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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 CaloJetParameters = cms.PSet(
4  src = cms.InputTag('towerMaker'),
5  srcPVs = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
6  jetType = cms.string('CaloJet'),
7  # minimum jet pt
8  jetPtMin = cms.double(10.0),
9  # minimum calo tower input et
10  inputEtMin = cms.double(0.3),
11  # minimum calo tower input energy
12  inputEMin = cms.double(0.0),
13  # primary vertex correction
14  doPVCorrection = cms.bool(True),
15  # pileup with offset correction
16  doPUOffsetCorr = cms.bool(False),
17  # if pileup is false, these are not read:
18  nSigmaPU = cms.double(1.0),
19  radiusPU = cms.double(0.5),
20  puPtMin = cms.double(10),
22  # fastjet-style pileup
23  doAreaFastjet = cms.bool( False),
24  doRhoFastjet = cms.bool( False),
25  doAreaDiskApprox = cms.bool( False),
26  Active_Area_Repeats = cms.int32( 1),
27  GhostArea = cms.double(0.01),
28  Ghost_EtaMax = cms.double( 5.0),
29  Rho_EtaMax = cms.double( 4.4),
30  voronoiRfact = cms.double(-0.9),
31  useDeterministicSeed= cms.bool( True ),
32  minSeed = cms.uint32( 14327 ),
33  applyWeight = cms.bool( False )
34 )