Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | html.PlotPurpose.HLT |
class | html.HtmlReport |
class | html.HtmlReportDummy |
class | html.IndexSection |
class | html.PlotPurpose.MiniAOD |
class | html.Page |
class | html.PageSet |
class | html.PlotPurpose.PF |
class | html.PlotPurpose.Pixel |
class | html.PlotPurpose |
class | html.Table |
class | html.PlotPurpose.Timing |
class | html.PlotPurpose.TrackingIteration |
class | html.TrackingIterPage |
class | html.TrackingPageSet |
class | html.PlotPurpose.TrackingSummary |
class | html.PlotPurpose.Vertexing |
Namespaces | |
html | |
Functions | |
def | html._allPtCut |
def | html._allToBTV |
def | html._allToHP |
def | html._allToPixel |
def | html._lowerFirst |
def | html._ptCut |
def | html._sectionNameLegend |
def | html._toAlgoMask |
def | html._toHP |
def | html._toOriAlgo |
def | html._toPixel |
Variables | |
string | html._allName = "All tracks" |
string | html._allTPEfficLegend = "All tracks, efficiency denominator contains all TrackingParticles" |
string | html._allTPEfficName = _allName+" (all TPs)" |
string | html._bhadronLegend = "All tracks, efficiency denominator contains only TrackingParticles from B-hadron decays" |
string | html._bhadronName = "All tracks (B-hadron TPs)" |
string | html._bhadronPtLegend = "Tracks (pT > 0.9 GeV), efficiency denominator contains only TrackingParticles from B-hadron decays" |
string | html._btvLegend = "BTV-like selected tracks" |
string | html._conversionName = "Tracks for conversions" |
string | html._displacedName = "All tracks (TPs with no tip or lip cuts)" |
string | html._fromPVAllTP2Legend = "Tracks from reco PV (another method), fake rate numerator contains all TrackingParticles (separates fake tracks from pileup tracks)" |
string | html._fromPVAllTPLegend = "Tracks from reco PV, fake rate numerator contains all TrackingParticles (separates fake tracks from pileup tracks)" |
string | html._fromPVAllTPName = "Tracks from PV (all TPs)" |
string | html._fromPVAllTPPt2Legend = "Tracks (pT > 0.9 GeV) from reco PV (another method), fake rate numerator contains all TrackingParticles (separates fake tracks from pileup tracks)" |
string | html._fromPVAllTPPtLegend = "Tracks (pT > 0.9 GeV) from reco PV, fake rate numerator contains all TrackingParticles (separates fake tracks from pileup tracks)" |
string | html._fromPVLegend = "Tracks from reco PV vs. TrackingParticles from gen PV (fake rate includes pileup tracks)" |
string | html._fromPVName = "Tracks from PV" |
string | html._fromPVPtLegend = "Tracks (pT > 0.9 GeV) from reco PV vs. TrackingParticles from gen PV (fake rate includes pileup tracks)" |
string | html._gsfName = "Electron GSF tracks" |
string | html._tpEtaGreater2p7Name = "All tracks (TP |eta| > 2.7)" |
string | html._tpPtLess09Name = "All tracks (TP pT < 0.9 GeV)" |
dictionary | html._trackAlgoName |
list | html._trackAlgoOrder |
tuple | html._trackQualityNameOrder |