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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 from DQMOffline.Trigger.DiDispStaMuonMonitoring_cfi import DiDispStaMuonMonitoring
5 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring = DiDispStaMuonMonitoring.clone()
6 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.FolderName = cms.string('HLT/EXO/DiDispStaMuon/DoubleL2Mu23NoVtx_2Cha/')
7 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.histoPSet.lsPSet = cms.PSet(
8  nbins = cms.uint32 ( 250 ),
9  xmin = cms.double( 0.),
10  xmax = cms.double( 2500.),
11 )
12 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.histoPSet.muonPtPSet = cms.PSet(
13  nbins = cms.uint32(25),
14  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
15  xmax = cms.double(99.5),
16  )
17 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.histoPSet.muonEtaPSet = cms.PSet(
18  nbins = cms.uint32(24),
19  xmin = cms.double(-2.4),
20  xmax = cms.double(2.4),
21  )
22 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.histoPSet.muonPhiPSet = cms.PSet(
23  nbins = cms.uint32(24),
24  xmin = cms.double(-3.2),
25  xmax = cms.double(3.2),
26  )
27 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.histoPSet.muonDxyPSet = cms.PSet(
28  nbins = cms.uint32(25),
29  xmin = cms.double(-60.),
30  xmax = cms.double(60.),
31  )
33 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.muons = cms.InputTag("displacedStandAloneMuons")
34 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.nmuons = cms.uint32(2)
36 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.muonSelection = cms.PSet(
37  general = cms.string("hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits > 16 && pt > 0 && normalizedChi2 < 10 "),
38  #general = cms.string("hitPattern.muonStationsWithValidHits > 1 && pt > 5 && normalizedChi2 < 10"),
39  pt = cms.string("pt > 2 "),
40  dxy = cms.string("dxy > 5 "),
41  )
43 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOr = cms.bool( False )
44 #hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.dbLabel = cms.string("ExoDQMTrigger") # it does not exist yet, we should consider the possibility of using the DB, but as it is now it will need a label per path !
45 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOrHlt = cms.bool(True)# True:=OR; False:=AND
46 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltInputTag = cms.InputTag( "TriggerResults::HLT" )
47 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.hltPaths = cms.vstring("HLT_DoubleL2Mu23NoVtx_2Cha_v*") # HLT_ZeroBias_v*
48 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.errorReplyHlt = cms.bool( False )
49 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.numGenericTriggerEventPSet.verbosityLevel = cms.uint32(0)
51 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOr = cms.bool( False )
52 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOrHlt = cms.bool(True)# True:=OR; False:=AND
53 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.dcsInputTag = cms.InputTag( "scalersRawToDigi" )
54 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.dcsRecordInputTag = cms.InputTag("onlineMetaDataDigis")
55 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.dcsPartitions = cms.vint32 ( 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ) # 24-27: strip, 28-29: pixel, we should add all other detectors !
56 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.andOrDcs = cms.bool( False )
57 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.errorReplyDcs = cms.bool( True )
58 hltDiDispStaMuonMonitoring.denGenericTriggerEventPSet.verbosityLevel = cms.uint32(1)