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1 //
2 // Fedor Ratnikov, UMd
4 #include <sstream>
5 #include <cmath>
11 //Own header file
14 using namespace reco;
16 namespace {
17  // approximate simple CALO geometry
18  // abstract baseclass for geometry.
20  class CaloPoint {
21  public:
22  static const double depth; // one for all relative depth of the reference point between ECAL begin and HCAL end
23  static const double R_BARREL;
24  static const double R_BARREL2;
25  static const double Z_ENDCAP; // 1/2(EEz+HEz)
26  static const double R_FORWARD; // eta=3
27  static const double R_FORWARD2;
28  static const double Z_FORWARD;
29  static const double Z_BIG;
30  };
32  // one for all relative depth of the reference point between ECAL begin and HCAL end
33  const double CaloPoint::depth = 0.1;
34  const double CaloPoint::R_BARREL = (1. - depth) * 143. + depth * 407.;
35  const double CaloPoint::R_BARREL2 = R_BARREL * R_BARREL;
36  const double CaloPoint::Z_ENDCAP = (1. - depth) * 320. + depth * 568.; // 1/2(EEz+HEz)
37  const double CaloPoint::R_FORWARD = Z_ENDCAP / std::sqrt(std::cosh(3.) * std::cosh(3.) - 1.); // eta=3
38  const double CaloPoint::R_FORWARD2 = R_FORWARD * R_FORWARD;
39  const double CaloPoint::Z_FORWARD = 1100. + depth * 165.;
40  const double CaloPoint::Z_BIG = 1.e5;
42  //old zvertex only implementation:
43  class CaloPointZ : private CaloPoint {
44  public:
45  CaloPointZ(double fZ, double fEta) {
46  static const double ETA_MAX = 5.2;
48  if (fZ > Z_ENDCAP)
49  fZ = Z_ENDCAP - 1.;
50  if (fZ < -Z_ENDCAP)
51  fZ = -Z_ENDCAP + 1; // sanity check
53  double tanThetaAbs = std::sqrt(std::cosh(fEta) * std::cosh(fEta) - 1.);
54  double tanTheta = fEta >= 0 ? tanThetaAbs : -tanThetaAbs;
56  double rEndcap = tanTheta == 0 ? 1.e10 : fEta > 0 ? (Z_ENDCAP - fZ) / tanTheta : (-Z_ENDCAP - fZ) / tanTheta;
57  if (rEndcap > R_BARREL) { // barrel
58  mR = R_BARREL;
59  mZ = fZ + R_BARREL * tanTheta;
60  } else {
61  double zRef = Z_BIG; // very forward;
62  if (rEndcap > R_FORWARD)
63  zRef = Z_ENDCAP; // endcap
64  else if (std::fabs(fEta) < ETA_MAX)
65  zRef = Z_FORWARD; // forward
67  mZ = fEta > 0 ? zRef : -zRef;
68  mR = std::fabs((mZ - fZ) / tanTheta);
69  }
70  }
71  double etaReference(double fZ) {
72  Jet::Point p(r(), 0., z() - fZ);
73  return p.eta();
74  }
76  double thetaReference(double fZ) {
77  Jet::Point p(r(), 0., z() - fZ);
78  return p.theta();
79  }
81  double z() const { return mZ; }
82  double r() const { return mR; }
84  private:
85  CaloPointZ(){};
86  double mZ;
87  double mR;
88  };
90  //new implementation to derive CaloPoint for free 3d vertex.
91  //code provided thanks to Christophe Saout
92  template <typename Point>
93  class CaloPoint3D : private CaloPoint {
94  public:
95  template <typename Vector, typename Point2>
96  CaloPoint3D(const Point2 &vertex, const Vector &dir) {
97  // note: no sanity checks here, make sure vertex is inside the detector!
