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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
8 from DQMOffline.Trigger.TopMonitor_cfi import hltTOPmonitoring
10 # muon
11 double_soft_muon_muonpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
12  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/Muon/',
13  # Selections
14  nmuons = 2,
15  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
16  HTcut = 60,
17  enableMETPlot = True,
18  metSelection ='pt>150',
19  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
20  MHTcut = 150,
21  invMassUppercut = 50,
22  invMassLowercut = 10
23 )
24 # Binning
25 double_soft_muon_muonpt.histoPSet.muPtBinning =cms.vdouble(0,2,5,7,10,12,15,17,20,25,30,50)
26 double_soft_muon_muonpt.histoPSet.muPtBinning2D =cms.vdouble(0,2,5,7,10,12,15,17,20,25,30,50)
27 # Triggers
28 double_soft_muon_muonpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DZ_PFMET50_PFMHT60_v*')
29 double_soft_muon_muonpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_PFMET140_PFMHT140_v*')
31 # met
32 double_soft_muon_metpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
33  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/MET/',
34  # Selections
35  nmuons = 2,
36  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
37  HTcut = 60,
38  muoSelection = 'pt>18 & abs(eta)<2.4',
39  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
40  MHTcut = 150,
41  invMassUppercut = 50,
42  invMassLowercut = 10,
43  enableMETPlot = True
44 )
45 # Binning
46 double_soft_muon_metpt.histoPSet.metPSet =cms.PSet(nbins=cms.uint32(50),xmin=cms.double(50),xmax=cms.double(300) )
47 # Triggers
48 double_soft_muon_metpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DZ_PFMET50_PFMHT60_v*')
49 double_soft_muon_metpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*')
51 # inv Mass
52 double_soft_muon_mll = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
53  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/Mll/',
54  # Selections
55  nmuons = 2,
56  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
57  HTcut = 60,
58  muoSelection = 'pt>10 & abs(eta)<2.4',
59  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
60  MHTcut = 150,
61  enableMETPlot = True,
62  metSelection = 'pt>150'
63 )
64 # Binning
65 double_soft_muon_mll.histoPSet.invMassVariableBinning =cms.vdouble(8,12,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,47,50,60)
67 # Triggers
68 double_soft_muon_mll.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DZ_PFMET50_PFMHT60_v*')
69 double_soft_muon_mll.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Dimuon12_Upsilon_eta1p5_v*')
71 # mht
72 double_soft_muon_mhtpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
73  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/MHT/',
74  # Selections
75  nmuons = 2,
76  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
77  HTcut = 60,
78  muoSelection = 'pt>18 & abs(eta)<2.0',
79  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
80  enableMETPlot = True,
81  metSelection = 'pt>150',
82  invMassUppercut = 50,
83  invMassLowercut = 10
84 )
85 # Binning
86 double_soft_muon_mhtpt.histoPSet.MHTVariableBinning =cms.vdouble(50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,150,200,300)
88 # Triggers
89 double_soft_muon_mhtpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DZ_PFMET50_PFMHT60_v*')
90 double_soft_muon_mhtpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*')
92 # backup1, met
93 double_soft_muon_backup_70_metpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
94  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/backup70/MET/',
95  # Selections
96  nmuons = 2,
97  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
98  HTcut = 60,
99  muoSelection = 'pt>18 & abs(eta)<2.4',
100  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
101  MHTcut = 150,
102  invMassUppercut = 50,
103  invMassLowercut = 10,
104  enableMETPlot = True
105 )
106 # Binning
107 double_soft_muon_backup_70_metpt.histoPSet.metPSet =cms.PSet(nbins=cms.uint32(50),xmin=cms.double(50),xmax=cms.double(300) )
108 # Triggers
109 double_soft_muon_backup_70_metpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DZ_PFMET70_PFMHT70_v*')
110 double_soft_muon_backup_70_metpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*')
112 # backup1, mht
113 double_soft_muon_backup_70_mhtpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
114  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/backup70/MHT/',
115  # Selections
116  nmuons = 2,
117  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
118  HTcut = 60,
119  muoSelection = 'pt>18 & abs(eta)<2.0',
120  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
121  enableMETPlot = True,
122  metSelection = 'pt>150',
123  invMassUppercut = 50,
124  invMassLowercut = 10
125 )
126 # Binning
127 double_soft_muon_backup_70_mhtpt.histoPSet.MHTVariableBinning =cms.vdouble(50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,150,200,300)
129 # Triggers
130 double_soft_muon_backup_70_mhtpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DZ_PFMET70_PFMHT70_v*')
131 double_soft_muon_backup_70_mhtpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*')
133 # backup2, met
134 double_soft_muon_backup_90_metpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
135  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/backup90/MET/',
136  # Selections
137  nmuons = 2,
138  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
139  HTcut = 60,
140  muoSelection = 'pt>18 & abs(eta)<2.4',
141  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
142  MHTcut = 150,
143  invMassUppercut = 50,
144  invMassLowercut = 10,
145  enableMETPlot = True
146 )
147 # Binning
148 double_soft_muon_backup_90_metpt.histoPSet.metPSet =cms.PSet(nbins=cms.uint32(50),xmin=cms.double(50),xmax=cms.double(300) )
149 # Triggers
150 double_soft_muon_backup_90_metpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DZ_PFMET90_PFMHT90_v*')
