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CommonMethods Namespace Reference


class  ParsingError


def appendSqliteFile
def checkLock
def cmp_list_lumi
def cmp_list_run
 end lumi tools More...
def cp
def createWeightedPayloads
def createWeightedPayloadsNew
def delta
def deltaSig
def dirExists
def dump
def dumpValues
def exit
def isnan
def lock
def ls
def nonzero
def pack
 lumi tools CondCore/Utilities/python/ More...
def parse
def readBeamSpotFile
def readSqliteFile
def rmLock
def sendEmail
 General utilities. More...
def setLockName
def sortAndCleanBeamList
 Sort and clean list of data for consecutive duplicates and bad fits. More...
def timeoutManager
def unpack
def unpackLumiid
def uploadSqliteFile
def weight
def writeSqliteFile


string lockFile = ".lock"
tuple USAGE = re.compile(r'(?s)\s*usage: (.*?)(\n[ \t]*\n|$)')
 OPTIONS. More...

Function Documentation

def CommonMethods.appendSqliteFile (   combinedSqliteFileName,
  tmpDir = "/tmp/" 

Definition at line 930 of file

References print().

Referenced by uploader.main(), and BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

931 def appendSqliteFile(combinedSqliteFileName, sqliteFileName, tagName, IOVSince, IOVTill ,tmpDir="/tmp/"):
932  aCommand = "conddb_import -c sqlite_file:" + tmpDir + combinedSqliteFileName + " -f sqlite_file:" + sqliteFileName + " -i " + tagName + " -t " + tagName + " -b " + IOVSince + " -e " + IOVTill
933  print(aCommand)
934  std = subprocess.getstatusoutput(aCommand)
935  print(std[1])
936  return not std[0]
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def CommonMethods.checkLock ( )

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.main(), and rmLock().

74 def checkLock():
75  global lockFile
76  if os.path.isfile(lockFile):
77  return True
78  else:
79  return False
def CommonMethods.cmp_list_lumi (   a,

Definition at line 261 of file

262 def cmp_list_lumi(a,b):
263  if int(a.Run) < int(b.Run): return -1
264  if int(a.Run) == int(b.Run):
265  if int(a.IOVfirst) < int(b.IOVfirst): return -1
266  if int(a.IOVfirst) == int(b.IOVfirst): return 0
267  if int(a.IOVfirst) > int(b.IOVfirst): return 1
268  if int(a.Run) > int(b.Run) : return 1
def CommonMethods.cmp_list_run (   a,

end lumi tools

Definition at line 255 of file

256 def cmp_list_run(a,b):
257  if int(a.IOVfirst) < int(b.IOVfirst): return -1
258  if int(a.IOVfirst) == int(b.IOVfirst): return 0
259  if int(a.IOVfirst) > int(b.IOVfirst): return 1
def cmp_list_run
end lumi tools
def CommonMethods.cp (   fromDir,
  overwrite = False,
  smallList = False 

Definition at line 191 of file

References print().

Referenced by heppy::IsolationComputer.addVetos(), CaloParticleDebugger.analyze(), PFAnalysis.analyze(), cmsutils::bqueue< TrajectoryMeasurement >.bqueue(),, btagbtvdeep::TrackPairInfoBuilder.buildTrackPairInfo(), CustomPhysicsListSS.ConstructProcess(), CustomPhysicsList.ConstructProcess(), HtrXmlPattern.do_hand_fill(), edm::RootFile.dropOnInputAndReorder(), DTUserKeyedConfigHandler.DTUserKeyedConfigHandler(), HtrXmlPatternTool.Fill(), edm::RootOutputFile.fillBranches(), PixelCPEFast.fillParamsForGpu(), CaloTruthAccumulator.finalizeEvent(), L1GtVhdlWriterCore.getCaloSetupContentFromTriggerMenu(), L1GtVhdlWriterCore.getMuonSetupContentFromTriggerMenu(), MTDCPEBase.getParameters(), edm::RootDelayedReader.getProduct_(), L2TauNNProducer.impactParameter(), heppy::IsolationComputer.isoSumNeutralsWeighted(), heppy::IsolationComputer.isoSumRaw(), HGCalGeomParameters.loadGeometryHexagon(), PixelCPEFast.localPosition(), MultiClusterAssociatorByEnergyScoreImpl.makeConnections(), LCToCPAssociatorByEnergyScoreImpl.makeConnections(), PreshowerClusterAlgo.makeOneCluster(), TracksClusteringFromDisplacedSeed.nearTracks(), cmsutils::bqueue< TrajectoryMeasurement >.operator=(), edm::soa::Table< edm::soa::col::Pt, edm::soa::col::Eta, edm::soa::col::Phi, edm::soa::col::Vz >.operator=(), Phase2TrackerClusterizer.produce(), SimTrackstersProducer.produce(), SeedProducerFromSoA.produce(), PixelTrackProducerFromSoA.produce(), PixelClusterTagInfoProducer.produce(), Strip1DMeasurementTransformator.projectionMatrix(), TotemVFATStatus.setChipPosition(), edm::MergeableRunProductProcesses.setProcessesWithMergeableRunProducts(), BarrelDetLayer.setSurface(), ForwardDetLayer.setSurface(), evf::FastMonitoringThread.start(), and L1GtVmeWriterCore.writeVME().

192 def cp(fromDir,toDir,listOfFiles,overwrite=False,smallList=False):
193  cpCommand = ''
194  copiedFiles = []
195  if fromDir.find('castor') != -1 or toDir.find('castor') != -1 :
196  cpCommand = 'rf'
197  elif fromDir.find('resilient') != -1:
198  cpCommand = 'dc'
199  if fromDir[len(fromDir)-1] != '/':
200  fromDir += '/'
202  if toDir[len(toDir)-1] != '/':
203  toDir += '/'
205  for file in listOfFiles:
206  if os.path.isfile(toDir+file):
207  if overwrite:
208  print("File " + file + " already exists in destination directory. We will overwrite it.")
209  else:
210  print("File " + file + " already exists in destination directory. We will Keep original file.")
211  if not smallList:
212  copiedFiles.append(file)
213  continue
214  # copy to local disk
215  aCommand = cpCommand + 'cp '+ fromDir + file + " " + toDir
216  print(" >> " + aCommand)
217  tmpStatus = subprocess.getstatusoutput( aCommand )
218  if tmpStatus[0] == 0:
219  copiedFiles.append(file)
220  else:
221  print("[cp()]\tERROR: Can't copy file " + file)
222  return copiedFiles
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def CommonMethods.createWeightedPayloads (   fileName,
  listbeam = [],
  weighted = True 


Definition at line 624 of file

References delta(), deltaSig(), dump(), print(), sistrip::SpyUtilities.range(), and str.

