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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 from DQMOffline.Trigger.bphMonitoring_cfi import bphMonitoring as _bphMonitoring
5 hltBPHmonitoring = _bphMonitoring.clone(
6  FolderName = 'HLT/BPH/Dimuon_10_Jpsi_Barrel/',
7  tnp = True,
8  max_dR = 1.4,
9  minmass = 2.596,
10  maxmass = 3.596,
11  Upsilon = 0,
12  Jpsi = 0,
13  seagull = 0,
14  ptCut = 0,
15  displaced = 0,
17 #hltBPHmonitoring.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
18 # SkipEvent = cms.untracked.vstring('ProductNotFound')
19 #)
21  histoPSet = dict(
22  ptBinning = [-0.5, 0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50],
23  dMuPtBinning = [6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 70],
24  phiPSet = dict(
25  nbins = 8,
26  xmin = -3.2,
27  xmax = 3.2,
28  ),
29  etaPSet = dict(
30  nbins = 12,
31  xmin = -2.4,
32  xmax = 2.4,
33  ),
34  d0PSet = dict(
35  nbins = 50,
36  xmin = -5.,
37  xmax = 5,
38  ),
39  z0PSet = dict(
40  nbins = 60,
41  xmin = -15,
42  xmax = 15,
43  ),
45  dRPSet = dict(
46  nbins = 26,
47  xmin = 0,
48  xmax = 1.3,
49  ),
51  massPSet = dict(
52  nbins = 140,
53  xmin = 0,
54  xmax = 7.,
55  ),
56  BmassPSet = dict(
57  nbins = 20,
58  xmin = 5.1,
59  xmax = 5.5,
60  ),
62  dcaPSet = dict(
63  nbins = 10,
64  xmin = 0,
65  xmax = 0.5,
66  ),
68  dsPSet = dict(
69  nbins = 15,
70  xmin = 0,
71  xmax = 60,
72  ),
74  cosPSet = dict(
75  nbins = 10,
76  xmin = 0.9,
77  xmax = 1,
78  ),
80  probBinning = [0.01,0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0],
81  ),
82  tracks = "generalTracks", # tracks??
83  offlinePVs = "offlinePrimaryVertices", # PVs
84  beamSpot = "offlineBeamSpot", #
85  muons = "muons", #
86  photons = "photons", #
87  hltTriggerSummaryAOD = "hltTriggerSummaryAOD::HLT",
88  #DMSelection_ref = "",
89  #muoSelection_ref = "",
90  #muoSelection_ = "",
92  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(
93  andOr = False,
94  #dbLabel = "BPHDQMTrigger", # it does not exist yet, we should consider the possibility of using the DB, but as it is now it will need a label per path !
95  andOrHlt = True, # True:=OR; False:=AND
96  andOrL1 = True, # True:=OR; False:=AND
97  hltInputTag = "TriggerResults::HLT",
98  hltPaths = ["HLT_Dimuon0_Jpsi_L1_NoOS_v*"], # HLT_ZeroBias_v*
99  #l1Algorithms = ["L1_DoubleMu0_SQ"], # HLT_ZeroBias_v*
100  #hltDBKey = "diMu10",
101  errorReplyHlt = False,
102  errorReplyL1 = True,
103  l1BeforeMask = True,
104  verbosityLevel = 0
105  ),
106  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(
107  andOr = False,
108  andOrHlt = True,# True:=OR; False:=AND
109  #dcsInputTag = "scalersRawToDigi",
110  #dcsRecordInputTag = "onlineMetaDataDigis",
111  hltInputTag = "TriggerResults::HLT" ,
112  hltPaths = ["HLT_Mu7p5_Track2_Jpsi_v*" ], #reference
113  #l1Algorithms = ["L1_DoubleMu0_SQ"], # HLT_ZeroBias_v*
114  #dcsPartitions = [0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,16,17,20,22,24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29], # 24-27: strip, 28-29: pixel
115  andOrDcs = False,
116  errorReplyDcs = True,
117  verbosityLevel = 0,
118  )
119 )
121 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_stage2L1Trigger_cff import stage2L1Trigger
122 stage2L1Trigger.toModify(hltBPHmonitoring,
123  stageL1Trigger = 2,
124  numGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(stage2 = cms.bool(True),
125  l1tAlgBlkInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtStage2Digis"),
126  l1tExtBlkInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtStage2Digis"),
127  ReadPrescalesFromFile = cms.bool(True)),
128  denGenericTriggerEventPSet = dict(stage2 = cms.bool(True),
129  l1tAlgBlkInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtStage2Digis"),
130  l1tExtBlkInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtStage2Digis"),
131  ReadPrescalesFromFile = cms.bool(True)))