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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 CaloParticleSelectionForEfficiency = cms.PSet(
4  ptMinCP = cms.double(0.5),
5  ptMaxCP = cms.double(300.),
6  minRapidityCP = cms.double(-3.1),
7  maxRapidityCP = cms.double(3.1),
8  #--z position of the origin vertex less than lipCP
9  lipCP = cms.double(30.0),
10  #-- transverse component squared sum less that tipCP*tipCP
11  tipCP = cms.double(60),
12  chargedOnlyCP = cms.bool(False),
13  stableOnlyCP = cms.bool(False),
14  notConvertedOnlyCP = cms.bool(True),
15  #311: K0, 130: K0_short, 310: K0_long
16  pdgIdCP = cms.vint32(11, -11, 13, -13, 22, 111, 211, -211, 321, -321, 311, 130, 310),
17  #--signal only means no PU particles
18  signalOnlyCP = cms.bool(True),
19  #--intime only means no OOT PU particles
20  intimeOnlyCP = cms.bool(True),
21  #The total number of rechits
22  minHitCP = cms.int32(0),
23  maxSimClustersCP = cms.int32(-1)
24 )