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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
4 CTPPSFastRecHits = cms.EDProducer('CTPPSRecHitProducer',
5  mixLabel = cms.string('mix'),
6  InputCollection = cms.string('CTPPSSimHitsCTPPSHits'),
7  TrackerWidth = cms.double(20.0),#tracker width in mm
8  TrackerHeight = cms.double(18.),# tracker height in mm
9  TrackerInsertion = cms.double(15.),# Number of sigmas (X) from the beam for tracker insertion
10  BeamXRMS_Trk1 = cms.double(0.186),# beam size sigma(X) at first tracker station in mm
11  BeamXRMS_Trk2 = cms.double(0.115),# beam size sigma(X) at second tracker station in mm
12  Trk1XOffset = cms.double(0.),# insertion offset first tracker
13  Trk2XOffset = cms.double(0.),# insertion offset second tracker
14  HitSigmaX = cms.double(10.),# det resolution in micron
15  HitSigmaY = cms.double(10.),# det resolution in microns
16  HitSigmaZ = cms.double(0.),# det resolution in microns
17  ToFCellWidth = cms.untracked.vdouble(0.81, 0.91, 1.02, 1.16, 1.75, 2.35, 4.2, 4.2),#tofcell widths in mm - diamond
18  ToFCellHeight = cms.double(4.2),#tof height in mm
19  ToFPitchX = cms.double(0.1),#cell pitch in X (in mm)
20  ToFPitchY = cms.double(0.1),#cell pitch in Y (in mm)
21  ToFNCellX = cms.int32(8),# number of cells in X
22  ToFNCellY = cms.int32(1),# number of cells in Y
23  ToFInsertion = cms.double(15.),#Number of sigmas (X) from the beam for the tof insertion
24  BeamXRMS_ToF = cms.double(0.113),#beam size sigma(X) at ToF station in mm
25  ToFXOffset = cms.double(0.),#insertion offset ToF
26  TimeSigma = cms.double(0.01)#in ns
28 )
29 from IOMC.RandomEngine.IOMC_cff import RandomNumberGeneratorService
30 RandomNumberGeneratorService.CTPPSFastRecHits.engineName = cms.untracked.string('TRandom3')