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

625 def createWeightedPayloads(fileName,listbeam=[],weighted=True):
626  newlistbeam = []
627  tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
628  docreate = True
629  countlumi = 0
630  tmprun = ""
631  maxNlumis = 60
632  if weighted:
633  maxNlumis = 999999999
634  for ii in range(0,len(listbeam)):
635  ibeam = listbeam[ii]
636  inextbeam = BeamSpot()
637  iNNbeam = BeamSpot()
638  if docreate:
639  tmpbeam.IOVfirst = ibeam.IOVfirst
640  tmpbeam.IOVBeginTime = ibeam.IOVBeginTime
641  tmpbeam.Run = ibeam.Run
642  tmpbeam.Type = 2
643  docheck = False
644  docreate = False
645  #print "Currently testing ii="+str(ii)+" Lumi1: "+str(ibeam.IOVfirst)
647  # check last iov
648  if ii < len(listbeam) - 1:
649  inextbeam = listbeam[ii+1]
650  docheck = True
651  if ii < len(listbeam) -2:
652  iNNbeam = listbeam[ii+2]
653  else:
654  print("close payload because end of data has been reached. Run "+ibeam.Run)
655  docreate = True
656  # check we run over the same run
657  if ibeam.Run != inextbeam.Run:
658  print("close payload because end of run "+ibeam.Run)
659  docreate = True
660  # check maximum lumi counts
661  if countlumi == maxNlumis -1:
662  print("close payload because maximum lumi sections accumulated within run "+ibeam.Run)
663  docreate = True
664  countlumi = 0
665  # weighted average position
666  (tmpbeam.X, tmpbeam.Xerr) = weight(tmpbeam.X, tmpbeam.Xerr, ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr)
667  (tmpbeam.Y, tmpbeam.Yerr) = weight(tmpbeam.Y, tmpbeam.Yerr, ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr)
668  (tmpbeam.Z, tmpbeam.Zerr) = weight(tmpbeam.Z, tmpbeam.Zerr, ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr)
669  (tmpbeam.sigmaZ, tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) = weight(tmpbeam.sigmaZ, tmpbeam.sigmaZerr, ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr)
670  (tmpbeam.dxdz, tmpbeam.dxdzerr) = weight(tmpbeam.dxdz, tmpbeam.dxdzerr, ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr)
671  (tmpbeam.dydz, tmpbeam.dydzerr) = weight(tmpbeam.dydz, tmpbeam.dydzerr, ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr)
672  #print "wx = " + ibeam.beamWidthX + " err= "+ ibeam.beamWidthXerr
673  (tmpbeam.beamWidthX, tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) = weight(tmpbeam.beamWidthX, tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr, ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr)
674  (tmpbeam.beamWidthY, tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr) = weight(tmpbeam.beamWidthY, tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr, ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr)
676  if weighted:
677  docheck = False
678  # check offsets
679  #if False:
680  if docheck:
682  # define minimum limit
683  min_limit = 0.0025
685  # limit for x and y
686  limit = float(ibeam.beamWidthX)/2.
687  if limit < min_limit: limit = min_limit
689  # check movements in X
690  adelta1 = delta(ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr, inextbeam.X, inextbeam.Xerr)
691  adelta2 = (0.,1.e9)
692  adelta1dxdz = delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, inextbeam.dxdz, inextbeam.dxdzerr)
693  adelta2dxdz = (0.,1.e9)
694  adelta1dydz = delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, inextbeam.dydz, inextbeam.dydzerr)
695  adelta2dydz = (0.,1.e9)
696  adelta1widthx = delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, inextbeam.beamWidthX, inextbeam.beamWidthXerr)
697  adelta2widthx = (0.,1.e9)
698  adelta1widthy = delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, inextbeam.beamWidthY, inextbeam.beamWidthYerr)
699  adelta2widthy = (0.,1.e9)
700  adelta1z0 = delta(ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr, inextbeam.Z, inextbeam.Zerr)
701  adelta1sigmaZ = delta(ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr, inextbeam.sigmaZ, inextbeam.sigmaZerr)
703  if iNNbeam.Type != -1:
704  adelta2 = delta(inextbeam.X, inextbeam.Xerr, iNNbeam.X, iNNbeam.Xerr)
705  adelta2dxdz = delta(inextbeam.dxdz, inextbeam.dxdzerr, iNNbeam.dxdz, iNNbeam.dxdzerr)
706  adelta2dydz = delta(inextbeam.dydz, inextbeam.dydzerr, iNNbeam.dydz, iNNbeam.dydzerr)
707  adelta2widthx = delta(inextbeam.beamWidthX, inextbeam.beamWidthXerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthX, iNNbeam.beamWidthXerr)
708  adelta2widthy = delta(inextbeam.beamWidthY, inextbeam.beamWidthYerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthY, iNNbeam.beamWidthYerr)
710  deltaX = deltaSig(adelta1) > 3.5 and adelta1[0] >= limit
711  if ii < len(listbeam) -2:
712  if deltaX==False and adelta1[0]*adelta2[0] > 0. and math.fabs(adelta1[0]+adelta2[0]) >= limit:
713  #print " positive, "+str(adelta1[0]+adelta2[0])+ " limit="+str(limit)
714  deltaX = True
715  elif deltaX==True and adelta1[0]*adelta2[0]<=0 and adelta2[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0]) < 3:
716  deltaX = False
717  #print " negative, "+str(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0])
718  #else:
719  # print str(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0])
721  # check movemnts in Y
722  adelta1 = delta(ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr, inextbeam.Y, inextbeam.Yerr)
723  adelta2 = (0.,1.e9)
724  if iNNbeam.Type != -1:
725  adelta2 = delta(inextbeam.Y, inextbeam.Yerr, iNNbeam.Y, iNNbeam.Yerr)
727  deltaY = deltaSig(adelta1) > 3.5 and adelta1[0] >= limit
728  if ii < len(listbeam) -2:
729  if deltaY==False and adelta1[0]*adelta2[0] > 0. and math.fabs(adelta1[0]+adelta2[0]) >= limit:
730  deltaY = True
731  elif deltaY==True and adelta1[0]*adelta2[0]<=0 and adelta2[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1[0]/adelta2[0]) < 3:
732  deltaY = False
733  # check movements in Z
735  limit = float(ibeam.sigmaZ)/2.
736  deltaZ = deltaSig(adelta1z0) > 3.5 and math.fabs(adelta1z0[0]) >= limit
738  deltasigmaZ = deltaSig(adelta1sigmaZ) > 5.0
740  # check dxdz
741  adelta = delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, inextbeam.dxdz, inextbeam.dxdzerr)
742  deltadxdz = deltaSig(adelta) > 5.0
743  if deltadxdz and adelta1dxdz[0]*adelta2dxdz[0]<=0 and adelta2dxdz[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1dxdz[0]/adelta2dxdz[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1dxdz[0]/adelta2dxdz[0]) < 3:
744  deltadxdz = False
745  # check dydz
746  adelta = delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, inextbeam.dydz, inextbeam.dydzerr)
747  deltadydz = deltaSig(adelta) > 5.0
748  if deltadydz and adelta1dydz[0]*adelta2dydz[0]<=0 and adelta2dydz[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1dydz[0]/adelta2dydz[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1dydz[0]/adelta2dydz[0]) < 3:
749  deltadydz = False
751  adelta = delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, inextbeam.beamWidthX, inextbeam.beamWidthXerr)
752  deltawidthX = deltaSig(adelta) > 5
753  if deltawidthX and adelta1widthx[0]*adelta2widthx[0]<=0 and adelta2widthx[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1widthx[0]/adelta2widthx[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1widthx[0]/adelta2widthx[0]) < 3:
754  deltawidthX = False
756  adelta = delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, inextbeam.beamWidthY, inextbeam.beamWidthYerr)
757  deltawidthY = deltaSig(adelta) > 5
758  if deltawidthY and adelta1widthy[0]*adelta2widthy[0]<=0 and adelta2widthy[0] != 0 and math.fabs(adelta1widthy[0]/adelta2widthy[0]) > 0.33 and math.fabs(adelta1widthy[0]/adelta2widthy[0]) < 3:
759  deltawidthY = False
760  #if iNNbeam.Type != -1:
761  # deltaX = deltaX and delta(ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr, iNNbeam.X, iNNbeam.Xerr) > 1.5
762  # deltaY = deltaY and delta(ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr, iNNbeam.Y, iNNbeam.Yerr) > 1.5
763  # deltaZ = deltaZ and delta(ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr, iNNbeam.Z, iNNbeam.Zerr) > 1.5
764  #
765  # deltasigmaZ = deltasigmaZ and delta(ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr, iNNbeam.sigmaZ, iNNbeam.sigmaZerr) > 2.5
766  # deltadxdz = deltadxdz and delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, iNNbeam.dxdz, iNNbeam.dxdzerr) > 2.5
767  # deltadydz = deltadydz and delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, iNNbeam.dydz, iNNbeam.dydzerr) > 2.5
768  #
769  # deltawidthX = deltawidthX and delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthX, iNNbeam.beamWidthXerr) > 3
770  # deltawidthY = deltawidthY and delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthY, iNNbeam.beamWidthYerr) > 3
772  if deltaX or deltaY or deltaZ or deltasigmaZ or deltadxdz or deltadydz or deltawidthX or deltawidthY:
773  docreate = True
774  #print "shift here: x="+str(deltaX)+" y="+str(deltaY)
775  #print "x1 = "+ibeam.X + " x1err = "+ibeam.Xerr
776  #print "x2 = "+inextbeam.X + " x2err = "+inextbeam.Xerr
777  #print "Lumi1: "+str(ibeam.IOVfirst) + " Lumi2: "+str(inextbeam.IOVfirst)
778  #print " x= "+ibeam.X+" +/- "+ibeam.Xerr
779  #print "weighted average x = "+tmpbeam.X +" +//- "+tmpbeam.Xerr
780  print("close payload because of movement in X= "+str(deltaX)+", Y= "+str(deltaY) + ", Z= "+str(deltaZ)+", sigmaZ= "+str(deltasigmaZ)+", dxdz= "+str(deltadxdz)+", dydz= "+str(deltadydz)+", widthX= "+str(deltawidthX)+", widthY= "+str(deltawidthY))
781  if docreate:
782  #if ii == len(listbeam)-1:
783  tmpbeam.IOVlast = ibeam.IOVlast
784  tmpbeam.IOVEndTime = ibeam.IOVEndTime
785  print(" Run: "+tmpbeam.Run +" Lumi1: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " Lumi2: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVlast))
786  newlistbeam.append(tmpbeam)
787  tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
788  countlumi = 0
789  tmprun = ibeam.Run
790  countlumi += 1
792  payloadfile = open(fileName,"w")
793  for iload in newlistbeam:
794  dump( iload, payloadfile )
795  payloadfile.close()
return newlistbeam
def createWeightedPayloads
const uint16_t range(const Frame &aFrame)
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
#define str(s)
def CommonMethods.createWeightedPayloadsNew (   fileName,
  listbeam = [],
  weighted = True 

Definition at line 797 of file

References delta(), dump(), print(), sistrip::SpyUtilities.range(), and str.

