6 #ifndef CalibPPS_AlignmentRelative_AlignmentTask_h
7 #define CalibPPS_AlignmentRelative_AlignmentTask_h
51 static void buildGeometry(
const std::vector<unsigned int> &rpDecIds,
52 const std::vector<unsigned int> &excludedSensors,
void buildFixedDetectorsConstraints(std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &) const
builds a set of fixed-detector constraints
void buildStandardConstraints(std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &) const
builds the standard constraints
std::map< QuantityClass, std::map< DetIdDirIdxPair, unsigned int > > mapMeasurementIndeces
for each quantity class contains mapping (detector id, direction) –> measurement index ...
bool resolveShZ
whether to resolve detector shifts in z
void buildOneRotZPerPotConstraints(std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &) const
adds constraints such that only 1 rot_z per RP is left
dummy constructor (not to be used)
std::vector< QuantityClass > quantityClasses
list of quantity classes to be optimized
void buildIndexMaps()
builds "mapMatrixIndeces" from "geometry"
signed int getMeasurementIndex(QuantityClass cl, unsigned int detId, unsigned int dirIdx) const
returns measurement index (if non-existent, returns -1)
static void buildGeometry(const std::vector< unsigned int > &rpDecIds, const std::vector< unsigned int > &excludedSensors, const CTPPSGeometry *, double z0, AlignmentGeometry &geometry)
builds the alignment geometry
edm::ParameterSet fixedDetectorsConstraints
fixed detectors constraints from config file
bool resolveRotZ
whether to resolve detector rotations around z
Represents an alignment task.
void buildEqualMeanUMeanVRotZConstraints(std::vector< AlignmentConstraint > &constraints) const
adds constraints such that only mean-U and mean-V RotZ are equal for each strip RP ...
detector shifts in first readout direction
AlignmentGeometry geometry
the geometry for this task
unsigned int quantitiesOfClass(QuantityClass) const
returns the number of quantities of the given class
unsigned int measurementsOfClass(QuantityClass) const
returns the number of quantities of the given class
std::string quantityClassTag(QuantityClass) const
returns a string tag for the given quantity class
bool oneRotZPerPot
whether to resolve only 1 rot_z per RP
bool operator<(const DetIdDirIdxPair &other) const
The manager class for TOTEM RP geometry.
detector shifts in second readout direction
quantity classes
bool useEqualMeanUMeanVRotZConstraints
whether to apply the constraint mean U = mean V RotZ for strips ("standard" set of constraints only) ...
bool resolveShR
whether to resolve detector shifts in readout direction(s)
detector rotations around z
std::map< QuantityClass, std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > > mapQuantityIndeces
for each quantity class contains mapping detector id –> quantity index
signed int getQuantityIndex(QuantityClass cl, unsigned int detId) const
returns measurement index (if non-existent, returns -1)
edm::ParameterSet standardConstraints
settings of "standard" constraints from config file