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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 import SimTransport.PPSProtonTransport.HectorTransport_cfi as TransportParameters
5 TPBeam1 = TransportParameters.LHCTransport.PPSHector.Beam1
6 TPBeam2 = TransportParameters.LHCTransport.PPSHector.Beam2
7 TPBeamEnergy = TransportParameters.LHCTransport.PPSHector.BeamEnergy
8 TPCrossingAngleBeam1 = TransportParameters.LHCTransport.PPSHector.CrossingAngleBeam1
9 TPCrossingAngleBeam2 = TransportParameters.LHCTransport.PPSHector.CrossingAngleBeam2
10 TPBeamLineLengthCTPPS = TransportParameters.LHCTransport.PPSHector.BeamLineLengthPPS
13 import FastSimulation.CTPPSSimHitProducer.CTPPSSimHitProducer_cfi as SimParameters
15 ZTracker1Position = SimParameters.CTPPSSimHits.Z_Tracker1
16 ZTracker2Position = SimParameters.CTPPSSimHits.Z_Tracker2
17 ZTimingPosition = SimParameters.CTPPSSimHits.Z_Timing
19 import FastSimulation.CTPPSRecHitProducer.CTPPSRecHitProducer_cfi as RecParameters
21 RecTrackerWidth = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.TrackerWidth
22 RecTrackerHeight = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.TrackerHeight
23 RecTrackerInsertion = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.TrackerInsertion
24 RecBeamXRMS_Trk1 = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.BeamXRMS_Trk1
25 RecBeamXRMS_Trk2 = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.BeamXRMS_Trk2
26 RecTrk1XOffset = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.Trk1XOffset
27 RecTrk2XOffset = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.Trk2XOffset
28 RecToFCellWidth = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.ToFCellWidth
29 RecToFCellHeight = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.ToFCellHeight
30 RecToFPitchX = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.ToFPitchX
31 RecToFPitchY = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.ToFPitchY
32 RecToFNCellX = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.ToFNCellX
33 RecToFNCellY = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.ToFNCellY
34 RecToFInsertion = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.ToFInsertion
35 RecBeamXRMS_ToF = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.BeamXRMS_ToF
36 RecToFXOffset = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.ToFXOffset
37 RecTimeSigma = RecParameters.CTPPSFastRecHits.TimeSigma
40 CTPPSFastTracks = cms.EDProducer('CTPPSFastTrackingProducer',
41  Verbosity = cms.bool(False),
42  recHitTag= cms.InputTag("CTPPSFastRecHits","CTPPSFastRecHits"),
43  Beam1 = TPBeam1,
44  Beam2 = TPBeam2,
45  BeamEnergy = TPBeamEnergy,
46  CrossingAngleBeam1 = TPCrossingAngleBeam1,
47  CrossingAngleBeam2 = TPCrossingAngleBeam2,
48  BeamLineLengthCTPPS = TPBeamLineLengthCTPPS,
49  #CTPPSSimHitProducer
50  Z_Tracker1 = ZTracker1Position,# first tracker z position in m
51  Z_Tracker2 = ZTracker2Position,
52  Z_Timing = ZTimingPosition,
53  #CTPPSRecHitProducer
54  TrackerWidth = RecTrackerWidth,
55  TrackerHeight = RecTrackerHeight,# tracker height in mm
56  TrackerInsertion = RecTrackerInsertion,# Number of sigmas (X) from the beam for tracker insertion
57  BeamXRMS_Trk1 = RecBeamXRMS_Trk1,# beam size sigma(X) at first tracker station in mm
58  BeamXRMS_Trk2 = RecBeamXRMS_Trk2,# beam size sigma(X) at second tracker station in mm
59  Trk1XOffset = RecTrk1XOffset,# insertion offset first tracker
60  Trk2XOffset = RecTrk2XOffset,# insertion offset second tracker
61  ToFCellWidth = RecToFCellWidth,#tofcell widths in mm - diamond
62  ToFCellHeight = RecToFCellHeight,#tof height in mm
63  ToFPitchX = RecToFPitchX,#cell pitch in X (in mm)
64  ToFPitchY = RecToFPitchY,#cell pitch in Y (in mm)
65  ToFNCellX = RecToFNCellX,# number of cells in X
66  ToFNCellY = RecToFNCellY,# number of cells in Y
67  ToFInsertion = RecToFInsertion,#Number of sigmas (X) from the beam for the tof insertion
68  BeamXRMS_ToF = RecBeamXRMS_ToF,#beam size sigma(X) at ToF station in mm
69  ToFXOffset = RecToFXOffset,#insertion offset ToF
70  TimeSigma = RecTimeSigma,#in ns
71  #
72  ImpParcut = cms.double(0.6)
73 )