798 def createWeightedPayloadsNew(fileName,listbeam=[],weighted=True):
799  newlistbeam = []
800  docreate = False
801  docheck = False
802  lastPayload = listbeam[0]
804  firstToUse = 0
805  lastToUse = 0
806  for ii in range(0,len(listbeam)):
807  docreate = False
808  if docheck:
809  deltaX = delta(ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr, inextbeam.X, inextbeam.Xerr) > 1.5
810  deltaY = delta(ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr, inextbeam.Y, inextbeam.Yerr) > 1.5
811  deltaZ = delta(ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr, inextbeam.Z, inextbeam.Zerr) > 2.5
813  deltasigmaZ = delta(ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr, inextbeam.sigmaZ, inextbeam.sigmaZerr) > 2.5
814  deltadxdz = delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, inextbeam.dxdz, inextbeam.dxdzerr) > 2.5
815  deltadydz = delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, inextbeam.dydz, inextbeam.dydzerr) > 2.5
817  deltawidthX = delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, inextbeam.beamWidthX, inextbeam.beamWidthXerr) > 3
818  deltawidthY = delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, inextbeam.beamWidthY, inextbeam.beamWidthYerr) > 3
820  #if iNNbeam.Type != -1:
821  # deltaX = deltaX and delta(ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr, iNNbeam.X, iNNbeam.Xerr) > 1.5
822  # deltaY = deltaY and delta(ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr, iNNbeam.Y, iNNbeam.Yerr) > 1.5
823  # deltaZ = deltaZ and delta(ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr, iNNbeam.Z, iNNbeam.Zerr) > 1.5
824  #
825  # deltasigmaZ = deltasigmaZ and delta(ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr, iNNbeam.sigmaZ, iNNbeam.sigmaZerr) > 2.5
826  # deltadxdz = deltadxdz and delta(ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr, iNNbeam.dxdz, iNNbeam.dxdzerr) > 2.5
827  # deltadydz = deltadydz and delta(ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr, iNNbeam.dydz, iNNbeam.dydzerr) > 2.5
828  #
829  # deltawidthX = deltawidthX and delta(ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthX, iNNbeam.beamWidthXerr) > 3
830  # deltawidthY = deltawidthY and delta(ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr, iNNbeam.beamWidthY, iNNbeam.beamWidthYerr) > 3
832  if deltaX or deltaY or deltaZ or deltasigmaZ or deltadxdz or deltadydz or deltawidthX or deltawidthY:
833  if ii != 0:
834  docreate = True
835  lastToUse = ii-1
836  #print "shift here: x="+str(deltaX)+" y="+str(deltaY)
837  #print "x1 = "+ibeam.X + " x1err = "+ibeam.Xerr
838  #print "x2 = "+inextbeam.X + " x2err = "+inextbeam.Xerr
839  #print "Lumi1: "+str(ibeam.IOVfirst) + " Lumi2: "+str(inextbeam.IOVfirst)
840  #print " x= "+ibeam.X+" +/- "+ibeam.Xerr
841  #print "weighted average x = "+tmpbeam.X +" +//- "+tmpbeam.Xerr
842  print("close payload because of movement in X= "+str(deltaX)+", Y= "+str(deltaY) + ", Z= "+str(deltaZ)+", sigmaZ= "+str(deltasigmaZ)+", dxdz= "+str(deltadxdz)+", dydz= "+str(deltadydz)+", widthX= "+str(deltawidthX)+", widthY= "+str(deltawidthY))
844  #WARNING this will only be fine for Run based IOVs
845  if ii >= len(listbeam) - 1 or listbeam[ii].Run != listbeam[ii+1].Run :
846  print("close payload because end of run has been reached. Run " + listbeam[ii].Run)
847  docreate = True
848  lastToUse = ii
851  # check maximum lumi counts
852 #? if countlumi == maxNlumis:
853 #? print "close payload because maximum lumi sections accumulated within run "+ibeam.Run
854 #? docreate = True
855 #? countlumi = 0
856  if docreate:
857  tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
858  for ibeam in listbeam[firstToUse:lastToUse]:
859  (tmpbeam.X, tmpbeam.Xerr) = weight(tmpbeam.X, tmpbeam.Xerr, ibeam.X, ibeam.Xerr)
860  (tmpbeam.Y, tmpbeam.Yerr) = weight(tmpbeam.Y, tmpbeam.Yerr, ibeam.Y, ibeam.Yerr)
861  (tmpbeam.Z, tmpbeam.Zerr) = weight(tmpbeam.Z, tmpbeam.Zerr, ibeam.Z, ibeam.Zerr)
862  (tmpbeam.sigmaZ, tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) = weight(tmpbeam.sigmaZ, tmpbeam.sigmaZerr, ibeam.sigmaZ, ibeam.sigmaZerr)
863  (tmpbeam.dxdz, tmpbeam.dxdzerr) = weight(tmpbeam.dxdz, tmpbeam.dxdzerr, ibeam.dxdz, ibeam.dxdzerr)
864  (tmpbeam.dydz, tmpbeam.dydzerr) = weight(tmpbeam.dydz, tmpbeam.dydzerr, ibeam.dydz, ibeam.dydzerr)
865  #print "wx = " + ibeam.beamWidthX + " err= "+ ibeam.beamWidthXerr
866  (tmpbeam.beamWidthX, tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) = weight(tmpbeam.beamWidthX, tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr, ibeam.beamWidthX, ibeam.beamWidthXerr)
867  (tmpbeam.beamWidthY, tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr) = weight(tmpbeam.beamWidthY, tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr, ibeam.beamWidthY, ibeam.beamWidthYerr)
868  tmpbeam.IOVfirst = listbeam[firstToUse].IOVfirst
869  tmpbeam.IOVBeginTime = listbeam[firstToUse].IOVBeginTime
870  tmpbeam.Run = listbeam[firstToUse].Run
871  tmpbeam.Type = 2
872  tmpbeam.IOVlast = listbeam[lastToUse].IOVlast
873  tmpbeam.IOVEndTime = listbeam[lastToUse].IOVEndTime
874  newlistbeam.append(tmpbeam)
875  firstToUse = lastToUse+1
876  print("Run: " + tmpbeam.Run + " Lumi1: " + str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " Lumi2: " + str(tmpbeam.IOVlast))
878  payloadfile = open(fileName,"w")
879  for iload in newlistbeam:
880  dump( iload, payloadfile )
881  payloadfile.close()
const uint16_t range(const Frame &aFrame)
def createWeightedPayloadsNew
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
#define str(s)
def (   x,

