMultMAX);
385  h2HitsMultipl[arm][stn]->getTH2D()->SetOption("colz");
387  st = "cluster size in planes";
388  h2CluSize[arm][stn] = ibooker.book2D(st,
389  st + st2 + st3 + ";Cluster size",
390  NPlaneBins,
391  0,
392  NPlaneBins,
393  ClusterSizeMax + 1,
394  0,
395  ClusterSizeMax + 1);
396  h2CluSize[arm][stn]->getTH2F()->SetOption("colz");
398  st = "number of hits per track";
399  htrackHits[indexP] = ibooker.bookProfile(st, rpTitle + ";number of hits", 5, 1.5, 6.5, -0.1, 1.1, "");
400  htrackHits[indexP]->getTProfile()->SetOption("hist");
402  h2HitsMultROC[indexP] = ibooker.bookProfile2D("ROCs hits multiplicity per event",
403  rpTitle + ";plane # ;ROC #",
404  NplaneMAX,
405  -0.5,
406  NplaneMAX - 0.5,
407  NROCsMAX,
408  -0.5,
409  NROCsMAX - 0.5,
410  0.,
411  ROCSizeInX * ROCSizeInY,
412  "");
413  h2HitsMultROC[indexP]->getTProfile2D()->SetOption("colztext");
414  h2HitsMultROC[indexP]->getTProfile2D()->SetMinimum(1.e-10);
416  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(rpd + "/latency");
417  hRPotActivBX[indexP] =
418  ibooker.book1D("5 fired planes per BX", rpTitle + ";Event.BX", 4002, -1.5, 4000. + 0.5);
420  hRPotActivBXroc[indexP] =
421  ibooker.book1D("4 fired ROCs per BX", rpTitle + ";Event.BX", 4002, -1.5, 4000. + 0.5);
423  hRPotActivBXall[indexP] = ibooker.book1D("hits per BX", rpTitle + ";Event.BX", 4002, -1.5, 4000. + 0.5);
424  }
425  int nbins = defaultDetSizeInX / pixBinW;
427  for (int p = 0; p < NplaneMAX; p++) {
428  if (isPlanePlotsTurnedOff[arm][stn][rp][p])
429  continue;
430  sprintf(s, "plane_%d", p);
431  string pd = rpd + "/" + string(s);
432  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(pd);
433  string st1 = ": " + rpTitle + "_" + string(s);
435  st = "adc average value";
436  hp2xyADC[indexP][p] = ibooker.bookProfile2D(
437  st, st1 + ";pix col;pix row", nbins, 0, defaultDetSizeInX, nbins, 0, defaultDetSizeInX, 0., 512., "");
438  hp2xyADC[indexP][p]->getTProfile2D()->SetOption("colz");
440  if (onlinePlots) {
441  st = "hits position";
442  h2xyHits[indexP][p] = ibooker.book2DD(st,
443  st1 + ";pix col;pix row",
444  defaultDetSizeInX,
445  0,
446  defaultDetSizeInX,
447  defaultDetSizeInX,
448  0,
449  defaultDetSizeInX);
450  h2xyHits[indexP][p]->getTH2D()->SetOption("colz");
452  st = "hits multiplicity";
453  hHitsMult[indexP][p] =
454  ibooker.book1DD(st, st1 + ";number of hits;N / 1 hit", hitMultMAX + 1, -0.5, hitMultMAX + 0.5);
455  }
457  if (offlinePlots) {
458  st = "plane efficiency";
459  h2Efficiency[indexP][p] = ibooker.bookProfile2D(
460  st, st1 + ";x0;y0", mapXbins, mapXmin, mapXmax, mapYbins, mapYmin, mapYmax, 0, 1, "");
461  h2Efficiency[indexP][p]->getTProfile2D()->SetOption("colz");
462  }
463  } // end of for(int p=0; p<NplaneMAX;..
465  } // end for(int rp=0; rp<NRPotsMAX;...
466  } // end of for(int stn=0; stn<
467  } // end of for(int arm=0; arm<2;...