151 double_soft_muon_backup_90_metpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*')
153 # backup2, mht
154 double_soft_muon_backup_90_mhtpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
155  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/backup90/MHT/',
156  # Selections
157  nmuons = 2,
158  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
159  HTcut = 60,
160  muoSelection = 'pt>18 & abs(eta)<2.0',
161  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
162  enableMETPlot = True,
163  metSelection = 'pt>150',
164  invMassUppercut = 50,
165  invMassLowercut = 10
166 )
167 # Binning
168 double_soft_muon_backup_90_mhtpt.histoPSet.MHTVariableBinning =cms.vdouble(50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,150,200,300)
169 # Triggers
170 double_soft_muon_backup_90_mhtpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DZ_PFMET90_PFMHT90_v*')
171 double_soft_muon_backup_90_mhtpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ_v*')
173 # triple muon
174 triple_muon_mupt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
175  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/TripleMu/Muon',
176  # Selections
177  nmuons = 3,
178  muoSelection = 'isGlobalMuon()',
179  invMassUppercut = 50,
180  invMassLowercut = 10,
181  invMassCutInAllMuPairs= True
182 )
183 # Triggers
184 triple_muon_mupt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_TripleMu_5_3_3_Mass3p8to60_DZ_v*')
185 triple_muon_mupt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Trimuon5_3p5_2_Upsilon_Muon_v*')
187 # triplemu dca
188 triple_muon_dca_mupt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
189  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/TripleMu/DCA/Muon',
190  # Selections
191  nmuons = 3,
192  muoSelection = 'isGlobalMuon()',
193  invMassUppercut = 50,
194  invMassLowercut = 10,
195  invMassCutInAllMuPairs =True
196 )
197 # Triggers
198 triple_muon_dca_mupt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_TripleMu_5_3_3_Mass3p8to60_DCA_v*')
199 triple_muon_dca_mupt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Trimuon5_3p5_2_Upsilon_Muon_v*')
201 # MuonEG
202 susyMuEGMonitoring = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
203  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/MuonEG/',
204  nmuons = 1,
205  nphotons = 1,
206  nelectrons = 0,
207  njets = 0,
208  enablePhotonPlot = True,
209  muoSelection = 'pt>26 & abs(eta)<2.1 & isPFMuon & isGlobalMuon & isTrackerMuon & numberOfMatches>1 & innerTrack.hitPattern.trackerLayersWithMeasurement>5 & innerTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidPixelHits>0 & globalTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits>0 & globalTrack.normalizedChi2<10 & (pfIsolationR04.sumChargedHadronPt + max(pfIsolationR04.sumNeutralHadronEt + pfIsolationR04.sumPhotonEt - (pfIsolationR04.sumPUPt)/2.,0.) )/pt<0.15',
210  phoSelection = '(pt > 30 && abs(eta)<1.4442 && hadTowOverEm<0.0597 && full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta()<0.01031 && chargedHadronIso<1.295 && neutralHadronIso < 5.931+0.0163*pt+0.000014*pt*pt && photonIso < 6.641+0.0034*pt) || (pt > 30 && abs(eta)>1.4442 && hadTowOverEm<0.0481 && full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta()<0.03013 && chargedHadronIso<1.011 && neutralHadronIso < 1.715+0.0163*pt+0.000014*pt*pt && photonIso < 3.863+0.0034*pt)'
211 )
212 susyMuEGMonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_Photon30_IsoCaloId*')
213 susyMuEGMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('')
215 # muon dca
216 double_soft_muon_dca_muonpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
217  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/DCA/Muon/',
218  # Selections
219  nmuons = 2,
220  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
221  HTcut = 60,
222  enableMETPlot = True,
223  metSelection = 'pt>150',
224  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
225  MHTcut = 150,
226  invMassUppercut = 50,
227  invMassLowercut = 10
228 )
229 # Binning
230 double_soft_muon_dca_muonpt.histoPSet.muPtBinning =cms.vdouble(0,2,5,7,10,12,15,17,20,25,30,50)
231 double_soft_muon_dca_muonpt.histoPSet.muPtBinning2D =cms.vdouble(0,2,5,7,10,12,15,17,20,25,30,50)
232 # Triggers
233 double_soft_muon_dca_muonpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DCA_PFMET50_PFMHT60_v*')
234 double_soft_muon_dca_muonpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_PFMET140_PFMHT140_v*')
236 # met
237 double_soft_muon_dca_metpt = hltTOPmonitoring.clone(
238  FolderName = 'HLT/SUSY/SOS/DCA/MET/',
239  # Selections
240  nmuons = 2,
241  HTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
242  HTcut = 60,
243  muoSelection = 'pt>18 & abs(eta)<2.4',
244  MHTdefinition = 'pt>30 & abs(eta)<2.4',
245  MHTcut = 150,
246  invMassUppercut = 50,
247  invMassLowercut = 10,
248  enableMETPlot = True
249 )
250 # Binning
251 double_soft_muon_dca_metpt.histoPSet.metPSet =cms.PSet(nbins=cms.uint32(50),xmin=cms.double(50),xmax=cms.double(300) )
252 # Triggers
253 double_soft_muon_dca_metpt.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_DoubleMu3_DCA_PFMET50_PFMHT60_v*')
254 double_soft_muon_dca_metpt.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_v*')
256 susyMonitorHLT = cms.Sequence(
257  susyHLTRazorMonitoring
258  + susyHLTVBFMonitoring
259  + LepHTMonitor
260  + susyHLTEleCaloJets
261  + double_soft_muon_muonpt
262  + double_soft_muon_metpt
263  + double_soft_muon_mhtpt
264  + double_soft_muon_mll
265  + double_soft_muon_backup_70_metpt
266  + double_soft_muon_backup_70_mhtpt
267  + double_soft_muon_backup_90_metpt
268  + double_soft_muon_backup_90_mhtpt
269  + triple_muon_mupt
270  + triple_muon_dca_mupt
271  + susyMuEGMonitoring
272  + double_soft_muon_dca_muonpt
273  + double_soft_muon_dca_metpt
274  + susyHLTSoftMuHardJetMETMonitoring
275 )
277 susHLTDQMSourceExtra = cms.Sequence(
278 )