Definition at line 323 of file

Referenced by npstat.absDifference(), ReferenceTrajectory.addMaterialEffectsBrl(), FWMuonDetailView.addSceneInfo(), FWElectronDetailView.addSceneInfo(), tmtt::KFbase.adjustState(), algorithm(), SimpleConvertedPhotonAnalyzer.analyze(), DQMEventInfo.analyze(), PhotonsWithConversionsAnalyzer.analyze(), SimplePhotonAnalyzer.analyze(), TestHits.analyze(), TestSmoothHits.analyze(), TestOutliers.analyze(), TestTrackHits.analyze(), PhotonValidator.analyze(), V0Monitor.analyze(), TauTagValidation.analyze(), trklet.bendstrip(), npstat::NUHistoAxis.binNumber(),,, magneticfield::MagGeoBuilder.buildInterpolator(), EcalShapeBase.buildMe(), PFRecoTauTagInfoAlgorithm.buildPFTauTagInfo(), DTRPCBxCorrection.BxCorrection(), HGCalCLUEAlgoT< TILE >.calculateDistanceToHigher(), ticl::PatternRecognitionbyCLUE3D< TILES >.calculateLocalDensity(), HGCalCLUEAlgoT< TILE >.calculateLocalDensity(), ThirdHitPrediction.calculateRangesBarrel(), QGTagger.calcVariables(), FWGeometryTableManager.checkRegionOfInterest(), riemannFit.circleFit(), npstat::NUHistoAxis.closestValidBin(), HcalQie.codeToQ(), MultipleScatteringSimulator.compute(), MVAJetPuId.computeIdVariables(), DTDigitizer.computeTime(), L1TkEmParticleProducer.CorrectedEta(), TGeoMgrFromDdd.createShape(), createWeightedPayloads(), createWeightedPayloadsNew(), ThirdHitPredictionFromInvLine.crossing(), InterpolatedPulse< 1500U >.derivative(), DTTMax.DTTMax(), CSCPairResidualsConstraint.error(), L1TMuonBarrelKalmanAlgo.estimateChiSquare(), L1TMuonBarrelKalmanAlgo.estimateCompatibility(), SiPixelSCurveCalibrationAnalysis.estimateSCurveParameters(), DDTrackerAngular.execute(), DDEcalBarrelAlgo.execute(), DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.execute(), DDTrackerRingAlgo.execute(), TFParams.f3deg(), fastProp(), FWECALCaloDataDetailViewBuilder.fillData(), trklet::TrackDerTable.fillTable(), RPCStripsRing.fillWithVirtualStrips(), PFFilter.filter(), PFMETFilter.filter(), SinglePhotonJetPlusHOFilter.filter(), JetHTJetPlusHOFilter.filter(), DAClusterizerInZT_vect.find_nearest(), HGCalCLUEAlgoT< TILE >.findAndAssignClusters(), ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola.findPointAtCurve(),,, KinematicConstrainedVertexFitterT< nTrk, nConstraint >.fit(),, PulseFitWithFunction.Fit_electronic(), CSCSegAlgoRU.fit_r_phi(), TFParams.fitpj(), DTTimingExtractor.fitT0(), CSCOfflineMonitor.fitX(), CSCSegAlgoRU.fitX(), CSCValidation.fitX(), npstat::NUHistoAxis.fltBinNumber(), TSFit.fpol3dg(), TrackerMap.getcolor(), TAPDPulse.getDelta(), DTTimeBoxFitter.getFitSeeds(), GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment.gradientGlobal(), GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment.gradientLocal(), CkfDebugger.hasDelta(), fastTrackingUtilities.hitLocalError(), BaseParticlePropagator.increaseRCyl(), SiTrivialInduceChargeOnStrips.induceVector(), DDTrackerAngular.initialize(), DDTrackerRingAlgo.initialize(), edm::StreamSchedule.initializeEarlyDelete(), fastsim::MultipleScattering.interact(), CSCPairResidualsConstraint.isFiducial(), fftjetcms::LinInterpolatedTable1D.isMonotonous(), tmtt::KFbase.kalmanUpdate(), fireworks.localSiStrip(), main(), HLTTauRefCombiner.match(), HLTTauDQMPlotter.match(), DAClusterizerInZT_vect.merge(), heppy::RochCor.momcor_mc(), MuonMETAlgo.MuonMETAlgo_run(), fastsim::HelixTrajectory.nextCrossingTimeC(), fastsim::StraightTrajectory.nextCrossingTimeC(), heppy::Davismt2.nsols(), heppy::Davismt2.nsols_massless(), LowPassFilterTiming.operator()(), CSCDetIdSameDetLayerComparator.operator()(), fftjetcms::LinInterpolatedTable1D.operator()(), InterpolatedPulse< 1500U >.operator()(), operator<<(), logintpack.pack16log(), VertexKinematicConstraint.parametersDerivative(), TTStubAlgorithm_official< T >.PatternHitCorrelation(), EcalUncalibRecHitFixedAlphaBetaAlgo< C >.PerformAnalyticFit(), PetrukhinFunc(), fastsim::MuonBremsstrahlung.PetrukhinFunc(), SiPixelTemplateReco.PixelTempReco1D(), SiPixelTemplateSplit.PixelTempSplit(), ThroughputService.postEndJob(), MuonBadTrackFilter.printMuonProperties(), PFMuonAlgo.printMuonProperties(), EgammaHLTCaloTowerProducer.produce(), TrackListMerger.produce(), CaloTowerFromL1TCreatorForTauHLT.produce(), CaloTowerCreatorForTauHLT.produce(), L2MuonSeedGeneratorFromL1TkMu.produce(), FastTrackerRecHitMatcher.projectOnly(), BaseParticlePropagator.propagate(), tauImpactParameter::ErrorMatrixPropagator.propagateError(), L1TkMuonProducer.propagateToGMT(), DDG4SolidConverter.pseudotrap(), DTSegmentUpdator.rejectBadHits(), tmtt::KFbase.residual(), tmtt::ChiSquaredFit4.residuals(),, InterpolatedPulse< 1500U >.secondDerivative(), MuonHitsChamberResidual.segment_fit(), FFTJetProducer.selectTreeNodes(), MuonPathAnalyzerInChamber.setWirePosAndTimeInMP(), Cone.side(), muon.sigmaSwitch(), sigmaSwitch(), HGCalShowerShape.sigmaXX(), heppy::mt2w_bisect::mt2w.teco(), TPedValues.terminate(), DAClusterizerInZ_vect.thermalize(), DAClusterizerInZT_vect.thermalize(), reco::IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate.towerIndex(), trklet::FitTrack.trackFitChisq(), funct.trapezoid_integral(), TrapezoidalCartesianMFGrid.TrapezoidalCartesianMFGrid(), TrapezoidalCylindricalMFGrid.TrapezoidalCylindricalMFGrid(), DAClusterizerInZ.update(), DAClusterizerInZ_vect.update(), DAClusterizerInZT_vect.update(), DMRChecker.updateOnlineMomenta(), MahiFit.updatePulseShape(), VertexKinematicConstraint.value(), CSCPairResidualsConstraint.value(), and heppy::FSRWeightAlgo.weight().

324 def delta(x,xerr,nextx,nextxerr):
325  #return math.fabs( float(x) - float(nextx) )/math.sqrt(math.pow(float(xerr),2) + math.pow(float(nextxerr),2))
326  return ( float(x) - float(nextx), math.sqrt(math.pow(float(xerr),2) + math.pow(float(nextxerr),2)) )
def CommonMethods.deltaSig (   x)

Definition at line 327 of file

Referenced by createWeightedPayloads().

328 def deltaSig( x ):
329  return math.fabs(x[0])/x[1]
def CommonMethods.dirExists (   dir)

Definition at line 159 of file

160 def dirExists(dir):
161  if dir.find("castor") != -1:
162  lsCommand = "nsls " + dir
163  output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( lsCommand )
164  return not output[0]
165  else:
166  return os.path.exists(dir)
def CommonMethods.dump (   beam,

Definition at line 291 of file

References dumpValues(), and str.

Referenced by createWeightedPayloads(), and createWeightedPayloadsNew().

292 def dump( beam, file):
293  end = "\n"
294  file.write("Runnumber "+beam.Run+end)
295  file.write("BeginTimeOfFit "+str(beam.IOVBeginTime)+end)
296  file.write("EndTimeOfFit "+str(beam.IOVEndTime)+end)
297  file.write("LumiRange "+str(beam.IOVfirst)+" - "+str(beam.IOVlast)+end)
298  dumpValues(beam, file)
#define str(s)
def CommonMethods.dumpValues (   beam,

Definition at line 300 of file

References str.