469  return;
470 }
472 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
475  ++nEvents;
476  int lumiId = event.getLuminosityBlock().id().luminosityBlock();
477  if (lumiId < 0)
478  lumiId = 0;
480  int RPactivity[RPotsTotalNumber], RPdigiSize[RPotsTotalNumber];
481  int pixRPTracks[RPotsTotalNumber];
483  for (int rp = 0; rp < RPotsTotalNumber; rp++) {
484  RPactivity[rp] = RPdigiSize[rp] = pixRPTracks[rp] = 0;
485  }
487  for (int ind = 0; ind < RPotsTotalNumber; ind++) {
488  for (int p = 0; p < NplaneMAX; p++) {
489  HitsMultPlane[ind][p] = 0;
490  }
491  }
492  for (int ind = 0; ind < RPotsTotalNumber * NplaneMAX; ind++) {
493  for (int roc = 0; roc < NROCsMAX; roc++) {
494  HitsMultROC[ind][roc] = 0;
495  }
496  }
498  event.getByToken(tokenDigi, pixDigi);
501  event.getByToken(tokenCluster, pixClus);
504  event.getByToken(tokenTrack, pixTrack);
506  if (onlinePlots) {
507  hBX->Fill(event.bunchCrossing());
508  hBXshort->Fill(event.bunchCrossing());
509  }
511  if (pixTrack.isValid()) {
512  for (const auto &ds_tr : *pixTrack) {
513  int idet = getDet(;
514  if (idet != DetId::VeryForward) {
515  if (verbosity > 1)
516  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource") << "not CTPPS:" <<;
517  continue;
518  }
519  CTPPSDetId theId(;
520  int arm = theId.arm() & 0x1;
521  int station = theId.station() & 0x3;
522  int rpot = theId.rp() & 0x7;
523  int rpInd = getRPindex(arm, station, rpot);
525  for (DetSet<CTPPSPixelLocalTrack>::const_iterator dit = ds_tr.begin(); dit != ds_tr.end(); ++dit) {
526  ++pixRPTracks[rpInd];
527  int nh_tr = (dit->ndf() + TrackFitDimension) / 2;
528  if (onlinePlots) {
529  for (int i = 0; i <= NplaneMAX; i++) {
530  if (i == nh_tr)
531  htrackHits[rpInd]->Fill(nh_tr, 1.);
532  else
533  htrackHits[rpInd]->Fill(i, 0.);
534  }
535  }
536  float x0 = dit->x0();
537  float y0 = dit->y0();
538  h2trackXY0[rpInd]->Fill(x0, y0);
540  if (x0_MAX < x0)
541  x0_MAX = x0;
542  if (y0_MAX < y0)
543  y0_MAX = y0;
544  if (x0_MIN > x0)
545  x0_MIN = x0;
546  if (y0_MIN > y0)
547  y0_MIN = y0;
549  if (offlinePlots) {
550  edm::DetSetVector<CTPPSPixelFittedRecHit> fittedHits = dit->hits();
552  std::map<int, int> numberOfPointPerPlaneEff;
553  for (const auto &ds_frh : fittedHits) {
554  int plane = getPixPlane(;
555  for (DetSet<CTPPSPixelFittedRecHit>::const_iterator frh_it = ds_frh.begin(); frh_it != ds_frh.end();
556  ++frh_it) { // there should always be only one hit in each
557  // vector
558  if (frh_it != ds_frh.begin())
559  if (verbosity > 1)
560  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource") << "More than one FittedRecHit found in plane " << plane;
561  if (frh_it->isRealHit())
562  for (int p = 0; p < NplaneMAX; p++) {
563  if (p != plane)
564  numberOfPointPerPlaneEff[p]++;
565  }
566  }
567  }
569  if (verbosity > 1)
570  for (auto planeAndHitsOnOthers : numberOfPointPerPlaneEff) {
571  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource")
572  << "For plane " << planeAndHitsOnOthers.first << ", " << planeAndHitsOnOthers.second
573  << " hits on other planes were found" << endl;
574  }
576  for (const auto &ds_frh : fittedHits) {
577  int plane = getPixPlane(;
578  if (isPlanePlotsTurnedOff[arm][station][rpot][plane])
579  continue;
580  for (DetSet<CTPPSPixelFittedRecHit>::const_iterator frh_it = ds_frh.begin(); frh_it != ds_frh.end();
581  ++frh_it) {
582  float frhX0 = frh_it->globalCoordinates().x() + frh_it->xResidual();
