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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 import PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.PATPhotonProducer_cfi as _mod
4 patPhotons = _mod.PATPhotonProducer.clone(
5  # input collection
6  photonSource = "gedPhotons",
7  electronSource = "gedGsfElectrons",
8  beamLineSrc = "offlineBeamSpot",
10  # user data to add
11  userData = dict(
12  # add custom classes here
13  userClasses = cms.PSet(
14  src = cms.VInputTag('')
15  ),
16  # add doubles here
17  userFloats = cms.PSet(
18  src = cms.VInputTag('')
19  ),
20  # add ints here
21  userInts = cms.PSet(
22  src = cms.VInputTag('')
23  ),
24  # add candidate ptrs here
25  userCands = cms.PSet(
26  src = cms.VInputTag('')
27  ),
28  # add "inline" functions here
29  userFunctions = [],
30  userFunctionLabels = []
31  ),
33  # embedding of AOD items
34  embedSuperCluster = True, ## whether to embed in AOD externally stored supercluster
35  embedSeedCluster = True, ## embed in AOD externally stored the photon's seedcluster
36  embedBasicClusters = True, ## embed in AOD externally stored the photon's basic clusters
37  embedPreshowerClusters = True, ## embed in AOD externally stored the photon's preshower clusters
38  embedRecHits = True, ## embed in AOD externally stored the RecHits - can be called from the PATPhotonProducer
39  saveRegressionData = True, ## save regression input variables
41  # embed IsoDeposits to recompute isolation
42  isoDeposits = cms.PSet(),
44  # user defined isolation variables the variables defined here will be accessible
45  # via pat::Photon::userIsolation(IsolationKeys key) with the key as defined in
46  # DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Isolation.h
47  userIsolation = dict(
48  #PFClusterEcalIso = 'electronEcalPFClusterIsolationProducer',
49  #PFClusterHcalIso = 'electronHcalPFClusterIsolationProducer',
50  ),
52  # photon ID
53  addPhotonID = False,
54  photonIDSources = cms.PSet(),
55  # mc matching
56  addGenMatch = True,
57  embedGenMatch = True,
58  genParticleMatch = "photonMatch", ## particles source to be used for the matching
60  # efficiencies
61  addEfficiencies = False,
62  efficiencies = dict(),
64  # resolutions
65  addResolutions = False,
66  resolutions = dict(),
68  # PFClusterIso
69  addPFClusterIso = False,
70  ecalPFClusterIsoMap = "",
71  hcalPFClusterIsoMap = "",
72  addPuppiIsolation = False
73 )
74 del patPhotons.photonIDSource