Referenced by dump(), and BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

301 def dumpValues( beam, file):
302  end = "\n"
303  file.write("Type "+str(beam.Type)+end)
304  file.write("X0 "+str(beam.X)+end)
305  file.write("Y0 "+str(beam.Y)+end)
306  file.write("Z0 "+str(beam.Z)+end)
307  file.write("sigmaZ0 "+str(beam.sigmaZ)+end)
308  file.write("dxdz "+str(beam.dxdz)+end)
309  file.write("dydz "+str(beam.dydz)+end)
310  file.write("BeamWidthX "+beam.beamWidthX+end)
311  file.write("BeamWidthY "+beam.beamWidthY+end)
312  file.write("Cov(0,j) "+str(math.pow(float(beam.Xerr),2))+" 0 0 0 0 0 0" +end)
313  file.write("Cov(1,j) 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.Yerr),2))+" 0 0 0 0 0" +end)
314  file.write("Cov(2,j) 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.Zerr),2))+" 0 0 0 0" +end)
315  file.write("Cov(3,j) 0 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.sigmaZerr),2))+" 0 0 0" +end)
316  file.write("Cov(4,j) 0 0 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.dxdzerr),2))+" 0 0" +end)
317  file.write("Cov(5,j) 0 0 0 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.dydzerr),2))+" 0" +end)
318  file.write("Cov(6,j) 0 0 0 0 0 0 "+str(math.pow(float(beam.beamWidthXerr),2)) +end)
319  file.write("EmittanceX 0"+end)
320  file.write("EmittanceY 0"+end)
321  file.write("BetaStar 0"+end)
#define str(s)
def CommonMethods.exit (   msg = "")

Definition at line 92 of file

References rmLock().

Referenced by ls().

93 def exit(msg=""):
94  rmLock()
95  raise SystemExit(msg or optionstring.replace("%prog",sys.argv[0]))
def CommonMethods.isnan (   num)

Definition at line 97 of file

Referenced by MuonPathAnalyzerInChamber.analyze(), EGammaMvaEleEstimatorCSA14.bindVariables(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator.bindVariables(), mkfit::MkFinder.bkFitFitTracks(), PhotonMVABasedHaloTagger.calculateMVA(), plotscripts.corrections2D(), SiPixelGainCalibrationAnalysis.doFits(), cond::serialization::access< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type >.equal_(), reco::tau.fillIsoMVARun2Inputs(), calo::multifit.fnnls(), LHCInfoPopConSourceHandler.getEcalData(), MLPFProducer.produce(), PseudoTopProducer.produce(), readBeamSpotFile(), and mkfit::MkFinder.selectHitIndices().

98 def isnan(num):
99  fnum = float(num)
100  return fnum != fnum
def CommonMethods.lock ( )

Definition at line 81 of file

Referenced by evf::FastMonitoringService.accumulateFileSize(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.appendOneIOV(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.appendSinceTime(), dqm::DQMFileSaverOnline.appendSnapshot(), DQMEDAnalyzer.beginStream(), mxnet::cpp::Predictor.bind_executor(),, dqm::implementation::DQMStore.bookTransaction(), cscdqm::EventProcessor.calcEMUFractionHisto(), CAHitNtupletGeneratorKernels< TTraits >.classifyTuples(), dqm::implementation::DQMStore.cleanupLumi(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.closeIOV(), cond::persistency::SessionImpl.commitTransaction(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.commitTransaction(), XrdAdaptor::XrdStatisticsService.condorUpdate(), lumi::service::DBService.connectReadOnly(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.createNewIOV(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.createOneIOV(), cond::XMLAuthenticationService::XMLAuthenticationService.credentials(), edm::shared_memory::ControllerChannel.doTransition(), edm::shared_memory::ControllerChannel.doTransitionWithRetry(), dqm::implementation::DQMStore.enterLumi(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.eraseSinceTime(), TMVAEvaluator.evaluateTMVA(), CSCMonitorObject.Fill(), dqm::implementation::DQMStore.findME(), dqm::implementation::DQMStore.findOrRecycle(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.forceInit(), evf::FastMonitoringService.getAbortFlagForLumi(), dqm::implementation::IGetter.getAllContents(), CSCMonitorObject.GetBinContent(), CSCMonitorObject.GetBinError(), dqm::implementation::IGetter.getContents(), CSCMonitorObject.GetEntries(), FedRawDataInputSource.getEventReport(), evf::FastMonitoringService.getEventsProcessedForLumi(), CSCMonitorObject.GetMaximumBin(), XrdAdaptor::XrdSiteStatisticsInformation.getStatisticsForSite(), RawPCCProducer.globalEndLuminosityBlockProduce(), dqm::implementation::DQMStore.initLumi(), edm::JobReport.inputFileClosed(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.isNewTagRequest(), dqm::implementation::DQMStore.leaveLumi(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.lockRecords(), BeamSpotWorkflow.main(), dqm::implementation::DQMStore.meBookerGetter(), DQMNet.onPeerConnect(), DQMNet.onPeerData(), evf::FastMonitoringService.postBeginJob(), evf::FastMonitoringService.postGlobalEndLumi(), evf::FastMonitoringService.preGlobalBeginLumi(), evf::FastMonitoringService.preGlobalEarlyTermination(), evf::FastMonitoringService.preGlobalEndLumi(), evf::FastMonitoringService.preModuleBeginJob(), evf::FastMonitoringService.preSourceEarlyTermination(), evf::FastMonitoringService.preStreamBeginLumi(), evf::FastMonitoringService.preStreamEarlyTermination(), evf::FastMonitoringService.preStreamEndLumi(), PixelClusterShapeExtractor.processRec(), cscdqm::Dispatcher.processStandby(), cms::CkfTrackCandidateMakerBase.produceBase(), dqm::implementation::DQMStore.putME(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.releaseLocks(),, edm::JobReport.reportAnalysisFile(), edm::JobReport.reportError(), FedRawDataInputSource.reportEventsThisLumiInSource(), edm::JobReport.reportFallbackAttempt(), evf::FastMonitoringService.reportLockWait(), edm::JobReport.reportRandomStateFile(), edm::JobReport.reportSkippedEvent(), edm::JobReport.reportSkippedFile(), cond::persistency::SessionImpl.rollbackTransaction(), CSCMonitorObject.SetAxisRange(), CSCMonitorObject.setAxisTitle(), CSCMonitorObject.SetBinContent(), CSCMonitorObject.SetBinError(), CSCMonitorObject.SetEntries(), CSCMonitorObject.SetMaximum(), CSCMonitorObject.SetNormFactor(), edm::shared_memory::ControllerChannel.setupWorker(), edm::shared_memory::ControllerChannel.setupWorkerWithRetry(), evf::FastMonitoringService.snapshotRunner(), cscdqm::EventProcessor.standbyEfficiencyHistos(), edm::ZombieKillerService.startThread(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.startTransaction(), cond::persistency::SessionImpl.startTransaction(), evf::FastMonitoringService.stoppedLookingForFile(), edm::shared_memory::ControllerChannel.stopWorker(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.tagInfo(), cscdqm::EventProcessor.updateEfficiencyHistos(), cscdqm::EventProcessorMutex.updateFractionAndEfficiencyHistos(), cscdqm::Dispatcher.updateFractionAndEfficiencyHistos(), cscdqm::EventProcessor.updateFractionHistos(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.writeMany(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService.writeOneIOV(), and cscdqm::EventProcessor.writeShifterHistograms().

82 def lock():
83  global lockFile
84  subprocess.getstatusoutput( "touch " + lockFile)
def (   dir,
  filter = "" 

Definition at line 168 of file

References exit(), spr.find(), print(), and submitPVValidationJobs.split().

169 def ls(dir,filter=""):
170  lsCommand = ''
171  listOfFiles = []
172  if dir.find('castor') != -1:
173  lsCommand = 'ns'
174  elif not os.path.exists(dir):
175  print("ERROR: File or directory " + dir + " doesn't exist")
176  return listOfFiles
178  aCommand = lsCommand + 'ls '+ dir
179  #aCommand = lsCommand + 'ls '+ dir + " | grep .txt"
180  if filter != "":
181  aCommand += " | grep " + filter
183  tmpStatus = subprocess.getstatusoutput( aCommand )
184  listOfFiles = tmpStatus[1].split('\n')
185  if len(listOfFiles) == 1:
186  if listOfFiles[0].find('No such file or directory') != -1:
187  exit("ERROR: File or directory " + dir + " doesn't exist")
189  return listOfFiles
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def CommonMethods.nonzero (   self)

Definition at line 131 of file

132 def nonzero(self): # will become the nonzero method of optparse.Values
133  "True if options were given"
134  for v in self.__dict__.values():
135  if v is not None: return True
136  return False
def CommonMethods.pack (   high,

lumi tools CondCore/Utilities/python/

pack high,low 32bit unsigned int to one unsigned 64bit long long
   Note:the print value of result number may appear signed, if the sign bit is used.