583  float frhY0 = frh_it->globalCoordinates().y() + frh_it->yResidual();
584  if (numberOfPointPerPlaneEff[plane] >= 3) {
585  if (frh_it->isRealHit())
586  h2Efficiency[rpInd][plane]->Fill(frhX0, frhY0, 1);
587  else
588  h2Efficiency[rpInd][plane]->Fill(frhX0, frhY0, 0);
589  }
590  }
591  }
592  }
593  }
594  }
595  } // end if(pixTrack.isValid())
597  bool valid = false;
598  valid |= pixDigi.isValid();
599  // valid |= Clus.isValid();
601  if (!valid && verbosity)
602  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource") << "No valid data in Event " << nEvents;
604  if (pixDigi.isValid()) {
605  for (const auto &ds_digi : *pixDigi) {
606  int idet = getDet(;
607  if (idet != DetId::VeryForward) {
608  if (verbosity > 1)
609  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource") << "not CTPPS:" <<;
610  continue;
611  }
612  // int subdet = getSubdet(;
614  int plane = getPixPlane(;
616  CTPPSDetId theId(;
617  int arm = theId.arm() & 0x1;
618  int station = theId.station() & 0x3;
619  int rpot = theId.rp() & 0x7;
620  int rpInd = getRPindex(arm, station, rpot);
621  RPactivity[rpInd] = 1;
622  ++RPdigiSize[rpInd];
624  if (StationStatus[station] && RPstatus[station][rpot]) {
625  if (onlinePlots) {
626  h2HitsMultipl[arm][station]->Fill(prIndex(rpot, plane),;
628  }
629  int index = getRPindex(arm, station, rpot);
630  HitsMultPlane[index][plane] +=;
631  if (RPindexValid[index]) {
632  int nh =;
633  if (nh > hitMultMAX)
634  nh = hitMultMAX;
635  if (!isPlanePlotsTurnedOff[arm][station][rpot][plane])
636  if (onlinePlots)
637  hHitsMult[index][plane]->Fill(nh);
638  }
639  int rocHistIndex = getPlaneIndex(arm, station, rpot, plane);
641  for (DetSet<CTPPSPixelDigi>::const_iterator dit = ds_digi.begin(); dit != ds_digi.end(); ++dit) {
642  int row = dit->row();
643  int col = dit->column();
644  int adc = dit->adc();
646  if (RPindexValid[index]) {
647  if (!isPlanePlotsTurnedOff[arm][station][rpot][plane]) {
648  if (onlinePlots)
649  h2xyHits[index][plane]->Fill(col, row);
650  hp2xyADC[index][plane]->Fill(col, row, adc);
651  }
652  int colROC, rowROC;
653  int trocId;
654  if (!thePixIndices.transformToROC(col, row, trocId, colROC, rowROC)) {
655  if (trocId >= 0 && trocId < NROCsMAX) {
656  ++HitsMultROC[rocHistIndex][trocId];
657  }
658  }
659  } // end if(RPindexValid[index]) {
660  }
661  } // end if(StationStatus[station]) {
662  } // end for(const auto &ds_digi : *pixDigi)
663  } // if(pixDigi.isValid()) {
665  if (pixClus.isValid() && onlinePlots)
666  for (const auto &ds : *pixClus) {
667  int idet = getDet(;
668  if (idet != DetId::VeryForward && verbosity > 1) {
669  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource") << "not CTPPS:" <<;
670  continue;
671  }
673  CTPPSDetId theId(;
674  int plane = getPixPlane(;
675  int arm = theId.arm() & 0x1;
676  int station = theId.station() & 0x3;
677  int rpot = theId.rp() & 0x7;
679  if ((StationStatus[station] == 0) || (RPstatus[station][rpot] == 0))
680  continue;
682  for (const auto &p : ds) {
683  int clusize = p.size();
685  if (clusize > ClusterSizeMax)
686  clusize = ClusterSizeMax;
688  h2CluSize[arm][station]->Fill(prIndex(rpot, plane), clusize);
689  }
690  } // end if(pixClus.isValid()) for(const auto &ds : *pixClus)
692  bool allRPactivity = false;
693  for (int rp = 0; rp < RPotsTotalNumber; rp++)
694  if (RPactivity[rp] > 0)
695  allRPactivity = true;
696  for (int arm = 0; arm < 2; arm++) {