99  // check if positive or negative (or none) endcap should be tested
100  int side = dir.z() < -1e-9 ? -1 : dir.z() > 1e-9 ? +1 : 0;
102  double dirR = dir.Rho();
104  // normalized direction in x-y plane
105  double dirUnit[2] = {dir.x() / dirR, dir.y() / dirR};
107  // rotate the vertex into a coordinate system where dir lies along x
109  // vtxLong is the longitudinal coordinate of the vertex wrt/ dir
110  double vtxLong = dirUnit[0] * vertex.x() + dirUnit[1] * vertex.y();
112  // tIP is the (signed) transverse impact parameter
113  double tIP = dirUnit[0] * vertex.y() - dirUnit[1] * vertex.x();
115  // r and z coordinate
116  double r, z;
118  if (side) {
119  double slope = dirR / dir.z();
121  // check extrapolation to endcap
122  r = vtxLong + slope * (side * Z_ENDCAP - vertex.z());
123  double r2 = sqr(r) + sqr(tIP);
125  if (r2 < R_FORWARD2) {
126  // we are in the forward calorimeter, recompute
127  r = vtxLong + slope * (side * Z_FORWARD - vertex.z());
128  z = side * Z_FORWARD;
129  } else if (r2 < R_BARREL2) {
130  // we are in the endcap
131  z = side * Z_ENDCAP;
132  } else {
133  // we are in the barrel, do the intersection below
134  side = 0;
135  }
136  }
138  if (!side) {
139  // we are in the barrel
140  double slope = dir.z() / dirR;
141  r = std::sqrt(R_BARREL2 - sqr(tIP));
142  z = vertex.z() + slope * (r - vtxLong);
143  }
145  // rotate (r, tIP, z) back into original x-y coordinate system
146  point = Point(dirUnit[0] * r - dirUnit[1] * tIP, dirUnit[1] * r + dirUnit[0] * tIP, z);
147  }
149  const Point &caloPoint() const { return point; }
151  private:
152  template <typename T>
153  static inline T sqr(const T &value) {
154  return value * value;
155  }
157  Point point;
158  };
160 } // namespace
162 Jet::Jet(const LorentzVector &fP4, const Point &fVertex, const Constituents &fConstituents)
163  : CompositePtrCandidate(0, fP4, fVertex), mJetArea(0), mPileupEnergy(0), mPassNumber(0), mIsWeighted(false) {
164  for (unsigned i = 0; i < fConstituents.size(); i++) {
165  addDaughter(fConstituents[i]);
166  }
167 }
169 Jet::Jet(const LorentzVector &fP4, const Point &fVertex)
170  : CompositePtrCandidate(0, fP4, fVertex), mJetArea(0), mPileupEnergy(0), mPassNumber(0), mIsWeighted(false) {}
173 Jet::EtaPhiMoments Jet::etaPhiStatistics() const {
174  std::vector<const Candidate *> towers = getJetConstituentsQuick();
175  double phiRef = phi();
176  double sumw = 0;
177  double sumEta = 0;
178  double sumEta2 = 0;
179  double sumPhi = 0;
180  double sumPhi2 = 0;
181  double sumEtaPhi = 0;
182  int i = towers.size();
183  while (--i >= 0) {
184  double eta = towers[i]->eta();
185  double phi = deltaPhi(towers[i]->phi(), phiRef);
186  double weight = towers[i]->et();
187  sumw += weight;
188  sumEta += eta * weight;
189  sumEta2 += eta * eta * weight;
190  sumPhi += phi * weight;
191  sumPhi2 += phi * phi * weight;
192  sumEtaPhi += eta * phi * weight;
193  }
194  Jet::EtaPhiMoments result;
195  if (sumw > 0) {
196  result.etaMean = sumEta / sumw;
197  result.phiMean = deltaPhi(phiRef + sumPhi, 0.);
198  result.etaEtaMoment = (sumEta2 - sumEta * sumEta / sumw) / sumw;
199  result.phiPhiMoment = (sumPhi2 - sumPhi * sumPhi / sumw) / sumw;
200  result.etaPhiMoment = (sumEtaPhi - sumEta * sumPhi / sumw) / sumw;