Definition at line 229 of file

230 def pack(high,low):
231  """pack high,low 32bit unsigned int to one unsigned 64bit long long
232  Note:the print value of result number may appear signed, if the sign bit is used.
233  """
234  h=high<<32
235  return (h|low)
def pack
lumi tools CondCore/Utilities/python/
def CommonMethods.parse (   docstring,
  arglist = None 

Definition at line 107 of file

108 def parse(docstring, arglist=None):
109  global optionstring
110  global tagType
111  optionstring = docstring
112  match =
113  if not match: raise ParsingError("Cannot find the option string")
114  optlines =
115  try:
116  p = optparse.OptionParser(optlines[0])
117  for line in optlines[1:]:
118  opt, help=line.split(':')[:2]
119  short,long=opt.split(',')[:2]
120  if '=' in opt:
121  action='store'
122  long=long.split('=')[0]
123  else:
124  action='store_true'
125  p.add_option(short.strip(),long.strip(),
126  action = action, help = help.strip())
127  except (IndexError,ValueError):
128  raise ParsingError("Cannot parse the option string correctly")
129  return p.parse_args(arglist)
def CommonMethods.readBeamSpotFile (   fileName,
  listbeam = [],
  IOVbase = "runbase",
  firstRun = '1',
  lastRun = '4999999999' 

Definition at line 331 of file

References bitset_utilities.append(), isnan(), print(), and str.

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

332 def readBeamSpotFile(fileName,listbeam=[],IOVbase="runbase", firstRun='1',lastRun='4999999999'):
333  tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
334  tmpbeamsize = 0
336  #firstRun = "1"
337  #lastRun = "4999999999"
338  if IOVbase == "lumibase" and firstRun=='1' and lastRun=='4999999999' :
339  firstRun = "1:1"
340  lastRun = "4999999999:4999999999"
342  inputfiletype = 0
343  #print "first = " +firstRun
344  #print "last = " +lastRun
346  # for bx
347  maplist = {}
348  hasBX = False
350  tmpfile = open(fileName)
351  atmpline = tmpfile.readline()
352  if atmpline.find('Runnumber') != -1:
353  inputfiletype = 1
354  if len(atmpline.split()) > 2:
355  hasBX = True
356  print(" Input data has been calculated as function of BUNCH CROSSINGS.")
360  if inputfiletype ==1:
362  tmpBX = 0
363  for line in tmpfile:
365  if line.find('Type') != -1:
366  tmpbeam.Type = int(line.split()[1])
367  tmpbeamsize += 1
368  if line.find('X0') != -1:
369  tmpbeam.X = line.split()[1]
370  #tmpbeam.Xerr = line.split()[4]
371  tmpbeamsize += 1
372  #print " x = " + str(tmpbeam.X)
373  if line.find('Y0') != -1:
374  tmpbeam.Y = line.split()[1]
375  #tmpbeam.Yerr = line.split()[4]
376  tmpbeamsize += 1
377  #print " y =" + str(tmpbeam.Y)
378  if line.find('Z0') != -1 and line.find('sigmaZ0') == -1:
379  tmpbeam.Z = line.split()[1]
380  #tmpbeam.Zerr = line.split()[4]
381  tmpbeamsize += 1
382  if line.find('sigmaZ0') !=-1:
383  tmpbeam.sigmaZ = line.split()[1]
384  #tmpbeam.sigmaZerr = line.split()[5]
385  tmpbeamsize += 1
386  if line.find('dxdz') != -1:
387  tmpbeam.dxdz = line.split()[1]
388  #tmpbeam.dxdzerr = line.split()[4]
389  tmpbeamsize += 1
390  if line.find('dydz') != -1:
391  tmpbeam.dydz = line.split()[1]
392  #tmpbeam.dydzerr = line.split()[4]
393  tmpbeamsize += 1
394  if line.find('BeamWidthX') != -1:
395  tmpbeam.beamWidthX = line.split()[1]
396  #tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr = line.split()[6]
397  tmpbeamsize += 1
398  if line.find('BeamWidthY') != -1:
399  tmpbeam.beamWidthY = line.split()[1]
400  #tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr = line.split()[6]
401  tmpbeamsize += 1
402  if line.find('Cov(0,j)') != -1:
403  tmpbeam.Xerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[1] ) ) )
404  tmpbeamsize += 1
405  if line.find('Cov(1,j)') != -1:
406  tmpbeam.Yerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[2] ) ) )
407  tmpbeamsize += 1
408  if line.find('Cov(2,j)') != -1:
409  tmpbeam.Zerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[3] ) ) )
410  tmpbeamsize += 1
411  if line.find('Cov(3,j)') != -1:
412  tmpbeam.sigmaZerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[4] ) ) )
413  tmpbeamsize += 1
414  if line.find('Cov(4,j)') != -1:
415  tmpbeam.dxdzerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[5] ) ) )
416  tmpbeamsize += 1
417  if line.find('Cov(5,j)') != -1:
418  tmpbeam.dydzerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[6] ) ) )
419  tmpbeamsize += 1
420  if line.find('Cov(6,j)') != -1:
421  tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr = str(math.sqrt( float( line.split()[7] ) ) )
422  tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr = tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr
423  tmpbeamsize += 1
424  if line.find('LumiRange') != -1:
425  if IOVbase=="lumibase":
426  tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[1]
427  tmpbeam.IOVlast = line.split()[3]
428  tmpbeamsize += 1
429  if line.find('Runnumber') != -1:
430  tmpbeam.Run = line.split()[1]
431  if IOVbase == "runbase":
432  tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[1]
433  tmpbeam.IOVlast = line.split()[1]
434  if hasBX:
435  tmpBX = line.split()[3]
436  tmpbeamsize += 1
437  if line.find('BeginTimeOfFit') != -1:
438  tmpbeam.IOVBeginTime = line.split()[1] +" "+line.split()[2] +" "+line.split()[3]
439  if IOVbase =="timebase":
440  tmpbeam.IOVfirst = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[1] + " " + line.split()[2] + " " + line.split()[3],"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
441  tmpbeamsize += 1
442  if line.find('EndTimeOfFit') != -1:
443  tmpbeam.IOVEndTime = line.split()[1] +" "+line.split()[2] +" "+line.split()[3]
444  if IOVbase =="timebase":
445  tmpbeam.IOVlast = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[1] + " " + line.split()[2] + " " + line.split()[3],"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
446  tmpbeamsize += 1
447  if tmpbeamsize == 20:
448  if IOVbase=="lumibase":
449  tmprunfirst = int(firstRun.split(":")[0])
450  tmprunlast = int(lastRun.split(":")[0])
451  tmplumifirst = int(firstRun.split(":")[1])
452  tmplumilast = int(lastRun.split(":")[1])
453  acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = False
454  # check lumis in the same run
455  if tmprunfirst == tmprunlast and int(tmpbeam.Run)==tmprunfirst:
456  if int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= tmplumifirst and int(tmpbeam.IOVlast)<=tmplumilast:
457  acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = True
458  # if different runs make sure you select the correct range of lumis
459  elif int(tmpbeam.Run) == tmprunfirst:
460  if int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= tmplumifirst: acceptiov1 = True
461  elif int(tmpbeam.Run) == tmprunlast:
462  if int(tmpbeam.IOVlast) <= tmplumilast: acceptiov2 = True
463  elif tmprunfirst <= int(tmpbeam.Run) and tmprunlast >= int(tmpbeam.Run):
464  acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = True
466  if acceptiov1 and acceptiov2:
467  if tmpbeam.Type != 2:
468  print("invalid fit, skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast))
469  elif isnan(tmpbeam.Z) or isnan(tmpbeam.Zerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr):
470  print("invalid fit, NaN values!! skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast))
471  elif hasBX:
472  if (tmpBX in maplist) == False:
473  maplist[tmpBX] = [tmpbeam]
474  else:
475  maplist[tmpBX].append(tmpbeam)
476  else:
477  listbeam.append(tmpbeam)
479  elif int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= int(firstRun) and int(tmpbeam.IOVlast) <= int(lastRun):
480  if tmpbeam.Type != 2:
481  print("invalid fit, skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast))
482  elif isnan(tmpbeam.Z) or isnan(tmpbeam.Zerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr):
483  print("invalid fit, NaN values!! skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast))
484  else:
485  listbeam.append(tmpbeam)
487  tmpbeamsize = 0
488  tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
489  tmpBX = 0
490  else:
492  for line in tmpfile:
494  if line.find('X0') != -1:
495  tmpbeam.X = line.split()[2]
496  tmpbeam.Xerr = line.split()[4]
497  tmpbeamsize += 1
498  #print " x = " + str(tmpbeam.X)
499  if line.find('Y0') != -1:
500  tmpbeam.Y = line.split()[2]
501  tmpbeam.Yerr = line.split()[4]
502  tmpbeamsize += 1
503  #print " y =" + str(tmpbeam.Y)
504  if line.find('Z0') != -1 and line.find('Sigma Z0') == -1:
505  tmpbeam.Z = line.split()[2]
506  tmpbeam.Zerr = line.split()[4]
507  tmpbeamsize += 1
508  #print " z =" + str(tmpbeam.Z)
509  if line.find('Sigma Z0') !=-1:
510  tmpbeam.sigmaZ = line.split()[3]
511  tmpbeam.sigmaZerr = line.split()[5]
512  tmpbeamsize += 1
513  if line.find('dxdz') != -1:
514  tmpbeam.dxdz = line.split()[2]
515  tmpbeam.dxdzerr = line.split()[4]
516  tmpbeamsize += 1
517  if line.find('dydz') != -1:
518  tmpbeam.dydz = line.split()[2]
519  tmpbeam.dydzerr = line.split()[4]
520  tmpbeamsize += 1
521  if line.find('Beam Width X') != -1:
522  tmpbeam.beamWidthX = line.split()[4]
523  tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr = line.split()[6]
524  tmpbeamsize += 1
525  if line.find('Beam Width Y') != -1:
526  tmpbeam.beamWidthY = line.split()[4]
527  tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr = line.split()[6]
528  tmpbeamsize += 1
529  #if line.find('Run ') != -1:
530  if line.find('for runs') != -1:
531  #tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[6].strip(',')
532  tmpbeam.Run = line.split()[2]
533  if IOVbase == "runbase":
534  tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[2]
535  tmpbeam.IOVlast = line.split()[4]
536  tmpbeamsize += 1
537  if line.find('LumiSection') != -1:
538  if IOVbase=="lumibase":
539  tmpbeam.IOVfirst = line.split()[10]
540  tmpbeam.IOVlast = line.split()[10]
541  tmpbeamsize += 1
542  if tmpbeamsize == 10:
544  if IOVbase=="lumibase":
545  tmprunfirst = int(firstRun.split(":")[0])
546  tmprunlast = int(lastRun.split(":")[0])
547  tmplumifirst = int(firstRun.split(":")[1])
548  tmplumilast = int(lastRun.split(":")[1])
549  acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = False
550  # check lumis in the same run
551  if tmprunfirst == tmprunlast and int(tmpbeam.Run)==tmprunfirst:
552  if int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= tmplumifirst and int(tmpbeam.IOVlast)<=tmplumilast:
553  acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = True
554  # if different runs make sure you select the correct range of lumis
555  elif int(tmpbeam.Run) == tmprunfirst:
556  if int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= tmplumifirst: acceptiov1 = True
557  elif int(tmpbeam.Run) == tmprunlast:
558  if int(tmpbeam.IOVlast) <= tmplumilast: acceptiov2 = True
559  elif tmprunfirst <= int(tmpbeam.Run) and tmprunlast >= int(tmpbeam.Run):
560  acceptiov1 = acceptiov2 = True
562  if acceptiov1 and acceptiov2:
563  if isnan(tmpbeam.Z) or isnan(tmpbeam.Zerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr):
564  print("invalid fit, NaN values!! skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast))
565  elif hasBX:
566  if (tmpBX in maplist) == False:
567  maplist[tmpBX] = [tmpbeam]
568  else:
569  maplist[tmpBX].append(tmpbeam)
570  else:
571  listbeam.append(tmpbeam)
573  elif int(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) >= int(firstRun) and int(tmpbeam.IOVlast) <= int(lastRun):
574  if isnan(tmpbeam.Z) or isnan(tmpbeam.Zerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.sigmaZerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthXerr) or isnan(tmpbeam.beamWidthYerr):
575  print("invalid fit, NaN values!! skip Run "+str(tmpbeam.Run)+" IOV: "+str(tmpbeam.IOVfirst) + " to "+ str(tmpbeam.IOVlast))
576  else:
577  listbeam.append(tmpbeam)
579  tmpbeamsize = 0
580  tmpbeam = BeamSpot()
581  tmpBX = 0
583  tmpfile.close()
584  print(" got total number of IOVs = " + str(len(listbeam)) + " from file " + fileName)
585  #print " run " + str(listbeam[3].IOVfirst ) + " " + str( listbeam[3].X )
586  if hasBX:
587  return maplist
588  else:
589  return listbeam
boost::dynamic_bitset append(const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &bs1, const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &bs2)
this method takes two bitsets bs1 and bs2 and returns result of bs2 appended to the end of bs1 ...
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
#define str(s)
def CommonMethods.readSqliteFile (   sqliteFileName,
  tmpDir = "/tmp/" 