697  for (int stn = 0; stn < NStationMAX; stn++) {
698  for (int rp = 0; rp < NRPotsMAX; rp++) {
699  int index = getRPindex(arm, stn, rp);
700  if (RPindexValid[index] == 0)
701  continue;
703  if (onlinePlots)
704  hpRPactive->Fill(getRPglobalBin(arm, stn), RPactivity[index]);
705  // if(RPactivity[index]==0) continue;
706  if (!allRPactivity)
707  continue;
708  if (onlinePlots)
709  hpixLTrack->Fill(getRPglobalBin(arm, stn), pixRPTracks[index]);
710  int ntr = pixRPTracks[index];
711  if (ntr > NLocalTracksMAX)
712  ntr = NLocalTracksMAX;
713  for (int i = 0; i <= NLocalTracksMAX; i++) {
714  if (i == ntr)
715  htrackMult[index]->Fill(ntr, 1.);
716  else
717  htrackMult[index]->Fill(i, 0.);
718  }
720  int np = 0;
721  for (int p = 0; p < NplaneMAX; p++)
722  if (HitsMultPlane[index][p] > 0)
723  np++;
724  for (int p = 0; p <= NplaneMAX; p++) {
725  if (p == np)
726  hRPotActivPlanes[index]->Fill(p, 1.);
727  else
728  hRPotActivPlanes[index]->Fill(p, 0.);
729  }
730  if (onlinePlots) {
731  if (np >= 5)
732  hRPotActivBX[index]->Fill(event.bunchCrossing());
733  hRPotActivBXall[index]->Fill(event.bunchCrossing(), float(RPdigiSize[index]));
734  }
736  int planesFiredAtROC[NROCsMAX]; // how many planes registered hits on ROC r
737  for (int r = 0; r < NROCsMAX; r++)
738  planesFiredAtROC[r] = 0;
739  for (int p = 0; p < NplaneMAX; p++) {
740  int indp = getPlaneIndex(arm, stn, rp, p);
741  for (int r = 0; r < NROCsMAX; r++)
742  if (HitsMultROC[indp][r] > 0)
743  ++planesFiredAtROC[r];
744  for (int r = 0; r < NROCsMAX; r++) {
745  if (onlinePlots)
746  h2HitsMultROC[index]->Fill(p, r, HitsMultROC[indp][r]);
747  hp2HitsMultROC_LS[index]->Fill(lumiId, p * NROCsMAX + r, HitsMultROC[indp][r]);
748  }
749  }
750  int max = 0;
751  for (int r = 0; r < NROCsMAX; r++)
752  if (max < planesFiredAtROC[r])
753  max = planesFiredAtROC[r];
754  if (max >= 4 && onlinePlots) // fill only if there are at least 4 aligned ROCs firing
755  hRPotActivBXroc[index]->Fill(event.bunchCrossing());
756  } // end for(int rp=0; rp<NRPotsMAX; rp++) {
757  }
758  } // end for(int arm=0; arm<2; arm++) {
760  if ((nEvents % 100))
761  return;
762  if (verbosity)
763  LogPrint("CTPPSPixelDQMSource") << "analyze event " << nEvents;
764 }
766 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int StationStatus[StationIDMAX]
const double Pi
MonitorElement * hHitsMult[RPotsTotalNumber][NplaneMAX]
int HitsMultPlane[RPotsTotalNumber][NplaneMAX]
MonitorElement * hp2xyADC[RPotsTotalNumber][NplaneMAX]
MonitorElement * hpRPactive
MonitorElement * hp2HitsMultROC_LS[RPotsTotalNumber]
static constexpr int ClusMultMAX
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
static constexpr int mapYbins
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSPixelCluster > > tokenCluster
MonitorElement * bookProfile2D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, double lowZ, double highZ, char const *option="s", FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:476
virtual TProfile * getTProfile() const
MonitorElement * h2CluSize[NArms][NStationMAX]
static constexpr int ADCMax
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSPixelDigi > > tokenDigi
void dqmBeginRun(edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
static constexpr int RPotsIDMAX
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
uint32_t arm() const
Definition: CTPPSDetId.h:51
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