201  } else {
202  result.etaMean = 0;
203  result.phiMean = 0;
204  result.etaEtaMoment = 0;
205  result.phiPhiMoment = 0;
206  result.etaPhiMoment = 0;
207  }
208  return result;
209 }
212 float Jet::etaetaMoment() const {
213  std::vector<const Candidate *> towers = getJetConstituentsQuick();
214  double sumw = 0;
215  double sum = 0;
216  double sum2 = 0;
217  int i = towers.size();
218  while (--i >= 0) {
219  double value = towers[i]->eta();
220  double weight = towers[i]->et();
221  sumw += weight;
222  sum += value * weight;
223  sum2 += value * value * weight;
224  }
225  return sumw > 0 ? (sum2 - sum * sum / sumw) / sumw : 0;
226 }
229 float Jet::phiphiMoment() const {
230  double phiRef = phi();
231  std::vector<const Candidate *> towers = getJetConstituentsQuick();
232  double sumw = 0;
233  double sum = 0;
234  double sum2 = 0;
235  int i = towers.size();
236  while (--i >= 0) {
237  double value = deltaPhi(towers[i]->phi(), phiRef);
238  double weight = towers[i]->et();
239  sumw += weight;
240  sum += value * weight;
241  sum2 += value * value * weight;
242  }
243  return sumw > 0 ? (sum2 - sum * sum / sumw) / sumw : 0;
244 }
247 float Jet::etaphiMoment() const {
248  double phiRef = phi();
249  std::vector<const Candidate *> towers = getJetConstituentsQuick();
250  double sumw = 0;
251  double sumA = 0;
252  double sumB = 0;
253  double sumAB = 0;
254  int i = towers.size();
255  while (--i >= 0) {
256  double valueA = towers[i]->eta();
257  double valueB = deltaPhi(towers[i]->phi(), phiRef);
258  double weight = towers[i]->et();
259  sumw += weight;
260  sumA += valueA * weight;
261  sumB += valueB * weight;
262  sumAB += valueA * valueB * weight;
263  }
264  return sumw > 0 ? (sumAB - sumA * sumB / sumw) / sumw : 0;
265 }
268 float Jet::etInAnnulus(float fRmin, float fRmax) const {
269  float result = 0;
270  std::vector<const Candidate *> towers = getJetConstituentsQuick();
271  int i = towers.size();
272  while (--i >= 0) {
273  double r = deltaR(*this, *(towers[i]));
274  if (r >= fRmin && r < fRmax)
275  result += towers[i]->et();
276  }
277  return result;
278 }
281 int Jet::nCarrying(float fFraction) const {
282  std::vector<const Candidate *> towers = getJetConstituentsQuick();
283  if (fFraction >= 1)
284  return towers.size();
285  double totalEt = 0;
286  for (unsigned i = 0; i < towers.size(); ++i)
287  totalEt += towers[i]->et();
288  double fractionEnergy = totalEt * fFraction;
289  unsigned result = 0;
290  for (; result < towers.size(); ++result) {
291  fractionEnergy -= towers[result]->et();
292  if (fractionEnergy <= 0)
293  return result + 1;
294  }
295  return 0;
296 }
299 float Jet::maxDistance() const {
300  float result = 0;
301  std::vector<const Candidate *> towers = getJetConstituentsQuick();
302  for (unsigned i = 0; i < towers.size(); ++i) {
303  float dR = deltaR(*(towers[i]), *this);
304  if (dR > result)
305  result = dR;
306  }
307  return result;
308 }
311 // kept for backwards compatibility, use detector/physicsP4 instead!
312 float Jet::physicsEta(float fZVertex, float fDetectorEta) {
313  CaloPointZ refPoint(0., fDetectorEta);
314  return refPoint.etaReference(fZVertex);
315 }
318 // kept for backwards compatibility, use detector/physicsP4 instead!