Definition at line 907 of file

References print().

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

908 def readSqliteFile(sqliteFileName,tagName,sqliteTemplateFile,tmpDir="/tmp/"):
909  readDBOut = tmpDir + "readDB_" + tagName + ".py"
911  rFile = open(sqliteTemplateFile)
912  rNewFile = open(readDBOut,'w')
914  readDBTags = [('SQLITEFILE','sqlite_file:' + sqliteFileName),
915  ('TAGNAME',tagName)]
917  for line in rFile:
918  for itag in readDBTags:
919  line = line.replace(itag[0],itag[1])
920  rNewFile.write(line)
922  rNewFile.close()
923  status_rDB = subprocess.getstatusoutput('cmsRun '+ readDBOut)
925  outtext = status_rDB[1]
926  print(outtext)
927  os.system("rm -f " + readDBOut)
928  return not status_rDB[0]
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def CommonMethods.rmLock ( )

Definition at line 86 of file

References checkLock().

Referenced by exit(), and BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

87 def rmLock():
88  global lockFile
89  if checkLock():
90  subprocess.getstatusoutput( "rm " + lockFile)
def CommonMethods.sendEmail (   mailList,

General utilities.

Definition at line 150 of file

References print().

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.main(), and BeamSpotWorkflow.selectFilesToProcess().

151 def sendEmail(mailList,error):
152  print("Sending email to " + mailList + " with body: " + error)
153  list = mailList.split(',')
154  for email in list:
155  p = os.popen("mail -s \"Automatic workflow error\" " + email ,"w")
156  p.write(error)
157  status = p.close()
def sendEmail
General utilities.
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def CommonMethods.setLockName (   name)

Definition at line 68 of file

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

69 def setLockName(name):
70  global lockFile
71  lockFile = name
def CommonMethods.sortAndCleanBeamList (   listbeam = [],
  IOVbase = "lumibase" 

Sort and clean list of data for consecutive duplicates and bad fits.

Definition at line 592 of file

References print(), sistrip::SpyUtilities.range(), and str.

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

593 def sortAndCleanBeamList(listbeam=[],IOVbase="lumibase"):
594  # sort the list
595  if IOVbase == "lumibase":
596  listbeam.sort( cmp = cmp_list_lumi )
597  else:
598  listbeam.sort( cmp = cmp_list_run )
600  # first clean list of data for consecutive duplicates and bad fits
601  tmpremovelist = []
602  for ii in range(0,len(listbeam)):
603  ibeam = listbeam[ii]
604  datax = ibeam.IOVfirst
605  #print str(ii) + " " +datax
606  if datax == '0' and IOVbase =="runbase":
607  print(" iov = 0? skip this IOV = "+ str(ibeam.IOVfirst) + " to " + str(ibeam.IOVlast))
608  tmpremovelist.append(ibeam)
610  if ii < len(listbeam) -1:
611  #print listbeam[ii+1].IOVfirst
612  if IOVbase =="lumibase":
613  if ibeam.Run == listbeam[ii+1].Run and ibeam.IOVfirst == listbeam[ii+1].IOVfirst:
614  print(" duplicate IOV = "+datax+", keep only last duplicate entry")
615  tmpremovelist.append(ibeam)
616  elif datax == listbeam[ii+1].IOVfirst:
617  print(" duplicate IOV = "+datax+", keep only last duplicate entry")
618  tmpremovelist.append(ibeam)
620  for itmp in tmpremovelist:
621  listbeam.remove(itmp)
const uint16_t range(const Frame &aFrame)
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def sortAndCleanBeamList
Sort and clean list of data for consecutive duplicates and bad fits.
#define str(s)
def CommonMethods.timeoutManager (   type,
  timeout = -1,
  fileName = ".timeout" 

Definition at line 10 of file

References print(), submitPVValidationJobs.split(), and str.