MonitorElement * htrackMult[RPotsTotalNumber]
MonitorElement * h2HitsMultROC[RPotsTotalNumber]
uint32_t ID
Definition: Definitions.h:24
MonitorElement * h2trackXY0[RPotsTotalNumber]
MonitorElement * hpixLTrack
static constexpr int NRPotBinsInStation
static constexpr int RPn_last
static constexpr int hitMultMAX
static constexpr int dimension
static constexpr int NRPotsMAX
static constexpr int NPlaneBins
CTPPSPixelIndices thePixIndices
static constexpr int RPotsTotalNumber
static constexpr int mapXbins
static constexpr float mapYmax
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
void Fill(long long x)
MonitorElement * htrackHits[RPotsTotalNumber]
void analyze(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &eSetup) override
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSPixelLocalTrack > > tokenTrack
virtual TH2F * getTH2F() const
int prIndex(int rp, int plane)
MonitorElement * book1DD(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:155
int RPindexValid[RPotsTotalNumber]
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
MonitorElement * h2Efficiency[RPotsTotalNumber][NplaneMAX]
MonitorElement * hROCadc[RPotsTotalNumber *NplaneMAX][NROCsMAX]
int np
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:43
CTPPSPixelDQMSource(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
MonitorElement * bookProfile(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s", FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:399
void Fill(HcalDetId &id, double val, std::vector< TH2F > &depth)
MonitorElement * hRPotActivBX[RPotsTotalNumber]
static constexpr int NLocalTracksMAX
static constexpr int ClusterSizeMax
uint32_t nh
int transformToROC(const int col, const int row, int &rocId, int &colROC, int &rowROC) const
int getRPindex(int arm, int station, int rp)
Log< level::Warning, true > LogPrint
MonitorElement * hRPotActivBXroc[RPotsTotalNumber]
MonitorElement * h2xyROCHits[RPotsTotalNumber *NplaneMAX][NROCsMAX]
MonitorElement * hRPotActivBXall[RPotsTotalNumber]
uint32_t rp() const
Definition: CTPPSDetId.h:65
static constexpr int NRPglobalBins
static constexpr int StationIDMAX
static constexpr int NStationMAX
static constexpr int NROCsMAX
MonitorElement * book2D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:212
uint32_t station() const
Definition: CTPPSDetId.h:58
MonitorElement * book2DD(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:338
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:70
Base class for CTPPS detector IDs.
Definition: CTPPSDetId.h:32
HLT enums.
static const int kDetOffset
Definition: DetId.h:21
static constexpr int NArms
MonitorElement * h2AllPlanesActive
static constexpr int RPn_first
virtual TProfile2D * getTProfile2D() const
int getRPglobalBin(int arm, int stn)
int HitsMultROC[RPotsTotalNumber *NplaneMAX][NROCsMAX]
static constexpr int NplaneMAX
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
collection_type::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: DetSet.h:31
int getPlaneIndex(int arm, int station, int rp, int plane)
MonitorElement * h2xyHits[RPotsTotalNumber][NplaneMAX]
MonitorElement * hRPotActivPlanes[RPotsTotalNumber]
int RPstatus[StationIDMAX][RPotsIDMAX]
MonitorElement * hBXshort
bool isPlanePlotsTurnedOff[NArms][NStationMAX][NRPotsMAX][NplaneMAX]
MonitorElement * h2HitsMultipl[NArms][NStationMAX]
Definition: Run.h:45
uint16_t *__restrict__ uint16_t const *__restrict__ adc
static constexpr float mapYmin
virtual TH2D * getTH2D() const