319 float Jet::detectorEta(float fZVertex, float fPhysicsEta) {
320  CaloPointZ refPoint(fZVertex, fPhysicsEta);
321  return refPoint.etaReference(0.);
322 }
325  const Candidate &inParticle,
326  const Candidate::Point &oldVertex) {
327  CaloPoint3D<Point> caloPoint(oldVertex, inParticle.momentum()); // Jet position in Calo.
328  Vector physicsDir = caloPoint.caloPoint() - newVertex;
329  double p = inParticle.momentum().r();
330  Vector p3 = p * physicsDir.unit();
331  LorentzVector returnVector(p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z(),;
332  return returnVector;
333 }
335 Candidate::LorentzVector Jet::detectorP4(const Candidate::Point &vertex, const Candidate &inParticle) {
336  CaloPoint3D<Point> caloPoint(vertex, inParticle.momentum()); // Jet position in Calo.
337  static const Point np(0, 0, 0);
338  Vector detectorDir = caloPoint.caloPoint() - np;
339  double p = inParticle.momentum().r();
340  Vector p3 = p * detectorDir.unit();
341  LorentzVector returnVector(p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z(),;
342  return returnVector;
343 }
347  for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfDaughters(); i++) {
348  result.push_back(daughterPtr(i));
349  }
350  return result;
351 }
353 std::vector<const Candidate *> Jet::getJetConstituentsQuick() const {
354  std::vector<const Candidate *> result;
355  int nDaughters = numberOfDaughters();
356  for (int i = 0; i < nDaughters; ++i) {
357  if (!(this->sourceCandidatePtr(i).isNonnull() && this->sourceCandidatePtr(i).isAvailable())) {
358  edm::LogInfo("JetConstituentPointer")
359  << "Bad pointer to jet constituent found. Check for possible dropped particle.";
360  continue;
361  }
362  result.push_back(daughter(i));
363  }
364  return result;
365 }
367 float Jet::constituentPtDistribution() const {
368  Jet::Constituents constituents = this->getJetConstituents();
370  float sum_pt2 = 0.;
371  float sum_pt = 0.;
373  for (unsigned iConst = 0; iConst < constituents.size(); ++iConst) {
374  float pt = constituents[iConst]->p4().Pt();
375  float pt2 = pt * pt;
377  sum_pt += pt;
378  sum_pt2 += pt2;
380  } //for constituents
382  float ptD_value = (sum_pt > 0.) ? sqrt(sum_pt2 / (sum_pt * sum_pt)) : 0.;
384  return ptD_value;
386 } //constituentPtDistribution
388 float Jet::constituentEtaPhiSpread() const {
389  Jet::Constituents constituents = this->getJetConstituents();
391  float sum_pt2 = 0.;
392  float sum_pt2deltaR2 = 0.;
394  for (unsigned iConst = 0; iConst < constituents.size(); ++iConst) {
395  LorentzVector thisConstituent = constituents[iConst]->p4();
397  float pt = thisConstituent.Pt();
398  float pt2 = pt * pt;
399  double dR = deltaR(*this, *(constituents[iConst]));
400  float pt2deltaR2 = pt * pt * dR * dR;
402  sum_pt2 += pt2;
403  sum_pt2deltaR2 += pt2deltaR2;
405  } //for constituents
407  float rmsCand_value = (sum_pt2 > 0.) ? sum_pt2deltaR2 / sum_pt2 : 0.;
409  return rmsCand_value;
411 } //constituentEtaPhiSpread
413 std::string Jet::print() const {
414  std::ostringstream out;
415  out << "Jet p/px/py/pz/pt: " << p() << '/' << px() << '/' << py() << '/' << pz() << '/' << pt() << std::endl
416  << " eta/phi: " << eta() << '/' << phi() << std::endl
417  << " # of constituents: " << nConstituents() << std::endl;
418  out << " Constituents:" << std::endl;
419  for (unsigned index = 0; index < numberOfDaughters(); index++) {
420  Constituent constituent = daughterPtr(index); // deref
421  if (constituent.isNonnull()) {
422  out << " #" << index << " p/pt/eta/phi: " << constituent->p() << '/' << constituent->pt() << '/'
423  << constituent->eta() << '/' << constituent->phi() << " productId/index: " << << '/'
424  << constituent.key() << std::endl;
425  } else {
426  out << " #" << index << " constituent is not available in the event" << std::endl;
427  }
428  }
429  return out.str();
430 }
432 void Jet::scaleEnergy(double fScale) { setP4(p4() * fScale); }
434 bool Jet::isJet() const { return true; }
constexpr double deltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: deltaPhi.h:26
float etInAnnulus(float fRmin, float fRmax) const
ET in annulus between rmin and rmax around jet direction.
