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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 gemSegments = cms.EDProducer("GEMSegmentProducer",
4  gemRecHitLabel = cms.InputTag("gemRecHits"),
5  ge0_name = cms.string("GE0SegAlgoRU"),
6  algo_name = cms.string("GEMSegmentAlgorithm"),
7  ge0_pset = cms.PSet(
8  allowWideSegments = cms.bool(True),
9  doCollisions = cms.bool(True),
10  maxChi2Additional = cms.double(100.0),
11  maxChi2Prune = cms.double(50),
12  maxChi2GoodSeg = cms.double(50),
13  maxPhiSeeds = cms.double(0.001096605744), #Assuming 384 strips
14  maxPhiAdditional = cms.double(0.001096605744), #Assuming 384 strips
15  maxETASeeds = cms.double(0.1), #Assuming 8 eta partitions
16  maxTOFDiff = cms.double(25),
17  requireCentralBX = cms.bool(True), #require that a majority of hits come from central BX
18  minNumberOfHits = cms.uint32(4),
19  maxNumberOfHits = cms.uint32(300),
20  maxNumberOfHitsPerLayer = cms.uint32(100),
21  ),
22  algo_pset = cms.PSet(
23  minHitsPerSegment = cms.uint32(2),
24  preClustering = cms.bool(True), # False => all hits in chamber are given to the fitter
25  dXclusBoxMax = cms.double(1.), # Clstr Hit dPhi
26  dYclusBoxMax = cms.double(5.), # Clstr Hit dEta
27  preClusteringUseChaining = cms.bool(True), # True ==> use Chaining() , False ==> use Clustering() Fnct
28  dPhiChainBoxMax = cms.double(.02), # Chain Hit dPhi
29  dEtaChainBoxMax = cms.double(.05), # Chain Hit dEta
30  maxRecHitsInCluster = cms.int32(4), # Does 4 make sense here?
31  clusterOnlySameBXRecHits = cms.bool(True), # only working for (preClustering && preClusteringUseChaining)
32  ),
33 )