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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 # last update: $Date: 2012/03/30 17:07:33 $ by $Author: cerminar $
3 ###############################################################
4 # Tracker Alignment
5 ###############################################################
6 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using ZMuMu events
8 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using ZMuMu events for PbPb data-taking
10 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using ZMuMu events for PA data-taking
12 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using ZMuMu + Vertices events
14 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Cosmic muon events
20 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Laser events
22 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using isoMu events
24 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using isoMu events for PbPb data-taking
26 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using isoMu events for PA data-taking
28 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using J/Psi events
30 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using J/Psi events for PbPb data-taking
32 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Upsilon events
34 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Upsilon events for PbPb data-taking
36 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Upsilon events for PA data-taking
38 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using MinBias events
40 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using MinBias events for PbPb data-taking
43 # AlCaReco for pixel calibration using muons
47 # AlCaReco for tracker calibration using MinBias events
52 # AlCaReco for SiPixel Bad Component using ZeroBias events
54 # AlCaReco for tracker calibration using Cosmics events
59 # AlCaReco for tracker based alignment using beam halo
61 ###############################################################
62 # ECAL Calibration
63 ###############################################################
64 # ECAL calibration with isol. electrons
69 # The following paths are obsoleted since pi0 calibration
70 # has a HLT path (argiro,20080314 )
71 # ECAL calibration with pi0
72 # include "Calibration/EcalAlCaRecoProducers/data/ALCARECOEcalCalPi0_Output.cff"
73 # ECAL calibration with pi0 Basic Clusters
74 # include "Calibration/EcalAlCaRecoProducers/data/ALCARECOEcalCalPi0BC_Output.cff"
75 # ECAL calibration with pi0 hlt path
77 # ECAL calibration with eta hlt path
79 # ECAL ES alignment
84 ###############################################################
85 # HCAL Calibration
86 ###############################################################
87 # HCAL calibration with dijets
89 # HCAL calibration with gamma + jet
91 # HCAL calibration with isolated tracks
97 # HCAL calibration with iterative phi sym
99 # HCAL calibration with min.bias
103 # HCAL calibration with Zmuu (HO)
104 # include "Calibration/HcalAlCaRecoProducers/data/ALCARECOHcalCalZMuMu_Output.cff"
108 # HCAL calibration with isolated bunch
111 # HCAL calibration with muons (HB/HE)
114 # HCAL calibration with muons from low PU (HB/HE)
116 # HCAL calibration with muons (HE)
119 ###############################################################
120 # Muon Alignment (incl. stream for calibration)
121 ###############################################################
122 # Muon Alignment with cosmics
126 # Muon Alignment with isolated muons
128 # Muon Alignment using ZMuMu events
130 # Muon Alignment using CSC overlaps
132 # Muon Alignment using beam halo
135 ###############################################################
136 # RPC calibration
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140 # DT calibration
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146 ###############################################################
147 # PPS calibration
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154 ###############################################################
155 # stream for prompt-calibration @ Tier0
156 ###############################################################
171 # Pixel Cluster Counting ALCARECOs
172 # in AlCaLumiPixels stream
178 # on top of prompt RECO
183 ###############################################################
184 # hotline skim workflows
185 ###############################################################
188 ALCARECOEventContent = cms.PSet(
189  outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *',
190  'keep edmTriggerResults_*_*_*'),
191  splitLevel = cms.untracked.int32(0),
192  eventAutoFlushCompressedSize=cms.untracked.int32(5*1024*1024)
193 )
197 ALCARECOEventContent.outputCommands.append('drop *_MEtoEDMConverter_*_*')
stream for prompt-calibration @ Tier0
hotline skim workflows
Tracker Alignment.