virtual double energy() const =0
static float detectorEta(float fZVertex, float fPhysicsEta)
static function to convert physics eta to detector eta
float constituentEtaPhiSpread() const
double pz() const final
z coordinate of momentum vector
virtual void scaleEnergy(double fScale)
scale energy of the jet
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
CandidatePtr sourceCandidatePtr(size_type i) const override
static const double slope[3]
std::vector< Constituent > Constituents
Definition: Jet.h:23
float etaetaMoment() const
eta-eta second moment, ET weighted
virtual Constituents getJetConstituents() const
list of constituents
int sqr(const T &t)
float float float z
const LorentzVector & p4() const final
four-momentum Lorentz vector
tuple result
double px() const final
x coordinate of momentum vector
virtual Vector momentum() const =0
spatial momentum vector
double p() const final
magnitude of momentum vector
int np
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:43
virtual std::string print() const
Print object.
fixed size vector
Definition: Vector.h:24
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
bool isJet() const override
math::XYZPoint Point
math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
unsigned int index
Definition: LeafCandidate.h:31
double py() const final
y coordinate of momentum vector
constexpr auto deltaR(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2) -> decltype(t1.eta())
Definition: deltaR.h:30
edm::Ptr< Candidate > Constituent
Definition: Jet.h:22
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
size_t numberOfDaughters() const override
number of daughters
virtual CandidatePtr daughterPtr(size_type i) const
reference to daughter at given position
EtaPhiMoments etaPhiStatistics() const
eta-phi statistics, ET weighted
static Candidate::LorentzVector detectorP4(const Candidate::Point &vertex, const Candidate &inParticle)
float etaphiMoment() const
eta-phi second moment, ET weighted
float maxDistance() const
maximum distance from jet to constituent
int nCarrying(float fFraction) const
return # of constituent carrying fraction of energy
math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
Lorentz vector.
Definition: Candidate.h:36
float constituentPtDistribution() const
double et() const final
transverse energy
float phiphiMoment() const
phi-phi second moment, ET weighted
virtual int nConstituents() const
of constituents
Definition: Jet.h:65
Structure Point Contains parameters of Gaussian fits to DMRs.
void addDaughter(const CandidatePtr &)
add a daughter via a reference
Default constructor.
Definition: Jet.h:36
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
Definition: Candidate.h:40
const Candidate * daughter(size_type) const override
return daughter at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfDaughters() - 1 (read only mode) ...
static Candidate::LorentzVector physicsP4(const Candidate::Point &newVertex, const Candidate &inParticle, const Candidate::Point &oldVertex=Candidate::Point(0, 0, 0))
int weight
virtual std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > getJetConstituentsQuick() const
quick list of constituents
long double T
double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
static float physicsEta(float fZVertex, float fDetectorEta)
static function to convert detector eta to physics eta
void setP4(const LorentzVector &p4) final
set 4-momentum
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
Definition: LeafCandidate.h:27
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity