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class  html.PlotPurpose.HLT
class  html.HtmlReport
class  html.HtmlReportDummy
class  html.IndexSection
class  html.PlotPurpose.MiniAOD
class  html.Page
class  html.PageSet
class  html.PlotPurpose.PF
class  html.PlotPurpose.Pixel
class  html.PlotPurpose
class  html.Table
class  html.PlotPurpose.Timing
class  html.PlotPurpose.TrackingIteration
class  html.TrackingIterPage
class  html.TrackingPageSet
class  html.PlotPurpose.TrackingSummary
class  html.PlotPurpose.Vertexing




def html._allPtCut
def html._allToBTV
def html._allToHP
def html._allToPixel
def html._lowerFirst
def html._ptCut
def html._sectionNameLegend
def html._toAlgoMask
def html._toHP
def html._toOriAlgo
def html._toPixel


string html._allName = "All tracks"
string html._allTPEfficLegend = "All tracks, efficiency denominator contains all TrackingParticles"
string html._allTPEfficName = _allName+" (all TPs)"
string html._bhadronLegend = "All tracks, efficiency denominator contains only TrackingParticles from B-hadron decays"
string html._bhadronName = "All tracks (B-hadron TPs)"
string html._bhadronPtLegend = "Tracks (pT > 0.9 GeV), efficiency denominator contains only TrackingParticles from B-hadron decays"
string html._btvLegend = "BTV-like selected tracks"
string html._conversionName = "Tracks for conversions"
string html._displacedName = "All tracks (TPs with no tip or lip cuts)"
string html._fromPVAllTP2Legend = "Tracks from reco PV (another method), fake rate numerator contains all TrackingParticles (separates fake tracks from pileup tracks)"
string html._fromPVAllTPLegend = "Tracks from reco PV, fake rate numerator contains all TrackingParticles (separates fake tracks from pileup tracks)"
string html._fromPVAllTPName = "Tracks from PV (all TPs)"
string html._fromPVAllTPPt2Legend = "Tracks (pT > 0.9 GeV) from reco PV (another method), fake rate numerator contains all TrackingParticles (separates fake tracks from pileup tracks)"
string html._fromPVAllTPPtLegend = "Tracks (pT > 0.9 GeV) from reco PV, fake rate numerator contains all TrackingParticles (separates fake tracks from pileup tracks)"
string html._fromPVLegend = "Tracks from reco PV vs. TrackingParticles from gen PV (fake rate includes pileup tracks)"
string html._fromPVName = "Tracks from PV"
string html._fromPVPtLegend = "Tracks (pT > 0.9 GeV) from reco PV vs. TrackingParticles from gen PV (fake rate includes pileup tracks)"
string html._gsfName = "Electron GSF tracks"
string html._tpEtaGreater2p7Name = "All tracks (TP |eta| > 2.7)"
string html._tpPtLess09Name = "All tracks (TP pT < 0.9 GeV)"
dictionary html._trackAlgoName
list html._trackAlgoOrder
tuple html._trackQualityNameOrder