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.selectFilesToProcess().

11 def timeoutManager(type,timeout=-1,fileName=".timeout"):
12  if timeout == 0:
13  return 1
14  timeFormat = "%a,%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S"
15  currentTime = time.gmtime()
16  timeoutLine = type + ' ' + time.strftime(timeFormat, currentTime) + '\n'
17  isTimeout = False
18  alreadyThere = False
19  timeoutType = -1;
20  fileExist = os.path.isfile(fileName)
21  text = ''
22  fields = []
23  reset = False
24  if timeout == -1:
25  reset = True
26  if fileExist:
27  file = open(fileName)
28  for line in file:
29  text += line
30  fields = line.strip('\n').split(' ')
31  if fields[0] == type:
32  alreadyThere = True
33  if reset:
34  text = text.replace(line,'')
35  continue
37  fileTime = time.strptime(fields[1],timeFormat)
38  myTime = time.mktime(fileTime)
39  referenceTime = time.mktime(time.gmtime())
40  daylight = 0
41  if currentTime.tm_isdst == 0:
42  daylight = 3600
43  elapsedTime = referenceTime-myTime-daylight
44  if elapsedTime > timeout:
45  isTimeout = True
46  timeoutType = 1
47  print("Timeout! " + str(elapsedTime) + " seconds passed since the " + type + " timeout was set and you can't tolerate more than " + str(timeout) + " seconds!")
48  else:
49  timeoutType = 0
50  print("Timeout of type " + type + " already exist and was generated " + str(elapsedTime) + " seconds ago at " + fields[1])
52  file.close()
54  if not fileExist or not alreadyThere and not reset:
55  timeoutType = -1
56  text += timeoutLine
58  if not fileExist or not alreadyThere or isTimeout or (reset and alreadyThere):
59  if fileExist:
60  subprocess.getstatusoutput("rm -rf " + fileName)
61  file = open(fileName,'w')
62  file.write(text)
63  file.close()
65  return timeoutType
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
#define str(s)
def CommonMethods.unpack (   i)
unpack 64bit unsigned long long into 2 32bit unsigned int, return tuple (high,low)

Definition at line 237 of file

References gpuVertexFinder.return.

Referenced by unpackLumiid().

238 def unpack(i):
239  """unpack 64bit unsigned long long into 2 32bit unsigned int, return tuple (high,low)
240  """
241  high=i>>32
242  low=i&0xFFFFFFFF
243  return(high,low)
def CommonMethods.unpackLumiid (   i)
unpack 64bit lumiid to dictionary {'run','lumisection'}

Definition at line 245 of file

References unpack().

246 def unpackLumiid(i):
247  """unpack 64bit lumiid to dictionary {'run','lumisection'}
248  """
249  j=unpack(i)
return {'run':j[0],'lumisection':j[1]}
def CommonMethods.uploadSqliteFile (   sqliteFileDirName,
  dropbox = "/DropBox" 

Definition at line 938 of file

References print().

Referenced by uploadPayloads.main(), and BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

939 def uploadSqliteFile(sqliteFileDirName, sqliteFileName, dropbox="/DropBox"):
940  # Changing permissions to metadata
941  acmd = "chmod a+w " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
942  outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
943  print(acmd)
944 # print outcmd[1]
945  if outcmd[0]:
946  print("Can't change permission to file: " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".txt")
947  return False
949  acmd = "cp " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".db " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".txt ."
950  print(acmd)
951  outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
952  print(outcmd[1])
953  if outcmd[0]:
954  print("Couldn't cd to " + sqliteFileDirName)
955  return False
957  acmd = "tar -cvjf " + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2 " + sqliteFileName + ".db " + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
958  print(acmd)
959  outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
960  print(outcmd[1])
961  if outcmd[0]:
962  print("Couldn't zip the files!")
963  return False
965  acmd = "chmod a+w " + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2"
966  outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
967  print(acmd)
968 # print outcmd[1]
969  if outcmd[0]:
970  print("Can't change permission to file: " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2")
971  return False
973  acmd = "scp -p " + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2" + "" + dropbox
974  print(acmd)
975  outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
976  print(outcmd[1])
977  if outcmd[0]:
978  print("Couldn't scp the files to DropBox!")
979  return False
982  acmd = "mv " + sqliteFileName + ".tar.bz2 " + sqliteFileDirName
983  print(acmd)
984  outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
985  print(outcmd[1])
986  if outcmd[0]:
987  print("Couldn't mv the file to " + sqliteFileDirName)
988  return False
990  acmd = "rm " + sqliteFileName + ".db " + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
991  print(acmd)
992  outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
993  print(outcmd[1])
994  if outcmd[0]:
995  print("Couldn't rm the db and txt files")
996  return False
998 # acmd = "scp -p " + sqliteFileDirName + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
999 # outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
1000 # print acmd
1001 # print outcmd[1]
1002 # if outcmd[0]:
1003 # print "Can't change permission to file: " + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
1004 # return False
1006 # acmd = "ssh \"mv /tmp/" + sqliteFileName + ".db /tmp/" + sqliteFileName + ".txt " + dropbox +"\""
1007 # print acmd
1008 # outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
1009 # print outcmd[1]
1010 # if outcmd[0]:
1011 # print "Can't move files from tmp to dropbox!"
1012  return False
1014 # acmd = "ssh \"mv /tmp/" + final_sqlite_file_name + ".txt "+dropbox +"\""
1015 # outcmd = subprocess.getstatusoutput(acmd)
1016 # print acmd
1017 # print outcmd[1]
1018 # if outcmd[0]:
1019 # print "Can't change permission to file: " + sqliteFileName + ".txt"
1020 # return False
1022  return True
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def CommonMethods.weight (   x1,

Definition at line 270 of file

References str.

271 def weight(x1, x1err,x2,x2err):
272  #print "x1 = "+str(x1)+" +/- "+str(x1err)+" x2 = "+str(x2)+" +/- "+str(x2err)
273  x1 = float(x1)
274  x1err = float(x1err)
275  x2 = float(x2)
276  x2err = float(x2err)
277  tmperr = 0.
278  if x2err < 1e-6 :
279  x2err = 1e-6
280  if x1err < 1e-6:
281  x1 = x2/(x2err * x2err)
282  tmperr = 1/(x2err*x2err)
283  else:
284  x1 = x1/(x1err*x1err) + x2/(x2err * x2err)
285  tmperr = 1/(x1err*x1err) + 1/(x2err*x2err)
286  x1 = x1/tmperr
287  x1err = 1/tmperr
288  x1err = math.sqrt(x1err)
289  return (str(x1), str(x1err))
#define str(s)
def CommonMethods.writeSqliteFile (   sqliteFileName,
  tmpDir = "/tmp/" 

Definition at line 883 of file

References print().

Referenced by BeamSpotWorkflow.main().

884 def writeSqliteFile(sqliteFileName,tagName,timeType,beamSpotFile,sqliteTemplateFile,tmpDir="/tmp/"):
885  writeDBOut = tmpDir + "write2DB_" + tagName + ".py"
886  wFile = open(sqliteTemplateFile)
887  wNewFile = open(writeDBOut,'w')
889  writeDBTags = [('SQLITEFILE','sqlite_file:' + sqliteFileName),
890  ('TAGNAME',tagName),
891  ('TIMETYPE',timeType),
892  ('BEAMSPOTFILE',beamSpotFile)]
894  for line in wFile:
895  for itag in writeDBTags:
896  line = line.replace(itag[0],itag[1])
897  wNewFile.write(line)
899  wNewFile.close()
900  print("writing sqlite file ...")
901  status_wDB = subprocess.getstatusoutput('cmsRun '+ writeDBOut)
902  print(status_wDB[1])
904  os.system("rm -f " + writeDBOut)
905  return not status_wDB[0]
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)

Variable Documentation

string CommonMethods.lockFile = ".lock"

Definition at line 7 of file

tuple CommonMethods.USAGE = re.compile(r'(?s)\s*usage: (.*?)(\n[ \t]*\n|$)')


Definition at line 104 of file